MaryJane said:
nothing in life is guaranteed except death.
...and taxes.

(coming from a business+psych student who loves his course)
What course do you do, Dazed?
As MJ said, a lot of people who do the stated courses you've labelled as 'guaranteed money jobs' do enjoy them. Anyone who does
ANY degree, in my opinion, because they feel they should, or want the money eventually, is
totally wasting their time. Degrees are useless if you hate the subject/job, and don't use it, or do something else. Stereotypical example, in my experience, is the law student who's had daddy pay his/her way into law school, who then doesn't go on to practise law, but upholds the family name... but they seem to be in the absolute minority.
I just don't know that your impression (that "too many people are shit scared") is grounded in anything particularly solid.
In the end, we
do go to uni because we need a job, eventually (daddy-law-studends excepted!). I do believe you should do something you enjoy, and avoid something just because it leads you down a path you don't think will support you (hey, you could become a lecturer... or a textbook author -- at the prices they're sold, you've gotta make some money, right?!

). However, that said, it's easy to lose your way in the clouds: it's a pragmatic choice to do something with your life, and if 'doing something' means a business degree (or similar), rather than being a 'professional student', then that's the way it goes.
Each to their own. I do think we need the non-gauranteed money courses and students... ie; Phil students: who was it that said;
"I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend, to the death, your right to say it." ?