-wm [/B][/QUOTE]
There's actually a lot out there..lookin at your english, i'd say u're pretty good at it..so how bout a more humanities focus like media n communications, law w/ arts..also remember, assumed knowledge just means it would b good if u know it, n its not a requirement...
the first thing your lecturer will tell u at uni is to forget everything u learnt durin yr 12 n indeed high sch., so to some extent, if you undersatnd the concepts within your course, u'll b fine, provided of course u don't do something where maths is like really importnat, eg. engineering or medicine, etc.
i dropped maths completely in yr 12, n took up english ext 2...n while maths is assumed knowledge for economics, doesn't mean that i'm disadvantaged. Economics has mathematical concepts - n thought i didn't do maths - i did excellent in economics. And in univrsity, u can choose your electives for a course, so if you're doing a degree which has an assumed knowledge of maths, u can actually choose electives which have a non - maths focus. for instance, at the university of sydney, you can now do an economics degree with more of a social science or humantirian focus rather than maths..so rather than doing econometrics, u can choose the elective of international relations or sthg...
take a look in to degrees that interest you and what options u have within those degrees, n if u think that maths isn't important for u, then drop it by all means..good luck either way
Originally posted by wallmonger
Thanks for all the replies people
It helped, and now I'm pretty sure I'm dropping gen.maths
I'm not a maths person
I was looking through a UAC book and it seemed as though like 90% of courses have maths under "assumed knowledge"![]()
would anyone be able to give me a bit of an idea what sort of course isn't maths-based or doesnt use maths to a great extent
courses more english-based, maybe
There's actually a lot out there..lookin at your english, i'd say u're pretty good at it..so how bout a more humanities focus like media n communications, law w/ arts..also remember, assumed knowledge just means it would b good if u know it, n its not a requirement...
the first thing your lecturer will tell u at uni is to forget everything u learnt durin yr 12 n indeed high sch., so to some extent, if you undersatnd the concepts within your course, u'll b fine, provided of course u don't do something where maths is like really importnat, eg. engineering or medicine, etc.
yr 11, i intend to do an economics and laws degree at uni...however like some ppl, i loathe maths, which is y i chose the general course for my hsc...even though i aced it, i still didn't like it, n while capable of 3u maths, i just didn't want to do it - hence, i would not make assumptions about ppl's abilities based on the level of their mathematics course.can I just make a point................ anyone who wanted to do a Uni course with a maths component would obviously have and interest and ability in maths and would more than likely NOT be doing the general course (which is really just a course for people who want to have maths written on their HSC)
i dropped maths completely in yr 12, n took up english ext 2...n while maths is assumed knowledge for economics, doesn't mean that i'm disadvantaged. Economics has mathematical concepts - n thought i didn't do maths - i did excellent in economics. And in univrsity, u can choose your electives for a course, so if you're doing a degree which has an assumed knowledge of maths, u can actually choose electives which have a non - maths focus. for instance, at the university of sydney, you can now do an economics degree with more of a social science or humantirian focus rather than maths..so rather than doing econometrics, u can choose the elective of international relations or sthg...
take a look in to degrees that interest you and what options u have within those degrees, n if u think that maths isn't important for u, then drop it by all means..good luck either way