fishy89sg said:
yeh its very thorough, longer than our sparta topic.
can i ask what is the menander project???
Sure no problem, from my notes:
The projects aim was to redress the deficiencies in the earlier records of this particular insulae conducted under Amedeo Maiuri between 1927 – 1933; there being a lack of documentation present for this Insula. Another aim included the drawing of general conclusions about the Insula’s social structure over time and in its final form in AD 79.
Project began with the production of an archive of drawings of the surviving wall paintings and plan sections. In addition, there were pro-forma sheets providing a detailed record, room-by-room, of all architectural and decorative features.
The team investigated the site over 7 seasons > ran in problems regarding the inability to excavate beneath existing walls and pavement, the early restorations which were rarely marked and hard to identify and the reused building materials that made newer walls look like older ones
The Insula of the Menander at Pompeii (1997) by Rodger Ling provided a detailed
account of the teams findings; showing that there had been frequent building changes, that the boundaries of the property had changed and that there also appeared to be a late appearance of shops and the addition of upper storeys in the last years of the city – i.e. the House of Menander expanded to include an adjacent house around AD 60.