I've got a research essay/assessment to do over the hols...and the question is:
Assess the significance of cleruchies in Athens' attempts to exercise control over its allies in the period 478-440BC
since i have to say how significant it was, i was going to use other methods that Athens used, including:
if you've got any ideas/quote/criticism etc (blah blah blah)
i would greatly appreciate it
I've got a research essay/assessment to do over the hols...and the question is:
Assess the significance of cleruchies in Athens' attempts to exercise control over its allies in the period 478-440BC
since i have to say how significant it was, i was going to use other methods that Athens used, including:
- navy
- economy (trade)
- presence of garrisons among allied states
- 'people roles'--including, archontes, proxenoi, episcopos
- direct interference with allied jurisdiction
if you've got any ideas/quote/criticism etc (blah blah blah)
i would greatly appreciate it