A ajay12 Can count to potato Joined Mar 27, 2008 Messages 164 Gender Male HSC 2009 Jul 5, 2010 #1 Soup, What are some shops like General Pants with that non-kind of mainstream clothes to it, if you know what I mean.
Soup, What are some shops like General Pants with that non-kind of mainstream clothes to it, if you know what I mean.
L L quit bos forever 23/01/07 Joined Feb 5, 2004 Messages 955 Location Under the Tuscan Sun, as per usual, fuckan tearin Gender Female HSC N/A Jul 5, 2010 #2 general pants is as mainstream as you can get.
L L quit bos forever 23/01/07 Joined Feb 5, 2004 Messages 955 Location Under the Tuscan Sun, as per usual, fuckan tearin Gender Female HSC N/A Jul 5, 2010 #3 general pants is where homeless kids get their clothes they give them out for free at closing time each day if you 'ask nicely'
general pants is where homeless kids get their clothes they give them out for free at closing time each day if you 'ask nicely'
L L quit bos forever 23/01/07 Joined Feb 5, 2004 Messages 955 Location Under the Tuscan Sun, as per usual, fuckan tearin Gender Female HSC N/A Jul 5, 2010 #4 or maybe that's bread
L L quit bos forever 23/01/07 Joined Feb 5, 2004 Messages 955 Location Under the Tuscan Sun, as per usual, fuckan tearin Gender Female HSC N/A Jul 5, 2010 #5 and maybe i'm talking about a bread shop
L L quit bos forever 23/01/07 Joined Feb 5, 2004 Messages 955 Location Under the Tuscan Sun, as per usual, fuckan tearin Gender Female HSC N/A Jul 5, 2010 #6 and speaking of bread shops, fuck hipster kids who sit in the bourke street bakery taking up valuable space while i live up outside int he cold (brrr so cold!!)))!!!!!!!
and speaking of bread shops, fuck hipster kids who sit in the bourke street bakery taking up valuable space while i live up outside int he cold (brrr so cold!!)))!!!!!!!
L L quit bos forever 23/01/07 Joined Feb 5, 2004 Messages 955 Location Under the Tuscan Sun, as per usual, fuckan tearin Gender Female HSC N/A Jul 5, 2010 #7 cant they just sniff petrol like the rest of us
A ajay12 Can count to potato Joined Mar 27, 2008 Messages 164 Gender Male HSC 2009 Jul 5, 2010 #8 Cool.
A ajay12 Can count to potato Joined Mar 27, 2008 Messages 164 Gender Male HSC 2009 Jul 5, 2010 #9 Story.
A ajay12 Can count to potato Joined Mar 27, 2008 Messages 164 Gender Male HSC 2009 Jul 5, 2010 #10 Bro/Sis.
SDES MUP DA DOO BIX NOOD Joined Jun 26, 2009 Messages 365 Gender Male HSC 2009 Jul 5, 2010 #11 dont wanna tell u coz den itll become mainstream soz
kaz1 et tu Joined Mar 6, 2007 Messages 6,955 Location Vespucci Beach Gender Undisclosed HSC 2009 Uni Grad 2018 Jul 5, 2010 #12 Seargent Shoes, Lietunent Shirt and Major Hat
_trickster_ Currently High Joined Feb 13, 2009 Messages 574 Gender Male HSC 2010 Jul 6, 2010 #14 cotton on is KINDA kinda like it, slightly cheaper glue matches general pts in price tho if you really want For Tomorrow is a australian online fashion store, they stock stuff like general pants as well, price is the same - more expensive
cotton on is KINDA kinda like it, slightly cheaper glue matches general pts in price tho if you really want For Tomorrow is a australian online fashion store, they stock stuff like general pants as well, price is the same - more expensive