Alot of my teachers at school are HSC markers, and they have told us that they dont 'skim read' for keywords, they actually read your whole response, no matter how small, and try and give you as many marks as possible. The only time they said they would ever take marks away/penalise you was if contradict yourself in the question. They have also told me that the questions all get marked twice by two seperate markers, who have no idea what mark the other marker gave the question, and then these two marks are compared, and if there is no large difference, you get the higher mark. But if there is a larger difference, the question gets taken to the senior marker and carefully checked. Ive been told this by science, hist and eng teachers.
And as for maths, my maths teacher told me that before they sit down to mark the papers, all the markers get together and work out every possible answer (wrong or right) that a student might get on a question due to incorrect/correct interpretations of the question or just a slight stuff up in working out. This then ensures that you will hopefully get some marks for your working even if you get the wrong answer because the marker can understand where you got your answer from.
Teachers work hard, i have alot of respect for them and I trust their marking abilities and the marking system. It just sounds like you are paranoid and annoyed with your own marks at the momment.
And as for maths, my maths teacher told me that before they sit down to mark the papers, all the markers get together and work out every possible answer (wrong or right) that a student might get on a question due to incorrect/correct interpretations of the question or just a slight stuff up in working out. This then ensures that you will hopefully get some marks for your working even if you get the wrong answer because the marker can understand where you got your answer from.
Teachers work hard, i have alot of respect for them and I trust their marking abilities and the marking system. It just sounds like you are paranoid and annoyed with your own marks at the momment.