hey tmkarp, this is a bit late and you've probably already set on what you'll be doing. nonetheless want to add my 2c.
first off congrats on your insane atar, awesome work. youll get scholarships at a few unis, and it gives you a very good leg-up for unsw med.
did my hsc in 2014 and got a mid 99 atar, mid 70s for my umat. decided to take a gap yr, and ended up getting 86 percentile this year. only got one interview offer (from uncle, rejected in the end).
i know a couple of mates who did a gap yr and got 95+ umat (after getting 70s the first time) with high 98/low 99 atars, and they were accepted into unsw med. also know a few people who did a gap yr and still didn't get an offer (one guy had his umat drop by 10 lol).
Whether a gap year is worth doing really depends on the individual. personally, i think it was a waste of a year for me (mainly because i didn't make it into med). the guys who did make it into med are over the moon tho haha.
if you're really set on med in nsw, there are some advantages to taking a gap year:
- full year to study umat, with no hsc pressure. honestly, it just makes so much more sense when you dont have 10 units to think about and 5 essays to memorise.
- can get a job, $$$, pay for your textbooks/travel/food etc next yr
- enjoy, travel, explore other interests
- no uni record, easier to get in as they'll only look at your atar (which is top). uni subjects are much harder to do well in than hsc.
there are some big issues you have to address if you do take the gap year though:
- what will you do in all your spare time? you have no structure to your day, and it can get very hard to be motivated for/look forward to anything. straight out of high school, most people dont have any significant passions or hobbies which they are dedicated to, so the gap year just becomes a massive timesink (you feel tired and sleep half the day)
- no sense of accomplishment. this is probably the biggest one. when you're in school, or uni, you get the feeling that 'hey, i'm actually working toward something (degree/hsc).' with a gap year, you'll feel like you're doing nothing, and that you're stuck in the past while everyone else is moving ahead with their lives. it's a really shitty feeling.
- if you dont go well enough on umat (don't get me wrong, not trying to discourage you, but it is possible), what then? will you feel like you've wasted a year?
considering your atar, personally i would take a gap yr and resit the umat. if you can pull a 90+ percentile you're basically guaranteed for unsw/uws/uncle. However, you really have to think about the issues with it. looking back, i'd only go ahead with the gap yr if:
a) you have a full time job lined up
b) you plan on travelling somewhere (volunteering, etc)
c) you find an outlet to reconnect with friends over (eg gym, soccer or smth - this is important, don't lose touch)
like bangladesh said, if you just wanna stay at home and study umat, go with umelb. there is no way you will be able to stay healthy/sane or even do well on the umat like that.
studying for umat
just buy the distance package of a company and go through the past papers.
after you do s3 for a while it's kinda the same stuff. keep in mind, they did change the type of s3 qns asked this year. i made a mistakes book, and wrote down all the common changes in elements/patterns that they tested.
for harder s1 qns do LSAT (google it) sample papers (when you're bored and have nothing else to do haha)
after umat/offers
if you make it into med in nsw, congrats!
if not, take the melb scholarship and run haha. from what i've heard, they still require you to do an interview. you can choose whether to do this before admission, or at the end of your undergrad degree iirc. you should do it before being admitted, because that way you know if you're definitely in or not. otherwise take griffith.
if you still really want to do med in nsw (would not recommend try transferring from melb/griffith instead), you can do whatever degree you want (law, engo, com, whatever) and transfer in at unsw, provided your wam/umat is high enough (usually 85+ wam, 95+ umat). they take about 10 ppl in every year from other degrees. degrees like arts/comm are a breeze if you study and will help you get the wam easily. medsci is also an option, although advanced standing entry (the one where you enter 4th yr unsw med) is very tough to get into.
closing advice
in the long run, a few extra yes spent in uni won't matter too much.
just remember to enjoy yourself, whatever you end up choosing

good luck! pm me if you have anything else you wanna talk about.