Mmm. I think the legal documents you're required to sign would be at least somewhat solid- else you'd have people suing left right and center.
If indeed it was negligence ie. wrong amount/ dosage a case might be proved, but i'd say it won't be many major ones, nut one large one... we're talking UNi students... since when do uni students have the money to fund gigantic suits against hospitals? Likely they'll join and have some kind of action, but... testings being going on for a while now. I'm sure the hospital would have covered itself. If they didn't they're plain stupid and deserved to be sued for all they've got- which may be the case, if they did indeed inject wrong dosages.
If indeed it was negligence ie. wrong amount/ dosage a case might be proved, but i'd say it won't be many major ones, nut one large one... we're talking UNi students... since when do uni students have the money to fund gigantic suits against hospitals? Likely they'll join and have some kind of action, but... testings being going on for a while now. I'm sure the hospital would have covered itself. If they didn't they're plain stupid and deserved to be sued for all they've got- which may be the case, if they did indeed inject wrong dosages.