My second official statement for the evening *lol*
I too looked upon Section II question (c) and went :| WTF? No it is not in the syllabus, no I have never heard any mention of it from my teachers or in any textbook. Yes I made 40-odd pages of Crime notes over the year on the many points that ARE in the syllabus that it turns our are, in fact, useless. I made the entire section up on the spot. Educated making up though, I tried to incorporate stuff like discretion and sentencing and whatnot.
All the people telling the forum to stop whinging need a good kick up the pants, because even if by some chance that your teacher mentioned it or you miraculously chose it as extra research, it most certainly was not a requirement of the course.
EDIT NOTE: My class did indeed ask our legal teachers about this, and they were as confused as us. They were the ones who first revealed to us that it wasn't even in the syllabus and the entire department knew about it hehe.
The board of studies made a big mistake when it decided to fiddle with exam procedures with the LEGAL STUDIES students

Quite funny how everyone's like NO! Where are my dispute resolution mechanisms?? My grounds for redress?? The legislation (syllabus) does not provide for this topic!! I WANT JUSTICE!!