I go to the crappest school in the state
I go to the crappest school in the state, it starts with A and its in parramatta.
i feel sad everyone is failing their subjects and there are so many junkies there and no one has motivation. it was like rank 392+ or something last year
everyone drags down teachers expectations and its super sad.
teachers dont teach and they tell you to read out textbook out aloud and eveyone is talking in class and teachers get angry from telling students off to be quiet.
i suggest that no one in future generations should go there or else especially idont allow your children to attend that school. its a disaster there and since the term is nearly over and hsc exams are approaching ,, every student in year 12 about 98% of students truant class so much that you are left behind by yourself doing nothing.
dont go to that crap school or else your life and generation is over.everyone there is a gangster and its not peaceful there every bloke there has a fight everyday after school to show off and the simple minded girls there are easily seduced by the manly blokes and sooner or later you will hear pairs of people girls and boys start arguing at each other.
average uai of students = 42.
help me my life is stuffed. omfg