F#cked by the admin again....all im gonna say.
but they do have too many students yet it seems every semester it happens. the reason is they dont solve it. Their servers are always effing up, but never change them. it must be like new programs on a old computer, slow and crappy.
but stuffing new students around when they dont know how things work yet definately sucks. stressing and everything. Which means more work for them to correct/do. which means more time wasted and time=money.
i hope they correct all of our stuff soon, it just may mean more trips to the student centre. sigh.
EDIT: oh i forgot to tell you, also this might be relevant to Rayanaldo too. i am missing one of my units becasue the unit was full. actually i did tell you this...all you got to do is choose anotehr campus to do it at.