B Bl0nDi3 Member Joined Feb 11, 2006 Messages 57 Gender Female HSC 2006 Jun 14, 2006 #1 how do i find out what my school is ranked? and how important is this???
drewgcn postpantsism Joined Jun 23, 2004 Messages 337 Location Oatley...land of oats. Gender Male HSC 2006 Jun 14, 2006 #2 http://community.boredofstudies.org...05/96590/daily-telegraph-top-200-schools.html How important? If you didn't know, it would make no difference whatsoever wouldn't it? Its merely a curiosity really.
http://community.boredofstudies.org...05/96590/daily-telegraph-top-200-schools.html How important? If you didn't know, it would make no difference whatsoever wouldn't it? Its merely a curiosity really.
michaeln36 Member Joined Nov 10, 2005 Messages 139 Location Caringbah Gender Male HSC 2006 Jun 16, 2006 #3 well, it wouldn;t make any difference, but it would give her a better idea of how she was going compared to the rest of the state.
well, it wouldn;t make any difference, but it would give her a better idea of how she was going compared to the rest of the state.