People who say that the extract hindered creativity suck. They didn't say you couldn't expand the quote, so I just said 'Blah blah blah quote..... then he died', and I could just start my own story.
I love writing, my story ended up being about 2 robbers named Bill and Spencer, who fall down a massive invisible hole infront of a bank they are about to rob. While falling Bill's toupee comes off and hits Spencer in the face, proceeded to break his jaw, they hit the ground and Bill breaks his legs. They meet a crocodile/mammoth named Juxdath, who has an English accent. Juxdath tells him that he's in a drug-induced frenzy that he will realise and inevitably discover (hint hint) that he's living a shit life and should turn it around for himself.......
That is untill he tried to get up using a mirror, it shatters all over him. Juxdath LIED to him

Somehow this stuff called "friend juice" appears which can apparently heal his wounds. Some crap happens and he realises that he treats his friends like crap, especially Spencer, at the end of his ephiphany he realises that he's in love with Spencer, and in the end Spencers jaw magically heals itself.
Spencer starts to fly away, but instead of flying off with his newly found homosexual love, he has to stay with the hybrid animal.
My favourite quotes from the story "The ground he hit was as hard as a 17 year old in the Playboy Mansion" and "He realised he was evil to spencers, all the times he would hit him over the head, verbally abuse him, sodomise his mother".
I enjoyed writing that story, 8 pages.