Not exactly Kfunk,
The 22+1 demensions (I think) is one of the five central theories. Bosonic String Theory, M Theory showed that Bosonic String theory and the four super symmetry string theory were equivalent as viewed from different limits.
Bosonic String Theory has problems in that Fermions cant be accounted for, and Tachyons exist, particles that travel faster then the speed of light and have an imaginary mass.
One of the main problems with String Theory is it at the moment cant be tested, which means it is more a philosophy then physics. However, if the graviton can be found it supports it.
String theory is prefereed as it is easy to work with 1 Dimensional objects rather then 0 dimensional points, plus the prediction of a graviton, which gives gravity. Essentially two lines can cross and interact, 0D points can't.
The extra dimensions are suspected to be manifolds. As to why we dont see them, we are too big to see, it is like seing an extremly long skinny tube from a very large distance away, it looks 1D. We dont move in those extra dimensions, however, strings may vibrate in them.
An interesting consequence of string theory is that of a minimum length. Nothing in the universe at any time can become smaller then a string which itself has a length of Planck's length.