yep... its pretty crap but at least there's not that much 2 cover in the syllabus. I did Christianity and Islam. I did intervening period and did Rabi'a al Adawiyya (Islam) and Catherine of Sienna (XT) My contempory women were Silma Ihram (islam) and Elizabeth Schussler Fiorenza (XT). How bout u??
Ha! Im doing Ch. and Is. too
Rabi'a, Hildeguard
McCue, Maha (to put simply)
(and yes, i did have to look most of them up just then)
I had a sook cause our teacher chose this over ethics (there's like no info on rel. and women)
yeah we only hav rabi'a in common.... re and women is hard 2 get info but just make it up... as if the examiners will no ALL the different women ppl right bout. if ur stuck, b.s. and they'll never know. But yeah, i agree... good info = hard 2 find