I think that Joseph Conrad-Heart Of Darkness could work well, seeing the text depicts both 'physical'/imaginative (The travel down the Congo River) and 'inner' (Marlowe) journeys. It would also work as a contrast to many other texts, seeing the journey within is largely negative (the horror, the horror), and this can be seen in the effect of the journey upon Marlowe's psyche, represented through Conrad's use of narration.
Additionally, James Joyce-A Portrait Of The Artist Of A Young Man may go nicely for 'inner' journey, seeing the text consists of Stephen Daedalus' progression from childhood to adulthood, casting off the shackles of religion and ideology in the process. (Interesting techniques are also used to show the journey, such as the narrative shifting from third-person to first-person, and the writing becoming progressively 'mature' throughout, beginning with babytalk and moving onwards...