Questionarie for newspaper feature article (1 Viewer)


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Nov 8, 2005
Hello Studying Students!

I am conducting interviews for a feature article I am writing on the introduction of computers for the HSC.

That is, they are estimating that by 2012 (apart from the alleged end of the world), subjects with lots of writing in them (eg. English, History, SOR, etc) will be typed up instead of written out. You will access a computer which will have the time sensitive program activated at the start time and switched off at the finish time.

Now; Questions.
You can answer each question with as little or as much as you want - more is better, if you think it helps. Side stories and personal opinions are welcome.

1. What year will you / did you complete the HSC in?

2. Would you have preferred to do writing based subjects on computers?

3. What do you see as the advantages of doing writing based subjects on computers?

4. What do you see as the disadvantages of doing writing based subjects on computers?

5. Do you know your typing speed (words per minute)? If so, what is it?

6. Do you think that the use of technology; eg. MSN, facebook, etc would allow you to type faster now than someone who had not had access to this technology? Explain.

7. Do you think girls or boys or neither will have more advantage with the introduction of computers?

8. Should the time frame change because it's on a computer? More or Less time?

9. What problems do you foresee with a computerised HSC?

10. How many hours a week would you spend on the computer now? (average, including facebook, msn, computer-like programs on phones etc)

11. Do you think your studying would be affected by the introduction of computers?

12. If you study by writing everything out, would you change that method due to the lack of physical writing in the exam?

13. Do you think the current method of HSC testing is fair and allows for equality?

14. Do you think have the exams on computers will change this equality? (Better or worse, why?)

15. Any other personal stories to do with computers, HSC, studying, typing, facebook etc that you believe are relevant to this topic?

16. Name? (or write anon)

17. Age?

18. Gender?

I know it is alot of questions, but answers to as many as possible will be greatly appreciated - also its a break from studying!

Please send responses back by this Sunday night - 18th October @ 8pm (although sooner is better :)

My email is or you can just post your response to this thread (if you don't mind everyone else reading them!)

Thanks and have a great evening,

Jess van Netten
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Nov 9, 2007
1. What year will you / did you complete the HSC in?


2. Would you have preferred to do writing based subjects on computers?


3. What do you see as the advantages of doing writing based subjects on computers?

Easier than writing, don't need to worry about neatness of writing. Would make marking quicker too.

4. What do you see as the disadvantages of doing writing based subjects on computers?

Typos. Also, some people are faster at typing than others, although this is the same for writing.

5. Do you know your typing speed (words per minute)? If so, what is it?

Not exactly, but it's not fast

6. Do you think that the use of technology; eg. MSN, facebook, etc would allow you to type faster now than someone who had not had access to this technology? Explain.

Yes absolutely, the more practice, the better you get i suppose.

7. Do you think girls or boys or neither will have more advantage with the introduction of computers?

Not sure

8. Should the time frame change because it's on a computer? More or Less time?

About the same time

9. What problems do you foresee with a computerised HSC?

People spending too much time on computers, could cause headaches, sore eyes, fatigue etc

10. How many hours a week would you spend on the computer now? (average, including facebook, msn, computer-like programs on phones etc)

about 14 hours, say 2 hours/day on average

11. Do you think your studying would be affected by the introduction of computers?

Might make it faster to make notes as I'd type them out meaning study time would be more productive

12. If you study by writing everything out, would you change that method due to the lack of physical writing in the exam?

As above, type out notes

13. Do you think the current method of HSC testing is fair and allows for equality?

Reasonably fair, yes, people with disabilities can apply for special provisions to minimise the impact of their disability on their exam performance.

14. Do you think have the exams on computers will change this equality? (Better or worse, why?)

Might make it better for some yeah, as there are many programs available for computers to make it easier for people with disabilities

15. Any other personal stories to do with computers, HSC, studying, typing, facebook etc that you believe are relevant to this topic?

Nothing really comes to mind

16. Name? (or write anon)

Andrew van der Saag

17. Age?


18. Gender?



New Member
Nov 8, 2005
Thanks for your speedy response Andrew.
Have a good one :)


Feb 24, 2009
1. What year will you / did you complete the HSC in? dunno, maybe do an apprenticeship/traineeship/tafe courses... 2. Would you have preferred to do writing based subjects on computers? yes. 3. What do you see as the advantages of doing writing based subjects on computers? faster and clearer for re-reading(handwrititing is messy) 4. What do you see as the disadvantages of doing writing based subjects on computers? are tempting... 5. Do you know your typing speed (words per minute)? If so, what is it? 64 6. Do you think that the use of technology; eg. MSN, facebook, etc would allow you to type faster now than someone who had not had access to this technology? Explain. no, it would make ur spelling and grammar homosexual. 7. Do you think girls or boys or neither will have more advantage with the introduction of computers? either...depends how they type and if they like computers 8. Should the time frame change because it's on a computer? More or Less time? keep the same, introduce more work. 9. What problems do you foresee with a computerised HSC? cheating and hacking...of course.. 10. How many hours a week would you spend on the computer now? (average, including facebook, msn, computer-like programs on phones etc) i spend 10 hours a day, no facebook or myspace bullshit though. 11. Do you think your studying would be affected by the introduction of computers? lil bit... 12. If you study by writing everything out, would you change that method due to the lack of physical writing in the exam? yes... 13. Do you think the current method of HSC testing is fair and allows for equality? nope, no lifers who are used to writing win. 14. Do you think have the exams on computers will change this equality? (Better or worse, why?) better...i win. 15. Any other personal stories to do with computers, HSC, studying, typing, facebook etc that you believe are relevant to this topic? face book is shit. 16. Name? (or write anon) LordNecro 17. Age? 18 18. Gender? Male sorry bout swearing...but social networking online introduced retards to the internet.Facebook usage statistics by country - March 2009 way to many of em.
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