Subject Reviews (with PDF compilation) (2 Viewers)


Feb 23, 2003
BOS/USYD Unit of Study Reviews (PDF)

For the past number of years, USyders on this forum have helped one another by taking a short time out at the end of each semester to share their thoughts on the subjects they have completed.

I've taken these spiels and collated them into the pdf document linked to above. The subjects are in alphabetical and numerical order. Hopefully this publication will assist future generations in their subject selections.

I encourage you all to contribute your thoughts.

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Intergalactic Jester
Feb 29, 2004
Blue Mountains
GOVT1101 - Aussie Politics
Ease - 10/10
Lecturer - 5/10 (Ariadne - if its the other one you're better off)
Interest - 8/10
Overall - 7.5/10

MECO1003 - Principles of Media Writing
Ease - 7/10
Lecturer - varies, approx 7.5/10 (Catherine Lumby is an arrogant pain in the ass)
Interest - 9/10
Overall - 8/10

ENGL1000 - University English
Ease - 10/10
Lecturer - 10/10 (Had her as a tutor - SO NICE! Didn't actually go to lectures)
Interest - 6/10
Overall - 8/10

ECOP1001 - Economics as a Social Science
Ease - 7/10
Lecturer - 10/10
Interest - 9/10
Overall - 9/10

CLAW1001 - Commercial Transactions A
Ease - 7.5/10
Lecturer - 10/10
Interest - 10/10
Overall - 9.25/10

MECO1001 - Australian Media Studies
Ease - 3/10
Lecturer - 9/10 (Worst tutor ever)
Interest - 3/10
Overall - 5/10

GOVT1406 - International Business and Politics
Ease - 8/10
Lecturer - 5/10 (Darryl Dickhead Jarvis)
Interest - 8/10
Overall - 7/10

GOVT1202 - World Politics
Ease - 4/10
Lecturer - 2/10
Interest - 2/10
Overall - 2/10

A general note - don't do Media and Comm. Its bullshit. All complete bullshit.


okay i'll only do the ones that people would be interested in

Ease - 6/10
Lecturer(s) - 8/10 (most were really good, some not so good)
Interest - 10/10
Overall - 8.5?/10

Ease - 8/10
Lecturer(s) - 8.5/10 (better than last semester)
Interest - 8/10
Overall - 8/10

ECMT1010 (counter to Stas')
Ease - 8/10
Lecturer - 7/10 (only had Tig)
Interest - 5.5/10 (not that bad really, once you get over the whole 'statistics is boring and useless' thing)
Overall - 6/10

INFS1000 - Business Information Systems
Ease - 9/10
Lecturer - 6.5/10 (Paul - 7, other guy 6)
Interest - 5/10 (lectures were BORING, computer stuff was alright though)
Overall - 6/10

SOFT1001 - Software Development 1
Ease - 9/10 (though only if you actually pay attention. if you don't, especially at the start, obviously you will struggle. duh. do it only if u actually want to)
Lecturer - 7/10
Interest - 7/10
Overall - 7.5/10

SOFT1902 - Software Development 2 (Advanced)
Ease - 4/10 (workload = immense)
Lecturer - 7/10
Interest - 6/10 (began to wane, maybe because of the workload)
Overall - 7/10


yes, they're my legs.
Dec 15, 2004
Left BOS (somewhat temporarily) on 29/12/05 to ret
ECON1001 - Introductory Microeconomics
Ease - 7/10 (depends on lecturer)
Lecturer - 8/10 (Dennis is great, but he's gone... De Roos is a douche bag. Tutors are shit))
Interest - 5/10 (fairly boring, only lifted by lecturer)
Overall - 6.5/10

ECON1002 - Introductory Macroeconomics
Ease - 5/10 (geez those essays are awful)
Lecturer - 7/10 (tutors are shittier than 1001)
Interest - 7/10 (more interesting than 1001)
Overall - 6.7/10

Math1001 - Differential Calculus
Ease - 5/10
Lecturer - 2/10 (worst lecturer in history. refused to use a microphone)
Interest - 4/10
Overall - 4/10

Math1002 - Linear Algebra
Ease - 6/10 (vectors are dodgy, but matrices are easy)
Lecturer - 6/10 (if you talk in lecturers, you will be in big trouble)
Interest 5/10
Overall - 5.7/10

Math1004 - Discrete Mathematics
Ease - 8/10
Lecturer - 11/10 (Dr Choo or uncle choo as he prefers to be called, is a legend)
Interest 7/10
Overall 8.7/10

MATH1005 - Statistics
Ease - 7/10 (starts out really easy, then gets hard in week 6)
Lecturer - 7/10
Interest - ???? depends on how interesting you find statistics
Overall 7/10

Oh and I think the psyc1002 lecturers weren't really better than 1001...
Jan 24, 2004
northern beaches
ACCT1001- Accounting 1A
Ease - 7.5/10 (gets harder gradually)
Lecturers - 7/10
Interest - 7.5/10
Overall 7/10

ACCT1002- Accounting 1B
Ease - 6.5/10
Lecturers - 6.5/10
Interest - 7.5/10
Overall 7/10

ECMT1010- Business and economic statistics A
Ease - 7/10
Lecturers - 8/10 (tig) (-)4/10 (murray)
Interest - 7/10
Overall 7.5/10

ECMT1020- Business and economic statistics B
Ease - 7.5/10
Lecturers - 8/10
Interest - 7/10
Overall - 8/10

INFS1000- Information Systems
Ease - 8.5/10
Lecturers - 6/10
Interest - 0/10
Overall - 0.5/10

CLAW1001- Commercial Transactions A
Ease - 7/10
Lecturers- 10/10
Interest- 9/10
Overall- 8.5/10
Nov 1, 2005
ECOP1001 - Economics as a Social Science
Ease - 10/10
Lecturer - 10/10
Interest - 9/10
Overall - 9/10

GOVT1406 - International Business and Politics
Ease - 5/10 - lot of reading if you get an anal tutor, like 200 pages per week
Lecturer - 4/10 you either like his ego, or you don't. i did -penalised him for doing less than half of the lectures. guest lecturers suck.
Interest - 0/10
Overall - 2/10

GOVT1202 - World Politics
Ease - 10/10
Lecturer - 7/10 - if you can understand his wog accent
Interest - 0/10 - i've already studied pol sci
Overall - 6/10 - not hard to get a credit/ distinction, you won't get better if your tutor thinks (s)he is top shit.
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Active Member
Dec 23, 2003
LAWS1010 - Foundations of Law
Ease - 9/10
Lecturers - 9/10 (Some interesting guest lecturers (Kirby); some not so interesting)
Interest - 8/10 (Interpretation and history stuff boring, but otherwise assessments and stuff interested me)
Overall - 8/10

LAWS1020 - Torts
Ease - 7/10 (Advice: Keep well-organised notes and annotate wisely.)
Lecturers - n/a (Tutors - 9/10, knowledgable, well-organised, friendly and approachable)
Interest - 9/10
Overall - 9/10

ACCT1001 - Accounting 1A
Ease - 7/10 (not hard if you just do homework regularly towards the end)
Lecturers - 5/10 (soooo slow and boring, stuffy theatre didn't help me stay awake)
Interest - 4/10 (content absolute shit, hated it)
Overall - 5/10

ACCT1002 - Accounting 1B
Ease - 6/10 (noticeably harder than 1A)
Lecturers - 5/10 (hate the lecture notes with half finished sentences so you have to copy down so much during lectures)
Interest - 4/10
Overall - 4/10

ECON1001 - Introductory Microeconomics
Ease - 9/10
Lecturers - 9/10 (I liked Nicholas De Roos, very organised lecture notes and well structured lectures. Not a particularly sociable lecturer, but I liked his lectures.)
Interest - 8/10
Overall - 8/10

ECON1002 - Introductory Macroeconomics
Ease - 7/10
Lecturers - 9/10 (Catherine is really good - her exams are more comprehensible as well - try to get into her stream. All the tutors are bad.)
Interest - 8/10
Overall - 8/10

ECMT1010 - Business and Economic Statistics A
Ease - 8/10
Lecturers - 9/10 (Tig) : 3/10 (Murray). Murray was awful, Tig was awesome. :)
Interest - 8/10 (Interested me more than other commerce units anyway)
Overall - 8/10

INFS1000 - Information Systems
Ease - 9/10
Lecturers - 3/10 (Lectures were useless, <50% attend lectures)
Interest - 5/10 (The programming stuff was interesting... kinda)
Overall - 5/10
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is hating uni & study
May 29, 2003
on the dance floor with a bottle of tequila
EDUF1018 - Education, Teachers and Teaching
Ease - 9/10
Lecturer - 1/10 i despised the Head Lecturer, and since she took most of the lectures, it was crap. the one who took "Knowledge" was equally crap, and spoke to us like we were 5 years old.
Interest - 3/10 it made me rethink my degree choice.
Overall - 3/10 i was definitely considering changing degrees. it was a crap subject and it was really boring

PSYC1001 - Psychology 1
Ease - 5/10
Lecturer - 7/10 I liked some and hated others. The "better" lecturers made their topic 10 times more interesting. Kudos to Lisa Zadro. I did the best in her topic
Interest - 8/10
Overall - 7/10 too much science and maths for my liking

ENGL1020 - Literary Mythologies
Ease - 7/10
Lecturer - 8/10
Interest - 5/10 boring as bat shit
Overall - 5/10

HSTY1045 - Modern European History 1750-1914
Ease - 2/10
Lecturer - 7/10 what he said was very informative, but he spoke way too quietly.
Interest - 7/10
Overall - 3/10 it was interesting, but i hated it. it was too political

EDUF1019 - Human Development & Education
Ease - 9/10
Lecturer - 10/10 Dr. Stephie is the best
Interest - 10/10
Overall - 10/10

PSYC1002 - Psychology 2
Ease - 7/10
Lecturer - 7/10 majority of lecturers were better this time round
Interest - 9/10
Overall - 8/10

ENGL1005 - Language and Image
Ease - 7/10
Lecturer - 7/10 Nick Reimer was probably the best
Interest - 4/10 the "maths of english" was incredibly hard. it started off really well, until about week 7-8 when the topics just started getting tedious and pointless.
Overall - 7/10 only because my tutor gave me good marks...otherwise i'd give it a 5

ENGL1015 - Inventing Modernity
Ease - 6/10
Lecturer - 2/10 i don't remember liking any of them
Interest - 1/10 pointless pointless subject. the lectures consisted of finding the sexual undertones in all of the texts
Overall - 1/10


Active Member
Jun 14, 2003
who's ur differential lec?! i got dr bills.. and he's alryte

Ease: 1/10 (quite hard stuff...)
Lecturer: 8/10 (robinson's not bad)
Interest: 9/10 (interesting nonetheless)
Overall: 8.5
hey, u can't argue that stat's useful

MATH2961 vector calc + linear alg
Ease: 6/10 (easy stuff)
Lecturer: 5/10 (not the best, but alryte... have to say, alot are having difficulty understanding dr ruibin zhang's accent... =p)
Interest: 9/10 (interesting stuff)
Overal: 7/10

MATH2965: real complex analysis
Ease: 0/10 (definitely the hardest sub in first sem)
Lecturer: 10/10 (u can't argue with daners)
Interest: 10/10 (very intersting stuff)
Overal: well i guess it makes it 10/10...

EASE: 1/10 (dind't think PDE was gonna be so hard)
Lecturer: 4/10 (didn't really liked the lecturer... not as much as the first sem one's any way)
Interest: 9/10 (esp for those doing phys, u need it... even some economist need it)
Overal:7/10 (good call...)

MATH2968: Algebra
EASE: -1/10 definitely the hardest subject i have done yet... i believe the extra one pt above the 10 is worthwhile
Lecturer:2/10 (poor... very poor, tho his wkly review session is a good practice... at the end, didn't even bother to turn up to tutes... maybe that explains my poor grades)
Interest: 8/10 (not as an interestin subject as analysis... but still quite fun to do)
Overal:6/10 (didn't enjoy it as much... after final exam i felt like shit)

MATH2970: Financial maths
EASE: 10/10 then 0/10, and the change is not a smooth limited growth funtion... it's more like a step fn... all of a sudden it gets impossibilty hard
Lecturer:4/10 (he's nto bad... just he's not good either... overall doesn't have too good of a good impression of him... ivers i think his name was... he tries hard alot already, but i jsut feel not loved in financial maths)
Overal: 8/10 (important subject for finance students/those who want to progress into risk assessment etc...
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New Member
Jul 22, 2005
ANHS 1003
Ease: 8/10 1 essay and an exam on only 2-3 areas
Lecturer: 10/10 for alistair and 6.5/10 for jimmy
Interest: 7/10
Overall: 8/10

GOVT 1105
Ease: 7/10
Lecturer: 4/10
Interest: 8.5/10
Overall: 7/10

HPSC 1000
Ease: 7/10 lots of essays marked fairly hardly, but no exam
Lecturer: 8/10 very solid
Interest: 7/10 they really start to scrape the barrel at the end
Overall: 7/10

HSTY 1045
Ease: 6.5/10 Very obscure stuff but not much work
Lecturer: 5/10 Depressingly boring
Interest 2/10 the most boring subject ever
Overall: 4/10

CHEM 1101
Ease: 8/10
Lecturer: 7/10
Interest: 5/10
Overall: 6/10

GOVT 1202
Ease: 6/10
Lecturer: 8/10 once you get over the accent
Interest 9/10
Overall: 8/10

HSTY 1044
Ease 8/10
Lecturer: 3.5/10
Interest: 3.5/10
Overall: 5/10

SLSS 1002
Ease 7/10
Lecturer: 7.5/10
Interest: 6.5/10
Overall: 6.5/10


Sep 18, 2005
grk_styl said:
EDUF1018 - Education, Teachers and Teaching
Ease - 9/10
Lecturer - 1/10 i despised the Head Lecturer, and since she took most of the lectures, it was crap. the one who took "Knowledge" was equally crap, and spoke to us like we were 5 years old.
Interest - 3/10 it made me rethink my degree choice.
Overall - 3/10 i was definitely considering changing degrees. it was a crap subject and it was really boring

EDUF1019 - Human Development & Education
Ease - 9/10
Lecturer - 10/10 Dr. Stephie is the best
Interest - 10/10
Overall - 10/10
Lesley for 1018? I loved her. I thought it was a pretty important part of the degree though, knowing a bit of the sociology and paradigms of the profession and all that. Year II education subjects are more of the same, especially in second sem.

At least you didn't get Laurel for 1019.
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Nov 2, 2003
Re: Subject Reviews

CHEM1901: Chemistry 1A (advanced)
Ease - 8/10
Lecturer - 8/10 (First lecturer was a bit dodgy, but Kepert wasn't too bad)
Interest - 8/10
Overall - 8/10

CHEM1902: Chemistry 1B (advanced)
Ease - 5/10 (quite difficult stuff)
Lecturer - 8/10 (They were both quite good, especially Trevor Hambley)
Interest - 7/10
Overall - 7/10

PHYS1901- Physics 1A (advanced)
Ease - 5/10 (I found it quite hard)
Lecturer - 7/10
Interest - 7/10
Overall - 6/10 (I found it too stressful)

PHYS1500- Astronomy
Ease- 9/10 (but there's a lot to remember)
Lecturer- 8/10
Interest- 7/10 (I did astrophysics in year 12, so not many things new to me)
Overall- 8/10

MBLG1001- Molecular Biology and Genetics (Intro)
Ease- 6/10 (the exam was quite hard)
Lecturer- 8/10 (gets bad towards the end, though)
Interest- 8/10
Overall- 7/10


P vs NP
Aug 11, 2004
Re: Subject Reviews

First year advanced maths subjects

MATH1901 Differential Calculus (Adv)
2005 Lecturer: Mrs Jenny Henderson

Ease: 8
Lecturer: 9
Interest: 7
Overall: 8

The first few weeks are mostly revision work with a few new topics, such as the complex exponential function. The course is led on to more interesting topics later on, all presented by an excellent lecturer.

MATH1902 Linear Algebra (Adv)
2005 Lecturer: A/Prof Bob Howlett

Ease: 7
Lecturer: 7
Interest: 6
Overall: 7

Personally I did not find Howlett's lecturering style very interesting, although I have been assured by the postgrad maths community that he is very good. The material isn't too hard, just algebraicly messy, with multiplication of matrices.

MATH1903 Integral Calculus and Modelling (Adv)
2005 Lecturer: Dr David Easdown

Ease: 9
Lecturer: 10
Interest: 10
Overall: 10+

Easdown is a highly commended lecturer, and many who have been taught by him regard him as one of the best. The material is largely irrelevant as he has an amazing ability to make everything interesting and appealing, as well as simplifying the most complex problems. A level above the other 10s.

MATH1904 Discrete Mathematics (Adv)
2005 Lecturer: Dr Bill Palmer

Ease: 10
Lecturer: 9
Interest: 10
Overall: 10

Ridiculously simple concepts of the course. Personally every mark lost was due to silly calculation errors rather than any unknowns. While not a step above the rest like Easdown, Palmer is up there with some of the best lecturers.

MATH1905 Statistics (Adv)
2005 Lecturer: Dr Marc Raimondo

Ease: 7
Lecturer: 4
Interest: 5
Overall: 5

While the concepts and methods in stats is relatively easy, the way it is presented could be much improved upon. Raimondo's voice aids sleep rather than study, not to mention the lecturing material is copied in verbatim from Primer. The book, however, is just as boring as the lecturer, and anyone who can venture beyond a page or two without feeling sleepy or lost will be appreciated for their efforts.

MATH1907 Maths SSP B
2005 Topics: Vibrations and Waves, Ancestral Trees, Bernoulli Numbers and the Euler Maclaurin Formular
2005 Lecturers: Dr Sanjeeva Balasuriya, Prof John Robinson, Dr Donald Cartwright

Ease: 8/9/7
Lecturer: 7/8/8
Interest: 8/7/8
Overall: 8

Vibrations and Waves is an extension on use of calculus to solve differential equations, without much difficulty. Once past the stereotypical view on stats being boring, Ancestral Trees contains harder Markov chain but the assignment is straight forward and easy. While Bernoulli Numbers is an interesting topic, most people would find the algebra involved intimidating, where Mathematica would come in handy.
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Aug 23, 2004
Re: Subject Reviews

Tennille said:
CHEM1902: Chemistry 1B (advanced)
Ease - 5/10 (quite difficult stuff)
Lecturer - 8/10 (They were both quite good, especially Trevor Hambley)
Interest - 7/10
Overall - 7/10
Yeah, Trevor Hambley is the best! He's really interesting, and he always has some sort of experiment towards the end of the lecture to put it all in context. Plus, if you haven't learnt anything all lecture (but this is not the case with him :D), the experiment will certainly keep you wide awake, and is a very effective silencer! :D

Pity I had him for only 4 weeks this semester, and it was all stuff I knew anyway. Organic Chem is becoming a bore--it's not bad, but it's a shitload of stuff to learn. Plus the lectures go so fast that I can't keep pace for more than the first 15 minutes, and maybe the last 15 minutes if I recover sufficiently in the middle :p


Nov 2, 2003
Re: Subject Reviews

lala2 said:
Yeah, Trevor Hambley is the best! He's really interesting, and he always has some sort of experiment towards the end of the lecture to put it all in context. Plus, if you haven't learnt anything all lecture (but this is not the case with him :D), the experiment will certainly keep you wide awake, and is a very effective silencer! :D

Pity I had him for only 4 weeks this semester, and it was all stuff I knew anyway. Organic Chem is becoming a bore--it's not bad, but it's a shitload of stuff to learn. Plus the lectures go so fast that I can't keep pace for more than the first 15 minutes, and maybe the last 15 minutes if I recover sufficiently in the middle :p
Yeah, organic chem is full of memorising.


Jul 10, 2004
Re: Subject Reviews

Malfoy said:
A pre-emptive subject review, considering it's unlikely to get much worse...

ENGL1002: Narratives of Romance and Adventure
Lecturer: Liam Semler (??) plus others

Ease: 7 (I managed to finish my major essay in 1.5 hours)
Lecturer: 2 (I quit going to lectures after the first three)
Interest: 0 (As I said, I gave up on going cause I was that bored)
Overall: 3 (The subject matter is completely dry. I feel completely unable get into it. Our tutor isn't particularly inspiring either... even those who've been into the subject material have been complaining.)
I very much disagree on this one, I love almost everything about Engl 1002, particularly Liam Semler's lectures which are the best I've been to in my three semesters at Uni. I love this subject.


Oct 17, 2004
Re: Subject Reviews

Malfoy said:
HSTY1025: The Middle Ages 500-1500
Lecturers: Lynette Olson and Julie Smith

Ease: 6 (Oh man, did I get caned on my 'Historical Significance' piece of work; plus there's a lot of reading)
Lecturer: 10 (Lyn Olson is the bomb! I think Julie only took a couple because I missed two weeks of lectures due to union stuff, and they were the only weeks she was there. Seriously, though, I actually make time to go to the lectures, unlike just about everything else.)
Interest: 10 (I'm loving this subject, particularly its focus on church history, Islamic history and some of the things that happened just after the collapse of the Western Roman Empire)
Overall: 9 (I would have given it a 10 except for the difficulty)

HSTY1076: American History from Lincoln to Clinton
Lecturer: Clare Corbould

Ease: 6 (A fair amount of reading and it's quite harshly marked. I was told 10% failed, 70% passed and only 20% got higher marks for the last assessment.)
Lecturer: 9 (She's awesome and she's also my tute leader. She has a really dry sense of humour and covers the material in a coherent and easily-followed way.)
Interest: 7 (This is bumped much higher due to the lecturer. I'm not as into cultural history as other aspects, and this course has a lot of focus on it. Plus, there's too much focus on 'minority group history', at least in the tutes, for my liking.)
Overall: 7 (I love American history but I don't really like the focus of this course - based mostly on tutes, to be fair - as much as I should. Plus, too much cultural history.)

Next semester will be interesting... I'm overloading so there'll be a lot more work involved.
10 for interest in middle ages? its good but they completely ignore so much of the good stuff. same goes for american too, reducing the korean war to "it went back and forth a bit" and then going on to talk about impacts. both courses have gone too much society and culture for my liking with not enough on the interesting stuff (sex and war, we need more of it). that said both are still pretty interesting, i'd prob give 7 interest for both, 7 ease for middle ages, 8 ease for american, lecturers i'd reverse giving 10 to clare and 9 to lyn, but julie is more like a 7-8.
Dec 12, 2003
Re: Subject Reviews

HSTY1045: Modern European History 1750-1914
Lecturer: Robert Aldrich

Ease: 7.5/10 (It's not marked too harshly and the texts + lectures are understandable. There is quite a lot of reading however, and its a hell of a lot of content to remember)
Lecturer: 7/10 (Robert does a good job of making a v.broad topic logical and comprehensible - but the lectures can sometimes be a little dull and he talks too softly)
Interest: 6/10 (Some weeks are interesting, some are v.v. dull)
Overall: 7/10

ECOP1001: Economics as a Social Science
Lecturer: Frank Stilwell

Ease: 7.5/10 (There is quite a lot of content here too. Its presented very well, but for people like me who did economics at high school it can be hard to adjust your brain into a Marxist/Institutionalist/Classical economic analysis)
Lecturer: 10++/10 (Frank is the best lecturer ever.)
Interest: 9/10 (A great course for getting into arguments with your liberal voting buddies. Reading the neoclassical theory sections is a drag though)
Overal: 9/10 Great course. Everyone should do it.

GOVT1105: Geopolitics
Lecturer: Diamurd Macguire

Ease: 7/10 (The content isnt hard but it is very very boring - its difficult to concentrate on what your doing)
Lecturer: 3/10 (Unorganised, doesn't explain things very well, and sometimes he trails off his sentences so that you dont know what he is saying. Also, lectures are 2 hrs long - and finish at 6pm :()
Interest: 5/10 (Some weeks are interesting, some aren't. The readings are deadly boring)
Overal: 4.5/10 (Not as interesting and fun as it sounds in the faculty handbook)

SCLG1001: Introduction to Sociology
Lecturer: Fiona Gill

Ease: 8.5/10 (Lectures and texts are clear and not difficult to understand. A fair amount of content - but it is definitely possible to waffle through the course.
Lecturer: 9/10 (Love Fiona)
Interest: 9/10 (v. interesting, also good for getting into arguments with people. There is a lot to read, but it isn't boring.)
Overall: 9/10 (Love this course.)


Sep 30, 2004
Uni Grad
Re: Subject Reviews

ECOP1001: Economics as a Social Science
Lecturer: Frank Stilwell

Ease: 8/10 (Like Silver Persian says, after having done HSC economics, and having Keynesian/neo-classical theory hammered into you as absolute fact, it is intersting having it all challenged with alternative views.)
Lecturer: 10/10. (Stillwell is one of the best.)
Interest: 8/10. (Interesting content, certaintly gives a great overview of economic thought. I found some of the discussion in tutes to be quite left-wing though...)
Overall: 8.5/10. (Definately something you should do if you get the chance)

ECON1001: Introductory Microeconomics
Lecturer: Natalia Ponomareva

Ease: 8/10. (straight foward stuff. If you havent done maths at all, some of the content may baffle you at first though)
Lecturer: 5/10. (I dont go to lectures anymore. Shes not that bad i guess, but Mirco can be a pretty dull subject and the lecturer can make it more interesting; something natalia fails to do.)
Interest: 6/10 (Most of it is quite simple to me, so i quickly lost interest)
Overall: 7/10

CLAW1001 - Commercial Transactions A
Lecturer: Giuseppe Carabetta

Ease: 9/10 (Straight-foward content; identifying ALL of the issues in some of the problems can be a challenge. Also our major essay question lacked any point that was arguable.)
Lecturer: 10/10. (Guiseppe is also one of the best. I hear behind the scenes though he can be quite ruthless in his administration of the course)
Interest: 10/10. (Love the stuff. Cant get enough)
Overall: 9.5/10

GOVT1101 - Australian Politics
Lecturer: Shelly Savage
Ease: 10/10. (If you already follow politics, most of the content will be familiar. Even so, most of the stuff is basic.)
Lecturer: 8/10. (She manages to sustain interest)
Interest: 9.5/10. (As quite a political person, i find the course to be quite stimulating.)
Overall: 8.5/10.
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is hating uni & study
May 29, 2003
on the dance floor with a bottle of tequila
Re: Subject Reviews

Malfoy said:
A pre-emptive subject review, considering it's unlikely to get much worse...

EDUF1018: Education, Teachers and Teaching
Lecturer: Lesley Scanlon (plus others)

Ease: 7 (apparently 25% failed the major essay)
Lecturer: 4 (Lesley was good, but the subject matter killed me. It was vacuous and at times overly PC. The history of classroom methods wasn't bad.)
Interest: 8 (due solely to tutorial discussions)
Overall: 6 (I'm expecting next semester to be much worse.)
semester 2 for first year education subjects is awesome. Especially (actually ONLY) if you get Dr. Stephie! The subject is really interesting, and Dr. Stephie's outfits just brighten up (literally) your day!

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