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Someone please give me your opinion! IN NEED OF HELP (1 Viewer)


New Member
Jul 25, 2008
I joined this site as I want students voice on what has happened.

So basically knowing everyones body of work for visual arts is going well ( for some)

My run with art has been terrible, i had the original concept of being alone (28 days later opening type) then i could not find and actor and i could not create a concrete story.

So I moved on to another skill i have which is drawing mixing the work with toys. My drawings ended up looking not so good and my toy maker went to mexico with a drug addict!

So back to the film i went and I found myself an actor and a REALLY good story. I go to film it and realise my actor cannot act, and the story wasn't too concrete on the editing table. So when I went to re-shoot my actor dogged (ditched) me for his fat controlling goth girlfriend.

This happened several times, and when i did get the chance to film with him (only because i gave him a massive guilt trip) the set and place i was planned to film at HAS BEEN DEMOLISHED....

i have 3 weeks to finish my body of work, within the concept of being alone.... but as my enthusiasm and inspiration is gone as you would agree it would be. i have no idea what to do.

Now i have been sneaking into places and filming in there but there are a few problems that i see a head and atm. Most of the footage is the same, so a range of places are needed but in saying that all the places i find DONT WORK TOGETHER (in my head)

Some people at school said i should use my sense of humor mixed with my ability to rant and make a film about how wrong everything has gone, re-enacting everything that has happened. But even with that, i might need to rely on actors WHO ARE DOING THEIR TRIALS IN THIS 3 WEEK TIME!

I sit here sick, probably due to stress of thinking about it all. Someone please tell me what you think i should do. My mother artist somehow thinks the work in doing atm will work but thats only cause some shots are amazing and others are the same. ......

Please help me with your opinions

Thanks alot!



New Member
Nov 11, 2007
i know the feeling i have 4 weeks to go and still haven't shot most of my extension English film and i also have a drama film i'm yet to complete, but i have access to a pro film studio so i'm not stressin, but i'll see what i can do to help you :)
I'd definitely say go art house (assuming your original plan wasn't already this) art house allows your film to not need actors to the extent of an average film and will also give it individuality. do NOT throw out your old footage you never know how helpful it'll be later. so your concept it being alone so you obviously only need one actor and with art house dialogue isn't needed so you don't need your actor to be able to act.
(feel free to ignore me if you know this wont work, this is just one suggestion in the end do what you want so you're happy with the result) I'd say find a younger sibling or friend who thus doesn't have exams coming up, get artistic shots of them isolated in the frame have them probably looking cold and upset if they can pull that off. Maybe get a nice shot of them walking away from the camera? to finish on? in sepia? and if your previous footage that you still like has an actor in it you can no longer use just try to find a new actor who looks like them then if you put them in different costumes for every shot (and keep the camera behind them thus not showing their face) then just say that the differing costumes represent passing time.
i don't know if that helps but that's what i saw in my head after reading your post so i thought I'd share.
good luck!


New Member
Jul 25, 2008
Thanks man, good thing is i dont have dialogue, it used to rely purely on facial expressions. Which kind of sucks but i think i might turn the camera into PoV, still not sure. If only i could turn it into a poll =P

Thanks for your suggestions anyway :)



New Member
Mar 6, 2008

Well im not completely sure but because you are not using dialouge but an Idea is you could have still picture but talk overs of what happening in the characters mind and the thoughts of being alone, wanting contact, how it feels to be isolatedand they could over lap eachother..like Samuels becket " Not I" but maybe slower and tone to express the characters emotions even more and more relevent dialogue.and with the pictures they could be black and white or sepia ...yea im not sure if that came out how i wanted but it works in my mind :p lol
Good luck hope it all works out for you

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