not quite right
the last section, where you pick 2 of 3 q's to answer, they are going to be scenarios - ie bs about selling a small business system, OHS discussion etc
the free response section may talk about scenarios, but they really just want to know that we know the terms
i dont really think it is IT related... its another english based course

i agree with you about the course being simple, though winston; i got 2nd in western syd Tafe

(actually i didnt score too highly). mainly cause there is so little content
BDC, the summary i was given goes through the applications you did (word etc), back ups, viruses, OHS, IT workplace, communications, client support (telephone stuff). and be prepared for the scenarios... s/w inventory, etc.
you should probably go through your course documentation, and just look at all the modules that you have completed - work off that.