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Cheershere ya go, this includes all the info required based on syllabus and some extra (correct me if I'm wrong)--> hope it makes it easier for you
Polyhydroxylbutyrate (PHB) (note: write full name in exam to show markers what biopolymer)
organism used:
Alcaligenes Eutrophis
A microbe population is grown and fed on nitrogen and glucose--->Once the population reaches a sufficient size they are put under stress (by removing either nitrogen or glucose)--->his forces the microbes to stop multiplying and start to produce PHB as an alternative food source,
The PHB is then seperated from the microbes
Glucose-->Acetyl-Coa-->Acetoactyl-CoA-->R-(-)3-hydroxylbutryl-CoA-->PHB (note: actual chemical process is much more complex, this is just an abbreviated version)
Properties and uses:
-flexible, clear, waterproof=good for packaging (note: resembles oil based plastics)
-renewable, biodegradable= also good for packaging (note: reduces environmental damage)
-relatively heat resistant=potential applications in clothing
-Biocompatible and non toxic=medical applications (note: occurs naturally in body and the body does not attempt to remove it and it doesn't damage cells)
Development and impact:
Cost of production is too high to be economically viable, It does however have the potential to replace conventional plastics IF the production process can be improved-->if this is possible then environmental damage will be significantly reduced.
Despite the cost of production it is incredibly impactful in the medical industry as its biocompatibility removes the need for follow up surgeries to remove sutures.
picture of monomer can be found easily on google images