Survey for my PIP concerned with your personality. (1 Viewer)

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New Member
Mar 19, 2008
If you could be so kind to find the time to fill this out id really appreciate it :)
its for my PIP. and im trying to find out certain impacts relationships have on us.
Thanks guys.

Society and Culture Personal Interest Project Survey

1. Age: …………………..
2. Gender: ……………..
3. Describe your personality:
4. Do you associate more often with males or females?......................
5. Who is your family made up of? (eg. Mum, dad, married, divored, brother, sister)
6. Who are you closest to in your family? Why?
7. Who do you consider yourself to be most like in your family? Why?
8. Describe your circle of friends: (males, females, mixed, younger, older)
9. Which friend/s are you most similar too?
10. Which friend/s is least like you as a person?
11. Which friend has contributed the most to your development as a person and individual? How/Why?

12. Overall, who has most influenced who you have become at this point in life? How/why?


Tired Member
Feb 1, 2008
If you could be so kind to find the time to fill this out id really appreciate it :)
its for my PIP. and im trying to find out certain impacts relationships have on us.
Thanks guys.

Society and Culture Personal Interest Project Survey

1. Age: 18…………………..
2. Gender: F ……………..
3. Describe your personality:

Stubborn, prone to anxiety and paranoia, but mostly happy. Find it difficult to interact with people i don't know, very shy around people i don't know, but extroverted around really good friends.

4. Do you associate more often with males or females? Males......................
5. Who is your family made up of? (eg. Mum, dad, married, divored, brother, sister)
Mother and father never married, live separate and apart under the same roof. Two sisters, older and younger.

6. Who are you closest to in your family? Why?
Older sister, cuz shes very non-judgemental

7. Who do you consider yourself to be most like in your family? Why?
Older sister, shares anxiety, very similar contrasy kind of personality

8. Describe your circle of friends: (males, females, mixed, younger, older)
Both guys and girls, mostly my age and a lot older (30-35 year olds)

9. Which friend/s are you most similar too?
none of them

10. Which friend/s is least like you as a person?
My best mate, shes my age and very very very outgoing/confident

11. Which friend has contributed the most to your development as a person and individual? How/Why?
Same as above, helped me come out of my shell, taught me about tolerance and formed a lot of my values eg: racism is bullshit etc

12. Overall, who has most influenced who you have become at this point in life? How/why?
Same as above
Oct 16, 2008
lol okay i'll just do the survey since i'm so bored atm.

1. Age:15
2. Gender:lmao F
3. Describe your personality:
insane, extroverted+introverted depending on my mood, optimistic
4. Do you associate more often with males or females?
5. Who is your family made up of? (eg. Mum, dad, married, divored, brother, sister)
Parents+Me+My dog
6. Who are you closest to in your family? Why?
My dog...just the way it is lol.
7. Who do you consider yourself to be most like in your family? Why? maybe lol we both laugh at everything
8. Describe your circle of friends: (males, females, mixed, younger, older)
FEMALES FEMALES FEMALES + some older males

9. Which friend/s are you most similar too?
we are all different
10. Which friend/s is least like you as a person?
Mr.XXXXX. he's demure, quiet and smart lol, complete oppposite of me.
11. Which friend has contributed the most to your development as a person and individual? How/Why?
each and every one of my friends have contributed to my development as a happy person.<3
12. Overall, who has most influenced who you have become at this point in life? How/why?
Oh one.[/quote]
ahaha sorry for the failure of answering a lot of the 'HOws +Whys' =/
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Apr 16, 2008
If you could be so kind to find the time to fill this out id really appreciate it :)
its for my PIP. and im trying to find out certain impacts relationships have on us.
Thanks guys.
that's okay :)

Society and Culture Personal Interest Project Survey

1. Age: 16
2. Gender: female
3. Describe your personality:
I'm pretty much classic INTP (it's the easiest way to describe it) - quiet, reflective, close circle of friends, 'off with the fairies' most of the time :)
4. Do you associate more often with males or females? Females, because I go to an all-girls school and I don't really associate with people outside of school. Although if it's a question of preference then I prefer to hang out with the few guy friends I have.
5. Who is your family made up of? (eg. Mum, dad, married, divored, brother, sister)
Mum and dad married, I have one younger sister and we live with my grandmother.
6. Who are you closest to in your family? Why?
My dad, as he is interested in more 'intellectual' things (science, philosophy, current affairs, technology etc) and we have interesting conversations - he is INTJ if it's relevant...
7. Who do you consider yourself to be most like in your family? Why?
My dad, for reasons described above :)
8. Describe your circle of friends: (males, females, mixed, younger, older)
Small group of school friends, all female, about my age. A couple of others but they're my main 'circle', I guess
9. Which friend/s are you most similar too?
We're a pretty mixed group, we don't really have that much in common - I guess I am similar to each of them in different ways. There are two friends who I'm probably most similar to... Ms A is very intelligent and we always have interesting discussions, and Ms B shares a lot of my interests (eg creative writing, the internet, posting in forums and stuff)
10. Which friend/s is least like you as a person?
Ms C - very extroverted, has a lot of other (outside our group) friends, always has a new guy on her arm :D
11. Which friend has contributed the most to your development as a person and individual? How/Why?
Mr D - introduced me to philosophy, and wondering about the world, the meaning of life, ethics, all that (as well as fantasy and science fiction...) That has shaped my outlook on life profoundly (that sentence sounded so stuck-up, didn't it? :D ) And he showed me that it's alright to be a little bit nerdy...
12. Overall, who has most influenced who you have become at this point in life? How/why?
My dad (through our conversations) and Mr D - Mr D directly, as I've become more confident in myself and don't feel the need to 'fit in' with the cool kids or whatever, and indirectly, as he made me think very hard about my place in the world and the meaning of life or whatever, and answering those questions has changed my view on the world. If that makes sense...


goldmambo #5.
Sep 6, 2007
Not Cooma.
1. Age: 17
2. Gender: Female
3. Describe your personality: Varies significantly... Overall, I'm fairly quick to temper, I'm extroverted in front of people I know well, but introverted around others. I can be really loud in small groups of people, but the second I'm in a larger group I'm quiet and demure.
4. Do you associate more often with males or females? males I spose.
5. Who is your family made up of? (eg. Mum, dad, married, divored, brother, sister) Mum & Dad divorced, Dad remarried. 2 younger brothers, a younger sister and a younger stepsister.
6. Who are you closest to in your family? Why? My littlest brother or my sister, I spose.
7. Who do you consider yourself to be most like in your family? Why? I'm not really like any of them? Well.. probably my maternal grandmother.
8. Describe your circle of friends: (males, females, mixed, younger, older) A mixture in terms of gender, mostly older apart from school friends and the odd few.
9. Which friend/s are you most similar too? Not sure...
10. Which friend/s is least like you as a person? My school friends, I guess.. I love them nonetheless.
11. Which friend has contributed the most to your development as a person and individual? How/Why? Someone who I'm no longer friends with :(
12. Overall, who has most influenced who you have become at this point in life? How/why? My family I guess
Aug 11, 2007
coordinates: bookshop
If you could be so kind to find the time to fill this out id really appreciate it :)
its for my PIP. and im trying to find out certain impacts relationships have on us.
Thanks guys.
No problem.
Society and Culture Personal Interest Project Survey

1. Age: 17
2. Gender: Female
3. Describe your personality: Very slow to trust. Quite outgoing if I feel comfortable. Either very loud or very soft. Sardonic, sarcastic and offbeat humour. Warm, open and caring; but with the reservation to be indifferent and apathetic if it's justified. Nostalgia can be pretty movitating in my recreational interests - resulting in liking things that are below the general scope of the age group I am in.
4. Do you associate more often with males or females? Males, I guess.
5. Who is your family made up of? (eg. Mum, dad, married, divored, brother, sister)
Parents are divorced. Youngest of four children - the rest are in their twenties(brother - 27. sisters - 29, 22) - all of which are living by their own means. Living with my Dad.
6. Who are you closest to in your family? Why?
Dad. He is open, calm and accepting. There is no confusion that he wants me to be happy and succeed, but he knows that there is no set way towards it, and I have to find my own way.
7. Who do you consider yourself to be most like in your family? Why?
I'm unsure. I suppose I would like to say I am much like the strong women in my family, but it is probable that I am merely stubborn. I would say that I have similarities and differences that are fairly equal in ratio with all members of my family.
8. Describe your circle of friends: (males, females, mixed, younger, older)
Probably a vague 6:4 ratio of males:females. My best friend is female, and I have another close female friend,(both are a bit tomboyish) but most of my close friends are male.
9. Which friend/s are you most similar too?
My best friend. Things which are just taken as understood between us often make no sense to anyone else.
10. Which friend/s is least like you as a person?
Possibly one of my closest male friends(an ex-boyfriend)
11. Which friend has contributed the most to your development as a person and individual? How/Why?
My best friend. It is hard to put into words. She gives me something to aspire to, whilst insisting that I am fine the way I am.
12. Overall, who has most influenced who you have become at this point in life? How/why?
I don't think any one person has made me the way I am. Though my best friend has definitely been influential, as have my parents, and my friends.


Scuba Steve
May 13, 2007
1. Age: 17

2. Gender: Male

3. Describe your personality:

Laid back, silly, mature when requried, determined, hard working when something interests me

4. Do you associate more often with males or females? Males i guess

5. Who is your family made up of? (eg. Mum, dad, married, divored, brother, sister) Mum, dad, twin sister and a half brother

6. Who are you closest to in your family? Why? Twin sister, as she is easiest to relate to as we share common interests, friends and are going through similar things, ie the hsc last year.

7. Who do you consider yourself to be most like in your family? Why? Mix of everyone, plus a bit of individuality. Most like would be sister though, again similar interests, but my personality is slight different, im much more silly than she is

8. Describe your circle of friends: (males, females, mixed, younger, older)

Male and female, ages ranging from 17-18, i am the youngest of my close friends

9. Which friend/s are you most similar too?

I have different friends from different interests, ie friends who i relate to through sport, school, music etc. Id have to say one og my good friends who i share common interests with across the board would be whom im most similar to, and he shares my humour

10. Which friend/s is least like you as a person?

One whoes sense of humour i find annoying

11. Which friend has contributed the most to your development as a person and individual? How/Why?

A few have helped me to become less shy and become more confident with myself in all aspects

12. Overall, who has most influenced who you have become at this point in life? How/why?

Family, they have guided me throughout life, teaching me various lesson and helping me develop various qualities


New Member
Mar 19, 2008
Thanks so much guys :)
youve helped me immensely :D

appreciate heaps.


New Member
Sep 20, 2008
tessblahh said:
If you could be so kind to find the time to fill this out id really appreciate it :)
its for my PIP. and im trying to find out certain impacts relationships have on us.
Thanks guys.

Society and Culture Personal Interest Project Survey

1. Age: …16………………..

2. Gender: ………F……..

3. Describe your personality:
Outgoing, bubbly, crazy, indecisive, fussy, vivacious, dedicated, caring, lazy.

4. Do you associate more often with males or females?.females

5. Who is your family made up of? (eg. Mum, dad, married, divored, brother, sister)
Younger sister, younger brother, mum and dad. Not divorced.

6. Who are you closest to in your family? Why?
Probably my brother because he is closest to me age wise as well, being 2 years younger than me. We grew up doing everything together, then my little sister was born 6 years apart and she was a bit of an outcast. : P

7. Who do you consider yourself to be most like in your family? Why?
Appearance-wise, my mum. Other than that im not really anything like my family. I'm a little bit stubborn like my sister but that's it.

8. Describe your circle of friends: (males, females, mixed, younger, older)
I'm mostly friends with girls, and a few guys. Mostly girls of my own age at school or gymnastics. But i also get along with younger people. I have quite a few younger friends as well, one of my closest friends is 11 years old. Maybe because i don't act like the average 16 year old girl-as in to cool for school. I dont care what other ppl think of me, and i dont think girls my age act themselves. Younger kids are just crazy and have fun. : P

9. Which friend/s are you most similar too?
I'm most similar to my best friend who is 16 years old, and my other close friend who is 11 years old. I look a lot like my best friend, and we've always had the same kind of values/morals and even dress style. As for my other close friend, we both have the same personality and we look like sisters as well.

10. Which friend/s is least like you as a person?
One of my other close friends, she's 16 as well. We are just completely different; the way we talk, who we like, our style, values/morals.

11. Which friend has contributed the most to your development as a person and individual? How/Why?
Probably my best friend, (16 years) We have had quite a few fights, and disagreements. Because I am quite a stubborn person I always think im right. She has taught me so much, mostly to be more mature, and caring towards ppl. She has changed me a lot since 5 years ago, just by watching her maturity.

12. Overall, who has most influenced who you have become at this point in life? How/why?
If your still talking about friends, then probably the same friend as above, for the same reason.
But not including friends, my parent's definately, and one of my teacher's who I look up to and have learnt very important life lessons from.


Ridiculously Good Looking
Jul 23, 2007
eh i know how hard/annoying it was trying to get people to fill out a survey so i shall.

1. Age: 18

2. Gender: female

3. Describe your personality:
quiet, loyal, self-confident, determined, a dreamer, friendly, reliable, responsible, hard worker, optimistic...yeh.

4. Do you associate more often with males or females? females
5. Who is your family made up of? (eg. Mum, dad, married, divored, brother, sister)
mum and dad (still married), younger brother and sister, nanna (mum's side).

6. Who are you closest to in your family? Why?
parents, probably because my brother and sister are still at an age when it's cool to just be annoying and such.

7. Who do you consider yourself to be most like in your family? Why?
my dad, i guess since we are both academically inclined and have similar outlooks/perspectives on life. i think we are both quietly confident and hard workers.

8. Describe your circle of friends: (males, females, mixed, younger, older)
um. my group at school was all females, but i have male friends outside that. i seem to interact more with people who weren't in my group at school now that school has finished now. all my age, mostly from school.

9. Which friend/s are you most similar too?
i'm not really sure.

10. Which friend/s is least like you as a person?
um again, not sure.

11. Which friend has contributed the most to your development as a person and individual? How/Why?
my current boyfriend perhaps. i'm just heaps more confident and outgoing and deal with stress better and don't care what people think about me as much anymore.

12. Overall, who has most influenced who you have become at this point in life? How/why?
heaps of people!!
my parents socialised me to respect everyone no matter their race, religion, whatever, so i think i'm a very tolerant person now.
my boyfriend has influenced me to be more outgoing and be myself and be louder and crazier. not to hide myself because of embarrassment or fear of being judged or whatever. taught me that's it's worth it to work hard for what i want.
some of my friends have taught me that i need to keep the worthy friends around because some just can't be trusted/are selfish/only care about their own lives.
other friends have encouraged me to open up and trust again since i've been burnt by people in the past.
my history extension teacher/ extension class opened up my interests and introduced me to plenty of new ideas which i think has made me less narrow-minded.
etc. this question is massive haha.
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Miss Code

Oct 17, 2008
At the end of the journey!
Society and Culture Personal Interest Project Survey

1. Age: 17
2. Gender: Female
3. Describe your personality: calm, person who is easy to be around
4. Do you associate more often with males or females? both
5. Who is your family made up of? (eg. Mum, dad, married, divored, brother, sister)……………………………… mum, dad, half brother, half sister and a twin sister
6. Who are you closest to in your family? Why?
my mum, she's always the most supportive, she tells me what she thinks is good or bad, and shes always there to help me when i ask for help.
7. Who do you consider yourself to be most like in your family? Why?
i think im different to my family, they are more outgoing where im more closed
8. Describe your circle of friends: (males, females, mixed, younger, older)
at school mixed group of friends that are the same age as myself, out of school it changes and can be older or younger
9. Which friend/s are you most similar too?
we all have different personalities
10. Which friend/s is least like you as a person?
i really dont know, where all different in ways
11. Which friend has contributed the most to your development as a person and individual? How/Why?
one of my best friends, she made me believe in myself that i wasnt stupid and pushed me a little bit more to try harder at school

12. Overall, who has most influenced who you have become at this point in life? How/why?
i think its a range from family, friends and people in society, all the things in society changes how you act, and what it seen acceptable

Hope it helps :)


Nov 11, 2004
Behind Your Electric Chair
Society and Culture Personal Interest Project Survey

1. Age: 21
2. Gender: Female
3. Describe your personality: Quiet achiever, creative, open minded, hard working, eager for approval, enjoy spending alone time equally to socialising.
4. Do you associate more often with males or females? Females
5. Who is your family made up of? (eg. Mum, dad, married, divored, brother, sister)
Mother and Stepfather, one sister, and two step-sisters.
6. Who are you closest to in your family? Why?My mother. She is a blood relative and raised me.[/b]
7. Who do you consider yourself to be most like in your family? Why?
My mother. Although we are still worlds apart. We have both lived similar lifestyles thus far.
8. Describe your circle of friends: (males, females, mixed, younger, older) All females. Same age as me.
9. Which friend/s are you most similar too?
Intellectually those who are currently at university. In terms of style/taste I am similar to my high school friends. I seem to relate to those who come from broken homes as I do or who share my likes for alternative music/books etc.
10. Which friend/s is least like you as a person?
Those who come from homes with marriage as a strong foundation. Those without higher education.
11. Which friend has contributed the most to your development as a person and individual? How/Why?
My latest ex boyfriend. He introduced me to things I was unfamiliar with before and gave me many experiences, ie, traveling overseas, new foods, new cultures, new music etc. He also forced me to face some hard experiences such as the loss of loved ones and propelled me into adulthood faster than I would have without him.

12. Overall, who has most influenced who you have become at this point in life? How/why?
My mother because she shaped and moulded my mind to be what it is today. She encouraged me to be passionate about my love of art. She was adamant I do well in school and get a great education. She introduced me to the music genres I favour today and encouraged my love of reading and the type of books I read. She has always given my honest advice on my choice of friends. She is responsible for the area that I live in and thus the activities and job I have/do.


New Member
Jan 30, 2009
1. Age: 17

2. Gender: F

3. Describe your personality:
Moody, Over Enthusiastic at Times, Quirky, Loyal, Paranoid, Selfish, Sensitive and a Perfectionist.

4. Do you associate more often with males or females? Females (girl's school)

5. Who is your family made up of? (eg. Mum, dad, married, divored, brother, sister)
Mum, Dad and Brother

6. Who are you closest to in your family? Why?
My Brother and I are fairly close, we don't argue (often) or fight over stupid stuff. I guess we're so close together is because I once endangered his life when we were both really young and I've always felt it was my duty and role as his big sister to be kind to him. At times when I'm down or need some company, his always the one I rely on since he understands me more then anyone, so I suppose that's another reason.

7. Who do you consider yourself to be most like in your family? Why?
Once again, my brother. He may be younger then me but I definitely see myself in him (personality-wise) plus we get along really well and share a lot of similar views on the pretty much everything, together.

8. Describe your circle of friends: (males, females, mixed, younger, older)
Since I go to a single-sex school, most of my friends are female. Although I still have a few friends who were in my class during Primary School and Tutor that I'm still mates with but not as close anymore. So I would be leaning more on the female side and they're my around age, just a few months difference.

9. Which friend/s are you most similar too?
I have a friend from Primary whose been one of my closest friends for almost a decade and even though we're polar opposites at times, I find myself being most similar to her because we share a ridiculous sense of humor that would freak any normal human being out.

10. Which friend/s is least like you as a person?
Possibly some of the more quiet and reserved girls in my school who hangs around with my friends.

11. Which friend has contributed the most to your development as a person and individual? How/Why?
My close friend who shares a weird sense of humor with me (as mentioned above) because I've known her for so long and she motivates me to study. We both also share a sense of competitiveness and always compare test results. Without her, I think I would've done horrible for Year 11 and get really average marks. Also I used to be more quiet like the other girls at school but she brings out the real me since her confidence seems to be spread whenever people are around her.

12. Overall, who has most influenced who you have become at this point in life? How/why?
See above and sorry for the rambling :)


New Member
Mar 19, 2008
Hm, who deleted my post? The real question is: why?
heyy. i didnt. this is all very useful material for my pip so i wouldnt dare.
if you get a chance perhaps you could fill it in again ? :)
thanks anyways for trying


Feb 17, 2008
Society and Culture Personal Interest Project Survey

1. Age:

2. Gender:

3. Describe your personality:
Real life (face-to-face)...Shy and silent - don't talk much.

4. Do you associate more often with males or females?
Girls, because boys can be plain rude/dickheads/assholes sometimes, where as girls are pretty and awesome.

5. Who is your family made up of? (eg. Mum, dad, married, divored, brother, sister)
Dad (not living with him)
Lil Bro (not living with him)
Big bro

6. Who are you closest to in your family? Why?
Um, noone really.

7. Who do you consider yourself to be most like in your family? Why?
Noone, my family is all different.

8. Describe your circle of friends: (males, females, mixed, younger, older)
Same age -> One year older, consists of males and females.

9. Which friend/s are you most similar too?

10. Which friend/s is least like you as a person?
All of them...

11. Which friend has contributed the most to your development as a person and individual? How/Why?
None, i have developed on my own...

12. Overall, who has most influenced who you have become at this point in life? How/why?
None, i don't let people in close enough to influence who i become/have become.


Feb 3, 2008
1. Age: 17……………..
2. Gender: F ……………..
3. Describe your personality:
optimistic, quiet, perfectionist, sarcastic, indecisive, creative, caring

4. Do you associate more often with males or females? females

5. Who is your family made up of? (eg. Mum, dad, married, divored, brother, sister)
mum & dad still together, older sister, twin brother

6. Who are you closest to in your family? Why?
twin brother for obvious reasons, been together since birth

7. Who do you consider yourself to be most like in your family? Why?
im very dissimilar to them all i take bits and pieces of all of them but maybe my dad the most

8. Describe your circle of friends: (males, females, mixed, younger, older)
majority females, all around the same age

9. Which friend/s are you most similar too?
a couple i have similarities yet at the same time very different

10. Which friend/s is least like you as a person?
i have a couple who are defintly more outgoing and pessimistic, my opposites

11. Which friend has contributed the most to your development as a person and individual? How/Why?
my sister and brother. ive always seen them both as role models

12. Overall, who has most influenced who you have become at this point in life? How/why?
im closer to my brother but i think im influenced more by my sister cause i just tend to think shes right about most things and follow her example


Oct 21, 2008
where i live
By my friend Sam

1. Age: 17
2. Gender: Male
3. Describe your personality:
Full of much generalness
Expressionful in monotoneness
4. Do you associate more often with males or females? males
5. Who is your family made up of? (eg. Mum, dad, married, divored, brother, sister)
Mum, Dad, 3 brother and Sister (married)
6. Who are you closest to in your family? Why?
parents because they are the ones who still live at home
7. Who do you consider yourself to be most like in your family? Why?
Brother, Stu - see eye to eye on various issues
8. Describe your circle of friends: (males, females, mixed, younger, older)
mixed, same age (except for my awesome friend Kirsty who is 16)
9. Which friend/s are you most similar too?
My closest friends
10. Which friend/s is least like you as a person?
my aqquantances
11. Which friend has contributed the most to your development as a person and individual? How/Why?
Chris - longest knownn friend
12. Overall, who has most influenced who you have become at this point in life? How/why?
kirsty she is da bomb because she critiques me often


Active Member
Sep 5, 2008
1. Age: 16
2. Gender: F
3. Describe your personality:
Quite shy around people I don't know, but rather eccentric around good friends. Impatient. Thoughtful.
4. Do you associate more often with males or females? Females
5. Who is your family made up of? (eg. Mum, dad, married, divored, brother, sister)
Mother and myself
6. Who are you closest to in your family? Why?
Mother, as she's my only immediate family.
7. Who do you consider yourself to be most like in your family? Why?
I don't consider myself to be much like my mother, although I was raised with the same thoughts and values, however lately I find myself breaking free of them due to outside influences.
8. Describe your circle of friends: (males, females, mixed, younger, older)
Female, my age and above, 16+
9. Which friend/s are you most similar too?
My closest friends
10. Which friend/s is least like you as a person?
Another close friend
11. Which friend has contributed the most to your development as a person and individual?
The friend who is least like me.
12. Overall, who has most influenced who you have become at this point in life? How/why?
My friends, as I'm always communicating with them and depend on them.
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