i shouldnt have to point out what exactly was retarded in the quoted text
but i will
so you are suggesting that sexuality is programmed at birth, right? sure cool, fair enough.
how does this change anything? that literally just means that if someone gets to a certain stage in their life and decides they actually want to fuck men instead of women, that they are actually just bisexual and have been the whole time. so it changes nothing in regards to this argument.
the other thing that you said, that leads me to conclude that you have down syndrome, is that being sexually attracted to your own sex is "chemically unorthodox" (you then explained that you meant unnatural). but then you go on the say that it is ok if someone is born with an attraction to the opposite sex
do you understand what is retarded about those series of contradictory statements?
christ whats it with u people and not reading properly?
1. That is what I said to Lolsmith's hypothetical scenario...
Whether your bisexual or homosexual or lesbian it doesnt matter... i never did say that being any one of those variations were different from the other..
and no, if you were born straight... you wouldnt feel the random need to fuck a different sex at some point in your life
2. Yes, that is my opinion which is in no way contradictory (again, you must be really stupid). If, as a general consensus, people are largely born with two legs to walk with... and a child is then born with one, would you not say that his conditions are unnatural
We have been intended to be attracted to the OPPOSITE sex for PROCREATION
there is a reason why two gays and two lesbians can NOT make a child
there is a reason why we are given 2 LEGS and NOT 1 to walk with
that is my view which did not contradict what i said
(im not saying it should be the view of everyone but that it is MY VIEW. Your point on it being a contradiction to what i prev sed is just dumb.)
anyway intellectual conversations cant be had around this forum