The aligning is based on the whole state, not just in your schooli want the long end XD
at my school the top 3 std ppl where in the top 6 in the year for the trial... what endd of the stick do i get here? lol
Good lucko yea ^^ c'mon standard woop some ass *does the Lleyton Hewitt thing*
thnx you tooGood luck![]()
DT never has enough people willing to take it. And the other low scaling subjects would just leech good students from higher scaling subjects, minimizing their UAI. Standard English is a dropkick subject and you'd be stupid to take it unless it was forced. The reason Adv. English is compulsory is because it's easier to give kids in that subject a higher mark. And no kids in our school are bad enough to do General Maths, if they didn't want to do 2U they're better off dropping Maths altogther and doing somethng that isn't suicide for their mark unlike General.Sure, Ruse doesn't have restrictions like that, but still, we're not allowing to choose standard maths or english, or any subject that scales badly AT ALL. i find that annoying, because i would have ACED design and technology if I were allowed to do it. gah friggin hate ruse.
I agree. I would have picked Advanced English if I could. general Maths and Standard English are scaled terribly. Even if you got 100% in General, you would get a mark of 92. there is a cap on these horrible subjectsDT never has enough people willing to take it. And the other low scaling subjects would just leech good students from higher scaling subjects, minimizing their UAI. Standard English is a dropkick subject and you'd be stupid to take it unless it was forced. The reason Adv. English is compulsory is because it's easier to give kids in that subject a higher mark. And no kids in our school are bad enough to do General Maths, if they didn't want to do 2U they're better off dropping Maths altogther and doing somethng that isn't suicide for their mark unlike General.
Nah i mean its a compulsory subject at my school to do advanced english. I'm doing ok in it but I'm not sure if the workload or difficulty of the texts will be too challenging. My school is blowing this advanced/standard/extension maths/english way outa proportion and its freaking everyone out. So im not sure if everythings just all hype or its actually that hard.what the board thinks is that if your good enough to be gettin band 6's in standard then you should be in advanced
dont worry, you are putting the marks in wrong. You're putting your raw marks and since your in yr 11 u cant really estimate your ATAR like that, or any way actually.Alright i'm not sure if this is the right place to post this but seeing as though this thread is way off track I spose it cant hurt. I'm in year 11 at the moment doing PDHPE, Modern History, Advanced English (compulsory but most likely doing standard next year), Industrial Technology, General Maths and Geography. I did that SAM thing with relation to my marks from first term and it came out with 50.25. Now, I dont know if i've done it right but right now im losing my shit. I've read all about the scaling of my subjects and it seems like there all pretty low-scale.
Any ideas on what I should do? I was aiming for 80-85, but now im completley shitting myself.
I think what 90% meant was 100 aligned in General maths scales to 91, which is terrible. And it's not really stuck up, even my modern history teacher says so. The reason JR dont run Business Studies etc is that those students would pick Economics or History or Geo anyways, so rather than getting fucked by UAC in scaling by doing S&C, Business Studies and Legal Studies because said subjects are capped and scale terribly, better off the kids getting a similar mark in Eco/Anc/Mod/Geo and getting scaled well. Same way we don't run Senior Science or Engineering Studies, because the kids will get a similar mark in Phys/Chem/Bio. Ditto Standard English, General Maths. I feel like I'm repeating myself here but it's the fact.Ahh it's always possible to get a mark of 100. As in a 100% in any subject would get you a 100. The HSC bands are not relative, and are given out linearly between band cutoffs, meaning that a 100% will always give a 100, and a 0 will always give a 0.
Btw when I first read duckcowhybrid's post I was like "damn what a stuck up .." but then it's James Ruse, they're allowed to say that![]()
Actually, I think they're offering engineering studies next year. And the year9s can choose earth&environmental, can't they?I think what 90% meant was 100 aligned in General maths scales to 91, which is terrible. And it's not really stuck up, even my modern history teacher says so. The reason JR dont run Business Studies etc is that those students would pick Economics or History or Geo anyways, so rather than getting fucked by UAC in scaling by doing S&C, Business Studies and Legal Studies because said subjects are capped and scale terribly, better off the kids getting a similar mark in Eco/Anc/Mod/Geo and getting scaled well. Same way we don't run Senior Science or Engineering Studies, because the kids will get a similar mark in Phys/Chem/Bio. Ditto Standard English, General Maths. I feel like I'm repeating myself here but it's the fact.