OK - having a bit of trouble choosing what to do for my second year of B.Comm. I want to do a double major in Accounting/Finance and qualify for CA and AIBF in the process if possible.
Now, is it possible to fit all of the above into the degree, given the pre-reqs you need to do for CA and AIBF? If so, has anyone got a link to the degree structure I need to follow (read: what subjects I need to do in years two and three)? I can't seem to find it on the UNSW website.
So far i've completed:
Sem 1 - ECON1101, ECON1202, FINS1612, ACCT1501
Sem 2 - ECON1102, ECON1203, FINS1613, ACCT1511
Any suggetions? It's really annoying that the Uni doesn't give you any guidance whatsoever with regards to what courses you should do if you want to get X accreditation, etc, etc.
Also, would be good if the 2nd/3rd year people could give some insight into which courses are interesting and which ones are just plain boring and should be left out of your degree if possible.
Now, is it possible to fit all of the above into the degree, given the pre-reqs you need to do for CA and AIBF? If so, has anyone got a link to the degree structure I need to follow (read: what subjects I need to do in years two and three)? I can't seem to find it on the UNSW website.
So far i've completed:
Sem 1 - ECON1101, ECON1202, FINS1612, ACCT1501
Sem 2 - ECON1102, ECON1203, FINS1613, ACCT1511
Any suggetions? It's really annoying that the Uni doesn't give you any guidance whatsoever with regards to what courses you should do if you want to get X accreditation, etc, etc.
Also, would be good if the 2nd/3rd year people could give some insight into which courses are interesting and which ones are just plain boring and should be left out of your degree if possible.