SAM Elections (2 Viewers)


New Member
Nov 21, 2006
miss_gtr said:
Silly questions:

SAM=equiv. of SRC right?

How are candidates err selected? Or do they like...nominate themselves type of thing?

And seriously, How big is student politics at mac? Ive been here one sem and I havent seen anything big about it. (Minus like SAM organised stuff-market days, conception day etc)
SAM is the Student Union, it has a Board of Student Directors, nominated by members (the students) of SAM and elected by the members.

MUSC, is the Mac Uni Student Council, more so a SRC than SAM.

A candidate must be selected by any two members of SAM, one chooses to nominate and one seconds. Their nomination must be submitted to the Company Secretary (Kyle Kutasi). Although that isn't set in stone in the Constitution that is what the SAM website states.

This wouldn't prove difficult if they told the members of the election and the dates of closure for nominations. Which they didn't.

The first I heard of the election was when my friend received a Ballot Paper in the post. Obviously too late. The Broadsheet accompanying the Ballot Paper also has left of the names of the members that nominated and seconded the candidates, so there is no proof that they were actually nominated by members of SAM. For all we know they were simply placed on the Ballot Paper.

Its a shame that there is so much apathy on campus, people seem to want to care they are very pessimistic and don't believe that any change will ever come.

As Jing (Ethan) Li's (current Vice President of Finance) Candidate's statement says "Please help us all keep SAM in the right hands". Probably the only thing we'll ever agree upon.
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New Member
Sep 26, 2006
Its a shame that whats going on IS going on.

BUT having said that, the only reason that this is going on, and is ALLOWED to go on (i.e. without anyone doing anything about it, or caring much at all) is because its really insignificant.

I mean at the end of the day, they dont have any real power. Macquarie uni is a fairly inactive uni, and with VSU, its going to be even more inactive.

The only reason all of this is happening is in attempt to somehow launch the political career of one man. I think most people who matter know that he's not going to achieve anything by being a student in his mid thirties.

So to be completely honest with you, whilst it's unethical, and makes me annoyed - I personally don't care too much.

I'm happy for them to go around thinking they are this and that when really they arent anything at all. Its like a school prefect thinking that they are top shit.

The only point of consideration is that these people on the council get paid. As far as I'm concerned, I don't pay fees (well im not with VSU and i'd encourage you all to do the same) - and therefore they arent using any of my money.

The ironic thing is that VSU makes these councils and board virtually useless, and its being run by a group of people who fought for VSU in the first place. So don't feel too bad.

KevinRoseFanBoi said:
SAM is the Student Union, it has a Board of Student Directors, nominated by members (the students) of SAM and elected by the members.

MUSC, is the Mac Uni Student Council, more so a SRC than SAM.

A candidate must be selected by any two members of SAM, one chooses to nominate and one seconds. Their nomination must be submitted to the Company Secretary (Kyle Kutasi). Although that isn't set in stone in the Constitution that is what the SAM website states.

This wouldn't prove difficult if they told the members of the election and the dates of closure for nominations. Which they didn't.

The first I heard of the election was when my friend received a Ballot Paper in the post. Obviously too late. The Broadsheet accompanying the Ballot Paper also has left of the names of the members that nominated and seconded the candidates, so there is no proof that they were actually nominated by members of SAM. For all we know they were simply placed on the Ballot Paper.

Its a shame that there is so much apathy on campus, people seem to want to care they are very pessimistic and don't believe that any change will ever come.

As Jing (Ethan) Li's (current Vice President of Finance) Candidate's statement says "Please help us all keep SAM in the right hands". Probably the only thing we'll ever agree upon.


Apr 15, 2006
AsyLum said:
Student politics doesn't really feature at MQ, which is both good and bad, good for people like me who don't really want to get involved in that stuff, bad because it breeds an environment where people can easily abuse things without repercussions because no one knows/cares.

SAM and MUSC are two different entities though.
Two entities perhaps, but both run by the same people. As for political life on campus, it exists. It is in the shadows, and is forced to hide there by those who want 'radicals' to be voiceless.

Due to the monopolising of several individuals and their associated friends circle/organisations, much of uni politics has been quashed, and the same people a running the two major student bodies for under-grad students.

It is sad to see macq politics die (lets face itm it was almost dead when i got here last year) but perhaps we shall see it rise again. We are trying to fight this, but it is an uphill battle and we are kept in the dark as much as possible by the powers that be. Anyone who would like to know more, or wants to help out or contribute, pleases PM me or KevinRoseFanBoi.

KevinRoseFanBoi said:
As Jing (Ethan) Li's (current Vice President of Finance) Candidate's statement says "Please help us all keep SAM in the right hands". Probably the only thing we'll ever agree upon.
Hear hear.


Premium Member
Nov 13, 2002
In response to renmano:

Exactly, there is perhaps only a handful on either side who are would could be labelled 'political' but I think the reason I was attracted to MQ was its lack of this serious political nature, something USYD seems to have in abundance. And while this isn't necessarily a bad thing, I just don't really care about all the politics at uni, and much rather enjoy the social atmosphere rather than kick up a bruhaha for something which a) doesn't affect me b) doesn't concern me c) don't really care too much for.
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New Member
Nov 21, 2006
@Kegs and AsyLum

Its such a shame that these characters are representing us. SAM as a business is making great steps in response to the introduction of VSU. You may know that the SAM membership has dropped and with the early bird special is $8 less than this years fee for just half a semester. With this price drop you may expect a drop in services, but it's not business as usual, its improving.

The nefarious characters that organised this election are tarnishing the image that the real people that run SAM have worked so hard to budget for and acheive. Its a shame that "we chose them". It is the same people that decided that students would benefit more from MUSC if it were to raise the fees as dramatically as SAM dropped them. The services that MUSC provide, are, well what are they? Giving into VSU is not the way to over come it. Promoting MUSC and showing students how they can take full advantage of MUSC, by getting them involved, making them want to join.

I'd be surprised if MUSC will be able to make it's 200 person quorom.

I applaud SAM for making the right decision and investing in the students, I wish the SAM Board would start doing the same and allow the student board to be run by students, and not a small minority of them. Maybe they could just do for shits and giggles.


man. nature. technology.
Oct 24, 2005
All this talk is the reason why I'm investing my time in the mentor program. Run (pratically) by students for students, and it has an effect and actually happens/is beneficial to all (that come through the mentor program which is pretty much the entire intake of students)

I've seen Sai-Cheung talking about MUSc in lectures etc, but I have never heard/seen anything from them in Uni - I've looked at 'The Word' but there really is no profounf stuff in there either (to me anyway)

Oh well, i'm still a first year (for the next 30 days anyway) so i can just wander along and be naive and ignorant haha :p

Asylum: yes - one of the reasons i choose MQ too - social, equal atmosphere - where as USYD seems to have a stigma attached - you must 'live up' to some pompous image, whereas at MQ people love you for having your own image :)


Apr 15, 2006
There is a line which must be drawn between the SAM staff and the board. The word is made by the SAM staff, and while it isnt all it could be, it isnt totally lost either. They will not publish political stuff or stuff that slanders the uni or SAM. It is kinda like the government and the public servants. While we may not like the government, we shouldnt get pissed at the public servants just for doing their job. I think that is what I want to say anyway.

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