As long as you're studying now and not kicking back, hoping for a 99.95 to somehow magically happen. it will.
but back to year 9 and 10 advice! haha... yeah I think I've given out everything there is to year 9 and 10 but i'll summarise it for you guys in dot points
- Don't take these years to heart (not everyone has constant motivation to work in 9 and 10)
- Relax. This isn't your last year before the finale but it is definitely one of the less busier years.
- Take this time to experiment with study methods (notes, flashcards, reciting information, studying notes on your phone.. not joking., past papers, etc.)
- Make connections! When you're in senior years and you study, its easier if you have students in the same year that you can share notes with to gain a different perspective or study more carefully.
- Don't ever stress. You'll look back and wonder why you even give a damn. Just don't let your grades drop too far and you should be sweet.
- Start making habits (e.g. not play games, or not as much.)
- Start to consider uni preferences in a general perspective (do you want to get into med, engineering, what??)
- Participate and consider what subjects you enjoy and what are your strengths?
- Try out new things. Try out bboy, pick up a guitar, dine at different cuisines DO SOMETHING FOR THE LOVE OF GOD

and finally.
DONT STRESS ABOUT ATAR JUST YET. Go outside. Take in the sun.
I kid, I kid but if any other years +11 wants to add anything to my list feel free