roosterman57 said:
They may help in the sense that its a mentality thing. A superstition some people just drink it to "calm the nerves." But as for actually stimulating ur mind for longer, thats not true. It will put u on a high for mayb 30 minutes or so. But what HSC exam goes for that long lol. And as the saying goes, what goes up must come down, so after that high u have just been put on, u come right back down!

We had a discussion about this exact thing in pdhpe.
That really depends.. Personally I don't think these drinks are really capable of "calming the nerves" (since they're actually designed to be stimulants), but they do affect your mind.
It depends on what you're having, how much of it, and how tolerant you are. I remember almost a month ago I thought it would be fun to conduct a semi-suicidal experiment to see how much caffeine I'd need to pass out/die while recording the effects of different levels of it on my body and mind. I've taken this directly from the notes I took on my phone, the italics are comments I added just now.
24/07/07 - 334mg
(One bottle of Red Bull, two 355ml cans)
Lightheaded, mild hyperactivity
(took a scooter down Mt. Steele, crashing at somewhat high speeds in the process
26/07/07 - 456mg
(Four 355ml cans of Red Bull)
Highly hyperactive, shivering, trembling, highly irritable, anxious
(somewhat paranoid), cognitive difficulty
(couldn't think of any other way to describe it.. I could not think straight)
27/07/07 - 714mg
(One 355ml can of Red Bull and 6 NoDoz caffeine tablets)
Mild euphoria
(wore off about an hour later), restlessness
(more like impatience), lightheadedness.
(I passed out as soon as I got home and sat down though, my dad woke me up later on.. Not sure if it was from the caffeine or just fatigue)
My original plan was to have more and more coffee every morning, but I CBF going to Starbucks. So I started having Red Bull. Except by that Friday (the 27th) I'd spent quite a bit on it, so I decided to just go with NoDoz since they're much cheaper.
Since then I've dropped that plan and only take energy drinks to keep me awake/focused for study.