Plate tectonics.
My Question: Name an animal or plant and outline how it has adapted to it's environment.
English Pepper Moths were originally white. When industrialisation occured, the trees became polluted with carbon and turned black instead of being their original white bark colour. The rare, black moths (formed from natural mutations) survived as they better camouflaged on the trees and were eaten less by birds, whereas the white moths didnt camoflague anymore and were eaten. Thus, the moth population bred in black moths, and thus the moths had successfully adapted to the changing environment.
This sounds like a stupid story, but its a true example (u would be able to find it easily on the net or in textbooks).
These questions are too fuckin easy kids.
My Question: Explain the role of T cells in formation of acquired immunity. lol jk. i love takin the piss out of the school certificate. Too easy compared to hsc exams.
Actual Question: outline the ethical issues associated with genetically modified food. ( i think that is in ur year 9 course).