Originally posted by truly-in-bliss
i luv chingy one call away ...but thatz cuz i am more rnb and hip hop orientated....and some of the j lo stuff is pretty good..
omg i used to collect their stickers.. it was crazy.. so much money wasted.. ahha
though i still like their songs..... it doesnt sound realli ancient unlike some pop songs that u used to listen to.. and if you listen to them now its like.. omg..i cant bleive i liked this before... i reckon the best song from the spice gals is *holler*..... cool vid clip too.
I had a folder full of hanson posters, my best friend from primary school and I used to collect them and trade them because she liked Zac and I liked Taylor.
This isn't so much a bad song as it is something lame to do to a not so good song. In the film clip for Destiny's Child's 'Say My Name', the lounges that they sit on move. So once, in my living room, which is tiled, we performed the film clip, complete with moving couch, poses and dance routine...
Hey, Someone told me that Chingy died from an OD.. has anyone else heard that rumour, cause if so, I'm going to be mighty unhappy because I like Chingy, as much as I don't like to admit it!