well, if you decide to do either ACA or Today Tonight you'll need a specific story they ran...or, alternatively, you could look at the styles of interviews, stories etc. that they do and make one up that fits with what you want to say, but it would have to be very solid to be convincing. anyways, it depends how much contrast you want. Today Tonight could be Frontline in many respects --> think of the 'news' items they run (testing orange juices, which light bulb is best, family feuds etc.) and compare it to, say, 'Smaller Fish to Fry'; it's exactly the same concept. so, in that case, Frontline illuminates through a clear parallel the techniques being used by Today Tonight reporters/management. For ACA the parallels will still be there, more likely in interviewing techniques on the street - running after people with cameras, accosting them outside courts/shops, foot in the door interviews etc. You might like to consider only using one of these shows though as they are both, essentially, going to be showing the same thing. Your work looks better from a marker's point of view if you've shown a variety of texts in your work. I Probably have some notes left somewhere on the poem I used as one of my related texts if you want to have a look at that and see if it suits. if not, fine. good luck doll