Subject selection help and tips (1 Viewer)


Aug 7, 2013
Hey anyone
So just posting what subjects I'm doing for
Prelim hsc year 11 for 2014 and plan for 2015
Would like tips/ guide for subjects and do's an don'ts
And also any references for study tuition or websites that can help
Particularly things like texts I should cover or any tips

Subjects for prelim:
Advanced English
Extension 1 English
Mathematics (2 unit)
Ancient history

Plan for 2015 hsc is;
Advanced English
English Extension I
English Extension II
Mathematics (2 unit)
Ancient History
*drop physics even though I've got a parent who teaches and marks it?

Basically: how many hours should I be doing/tips for certain subjects or extensions
And the do's and don't's!


New Member
Jan 23, 2013
If your parent teaches physics then you should do it! But ONLY if you actually like it. My biggest tip is to do what you love and what you are good at for you HSC subjects. There is no point studying and getting stressed over something that means nothing to you. As for other tips, in Ancient History make sure throughout the year you are writing notes that correspond to the syllabus dot points so you don't have to do them at the end of the year (LIKE ME)


all class
Jul 15, 2013
Wow, pretty content heavy subjects there! I'm also doing similar subjects to you except for physics, ee1 and ancient history. I'll try best to assist you, so here goes nothing...

Make sure you remain top of your work by doing consistent study every day by having a good work ethic (I'd say 2-3 hours on weekdays and 4 on weekends). Try not to cram for exams as it is not the most effective method. It may work for some, but for me personally I wouldn't do it as I find it way more stressful. You can pound so much information in your brain in one night that you can't remember all of it for tomorrow, so take this into consideration.

Study tips/guide

-Do your homework (if you think the homework is useless, don't do it. Maybe do your own self-study as it might be easier for you).
-Listen in class
-Finish assessments ASAP
-Start reading as it will help you expand your vocabulary, boost creativity, improve writing skills, develop analytical thinking skills and enhance memory
-Memorise the concepts. If you learn everything through linking ideas universally, which can be done through analogy, diagrams and metaphors, you'll be able to understand things deeper.

If you want tutoring for cover the texts in English (which I assume you're saying), have a look at this

For more generalised tuition colleges that cover more broadly with subjects:

That's pretty much the best I can do, hope that helps :)
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Survivor of the HSC
Nov 30, 2011
I have friends who did similar subjects to you, but in different combinations so I'll try and use experiences they had.

English advanced - get your related texts for your AOS done ASAP so you don't have a freak out like me prior to your yearly exams. I didn't really care about English advanced, but try and care otherwise you might carry that attitude into year 12 and that's not good. I didn't spend much time on it, but ideally, about an hour a week? I did much less than that but still managed to do alright.

English extension 1 - DO ALL YOUR READINGS!! You might find extension much more rigorous than advanced, as it requires different thought processes and it's really a labour of love. You'll either love it or you don't. I guess it was around 1-2 hours a week for me.

Maths - do all your homework!! DO NOT LEAVE IT FOR THE NEXT DAY because those days turn into weeks and suddenly, you're two terms behind on homework. For study, just do past papers. I used to spend 30 minutes a night doing maths now I spend like 2 hours a night LOL (but then again, I also do ext 2, so your workload should be a lot less)

Chemistry - I haven't done chem before, but keep a record of all your pracs and consistently make syllabus notes. You'll find that really helpful by the time prac exams or yearly exams roll around. Not sure how much time you need to spend.

Physics - Understand EVERYTHING! You really need to get your concepts down pat. Also, make syllabus notes!! I made syllabus notes and it was great because when exams came, I didn't have to write any new notes, I just used the ones I already had and cruised through (not really cruise, but I was in a better position than most my cohort). Also record your pracs, because that is testable within exams. I would spend about 1hr a week on physics (school taught nothing, it was mostly because of tutoring lol)

Economics - I hear the workload is really big. I think you really need to love to get through it. I would say the same with phys and chem: consistently write notes. Also, I think you should remember any trends or statistics, not too sure because I didn't do eco.

Ancient history - My friend loves it because she really enjoys the content. I think if you really enjoy it, you should do pretty well in it :) Don't have any tips though, sorry.

Good luck for prelim and HSC :)

Also with EX2, prepared to be putting in a lot of effort and time for your major work! I almost did it but dropped it before it started because realistically, there was no way I could do it. Manage your time well and you should be fine :)

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