Should I Choose Business Studies or Economics For Year 11 (Currently Year 10) (1 Viewer)


New Member
Nov 29, 2023
My school mandates 12 units for Year 11 and I have currently chosen Maths Ext 1, English Ext 1, French Continuers and Legal Studies. For the last unit, I am not sure what I want to choose out of business or economics. My school does extremely well in Business and I enjoyed it more in Year 9/10 commerce than Economics (which my school still does quite good for), which I did not enjoy as much. I am interested in pursuing a legal profession or being an entrepreneur in the future. However, I have heard that economics scales much better so which one should I consider choosing?


Le Phénix Trilingue
Aug 22, 2019
Krak des Chevaliers
Uni Grad
Just to clarify, it is NESA that sets the minimum unit number requirement (in this case, 12 units in year 11). School simply adhere to NESA rules.

To answer your question, you may wish to consider a number of factors in making an informed decision. First, while Economics does indeed scale higher than Business Studies, scaling alone should not be the main reason for choosing a subject. Favourable results and ATARs can be achieved with both subjects (and any subject combination for that matter), as long as you regularly study and prepare for your assessment tasks/exams.

Second, you should take the subject that you believe you would be more interested in. From your post, it seems that, based on your experience in Stage 5 Commerce, you would be more interested in Business Studies.

Third, you should also consider your performance, that is, the subject that you believe you would be able to achieve better results in. The fact that your school generally performs well in both subjects sounds promising.

Alternatively, you could take both subjects, leading to a total of 14 units, assuming your school does not place restrictions on the maximum number of units. This would allow you to experience both subjects at no cost throughout year 11 (because none of your year 11 results will count towards your HSC results or ATAR) and subsequently determine the best subject combination to have as you approach year 12.

Bonne chance ! I hope this helps! 😀


Active Member
Oct 21, 2023
I think choosing both to begin yr 11 might be the best option. This will also give you the ability to drop one of your extension subjects if they turn out to be too difficult - mx1 is commonly dropped . Assuming you are a good enough student - which by your subject choices it seems you are - scaling is almost irrelevant and you should just do whatever interests you most, knowing you will likely do very well no matter what and a 1 or 2 mark difference is unimportant compared to your enjoyment for a year of study


Sleep Deprived Entity
Feb 10, 2011
Uni Grad
My school mandates 12 units for Year 11 and I have currently chosen Maths Ext 1, English Ext 1, French Continuers and Legal Studies. For the last unit, I am not sure what I want to choose out of business or economics. My school does extremely well in Business and I enjoyed it more in Year 9/10 commerce than Economics (which my school still does quite good for), which I did not enjoy as much. I am interested in pursuing a legal profession or being an entrepreneur in the future. However, I have heard that economics scales much better so which one should I consider choosing?
I did both Business Studies and Economics in Years 11 and 12 and here's my two cents.
  • Both subjects provide a good basic foundation for commercial awareness/business acumen if you're interested in commercial law areas later on. Your interest in the legal profession shouldn't really affect your choice between these two subjects.
  • In terms of entrepreneurship, I would say Business Studies provides a slightly better basic foundation for that.
  • Scaling isn't everything. For example, I did Business Studies and Physics and ultimately, despite Physics scaling much better, Physics didn't count towards my ATAR because I did much better in Business Studies and much worse in Physics.
  • From a common sense perspective (putting aside scaling), I would say it's better to do (a) the subject you're more interested in as this generally leads to greater effort and hopefully better results and (b) the subject your cohort will be better at (as this may ultimately affect the calculation of your internal assessment mark).
  • What I will say is that relatively, from my own experience, Business Studies rewards memorisation/rote learning and your ability to recall from the syllabus while Economics rewards critical thinking and analytical skills. It's each to their own when it comes to learning style and what you're better at.


Nov 5, 2023
Headgiver expert
My school mandates 12 units for Year 11 and I have currently chosen Maths Ext 1, English Ext 1, French Continuers and Legal Studies. For the last unit, I am not sure what I want to choose out of business or economics. My school does extremely well in Business and I enjoyed it more in Year 9/10 commerce than Economics (which my school still does quite good for), which I did not enjoy as much. I am interested in pursuing a legal profession or being an entrepreneur in the future. However, I have heard that economics scales much better so which one should I consider choosing?
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