Survivor : Pearl Islands (3 Viewers)


Up the mighty red V
May 30, 2003
Originally posted by Survivor39
OMG, I just realised, what happened to our Survivor Marquesas??
we had the australian survivor going on at the same time, so i think it wooda been too much of an overload.
but i dont know why they didnt show it afterwards..i doubt they will now its been so long.


Sep 2, 2003
I'll never forgive channel 9 for Australian Survivor...It sucked badly


Up the mighty red V
May 30, 2003
Originally posted by Lundy
I'll never forgive channel 9 for Australian Survivor...It sucked badly
dont most australian reality shows?


Looking for the Way out ?
Nov 28, 2002
4 floors above Earth
besides the Mole. Its the only one that looks remotely proffessional and doesn't look like its been shot with a camcorder.


fuck a duck
Jun 27, 2003
Originally posted by ~*HSC 4 life*~
speaking of the crap of a mole was petrina!!!
i disagree... i thought she was brilliant! the best by far! she was so clever as well....


Up the mighty red V
May 30, 2003
Originally posted by ~*HSC 4 life*~
speaking of the crap of a mole was petrina!!!
Originally posted by *~Dazed~*
i disagree... i thought she was brilliant! the best by far! she was so clever as well....
i agree with both of you..
like, i agree that some of the stuff she did was stupid, like in the last episode, jumping into the pool then jumping up and down (ive had a pool all my life, so i kinda know that if ya wanna c something you stay still)
but there were others that she did well..and being the mole wouldnt be an easy job.
Jul 17, 2002
Originally posted by *~Dazed~*
You know what I find pathetic about the people in survivor? Ok well they go on about this backstabbing bullshit well the thing is EVERYONE has to vote. Id understand if it was that they had already made an alliance with someone and then turned around and made it with someone else then yes that is backstabbing
But using last nights episode as an example nicole going to the lilly lady to vote of that other woman (the black one.. forget her name) well that ISNT backstabbing that isnt implying that nicole cant be trusted!!! They were all in the same boat all going to vote someone off its just that the black lady couldnt hack being the one targeted so she turns it into a trust issue what about how at first everyone was going to vote off the ryan guy well then they are fucking hypocrites because they backstabbed him and hence shouldnt be trusted. They all contradict themselves. Why vote off someone for planning to vote off someone when they ALL plan to vote off someone
Sorry I just think its stupid and these people dont think I mean come on HOW is it an indication that she cant be trusted????????????????????
Well, it could've been in part that she wasn't honest about the the incident with Tijuana and that she had a pretty piss poor reason to go against her (she said she was "annoying" and that was it).

You don't have to consider it backstabbing, but she just seemed not very nice... so she got voted off...


Looking for the Way out ?
Nov 28, 2002
4 floors above Earth
i think the tribe saw it that she was playing for herself and not in the interests of the tribe. After all she was cast after cbs agents found her on a beach.

Shes never watched a survivor episode, ever.
Aug 24, 2003
i forgot
not another survivor season :mad:! i like the earlier seasons (1-3) and got bored and lost count afterwards.
oh well how many are there?


Aug 10, 2002
Originally posted by ~*HSC 4 life*~
i am deeply disturbed by that rupert guy....hes a counsellor for troubled can a troubled teen talk to him? he himself is very troubled!!!
I think he just took the game too seriously - (in a pirate-like voice lol) "we are pirates in this game.. and pirates plunder and PILLAGE!"
But him stealing the other team's shoes, then trading it for food (I think he traded a shoe for a pineapple LoL!!) got me laughing until the ad break :D


Looking for the Way out ?
Nov 28, 2002
4 floors above Earth
Originally posted by **freakstar87**
not another survivor season :mad:! i like the earlier seasons (1-3) and got bored and lost count afterwards.
oh well how many are there?
well pearl islands is the 7th season and aust missed out on the 4th season, marquesas because of nine's vein attempt to make its own version.


Looking for the Way out ?
Nov 28, 2002
4 floors above Earth
its on at 9.30pm Mondays on 9. The first episode was very very good but watching the up comming one will give you a 50 second summary so not all is lost...
Last edited:


Looking for the Way out ?
Nov 28, 2002
4 floors above Earth
damn osten should have been voted out but noo skinny ryan who tries the best as he can gets booted. the moronic tribe has sunk to a new low and without the tarp to keep them sheltered from the elements and booting off the wrong persons, this tribe is in for a very hard ride...

Well here's the CBS chat transcript with Skinny Ryan.

SURVIVOR Host: If you're just joining us, we're chatting live with Survivor Ryan Shoulders. You all have a lot of great questions for Ryan, so let's get begin! Hey, Ryan! Thanks for being here today. Are you ready to talk to take some questions?
Ryan: Awesome! I can't wait!

mYoMy27: Were you shocked when you were voted out instead of Osten, even though he basically gave up and asked to be voted out?
Ryan: I wasn't really shocked that they weren't going to vote out Osten. They respected him greatly, and he was one of their guys, and there was no way they were going to part with him.

kasie: I was curious to know whether you got paid anything for being on the show, or is it just the winner that gets the money?
Ryan: I believe there's no guarantee that we get any money. The only guarantee is that the first place winner gets a million dollars. But I do believe there is financial compensation for our time away from home.

gabs: Ryan, what happened to you during the Luxury Challenge? You couldn't catch your breath, but the others had a hard time too. Was it harder than it looked?
Ryan: That's a good point. The others had a really hard time with the Challenge as well. What happened with me was a problem with the mask. As soon as I jumped in, it flew off, and I lost my momentum and had to make up for that. Once I got out there, I had to put the mask back on and dive down, but water went right into the mask and I couldn't see, so I had to take off the mask and then dive down, and I couldn't see. It was really difficult to see underwater without the mask. So it took me a few times to find the goblet, and I got really, really tired. I just didn't have the energy to get down and open up the chest.

rink: Ryan, where did you get the swimming masks? Did the producers provide the tribes with them, or did you get them at the village?
Ryan: Oh, we were provided with the mask, and I wish I would have known to hold onto it when I dove in.

DDRKirisu: Hi! Did anyone on the tribe really annoy you?
Ryan: Andrew annoyed me because he seemed to never have given me a chance. He seemed to dislike me before the game even started, and those just aren't good terms for the beginning of a quality friendship. When we were on the boat Andrew asked me to hold the money for him while he undressed, and I was hoping he'd appreciate my hospitality, as everyone else jumped off the boat and left the life ring. When he handed me the money, I asked him if he wanted me to toss it down, and he got really angry with me and started cussing at me. In hindsight, it was probably a pretty stupid idea, but he didn't have to address the problem in such a manner, having never met me before.

gabs: Ryan, does Darrah talk? We've not heard one word from her.
Ryan: [laughs] She didn't like talking to me. She kept very low, under the radar, and just followed along. She seemed kind of like a nice girl, but she never seemed interested in holding a conversation with me.

SurvivorBecca: Ryan, who, in your opinion, is the most attractive person from the Morgan tribe? Who from the Drake tribe?
MichelleIsHot: Any crushes?
Ryan: From Morgan, Nicole, and Michelle from Drake. And SURVIVOR is not the place for crushes.

SurvivorBecca: Ryan, did you feel left out when three of the guys dropped their shorts during the Immunity Challenge?
Ryan: [laughs] No, I didn't feel left out. It was something they had decided to do on their own, and I felt left out of their group, but not because of the naked party.

amyk: Ryan why didn't you take your shorts off when the other guys did?
Ryan: [laughs] I probably should have. Then I would have become the new leader of that tribe! Strategic error.

Blackbeard123: How much nudity was going on with the girls? (There has already been way too much nudity shown with the guys).
Ryan: [laughs] I actually didn't see any nudity, but I wasn't really looking to see any, either. But too bad that I had to see boys naked instead of girls.

DanieuB: Ryan, why wouldn't you and Lillian tell anyone where the well is? Nicole mentioned you wouldn't.
Ryan: I offered several times to take people to the well. No one seemed that interested, but I do believe that Andrew made it up once, and Darrah and Tijuana also made it up once. But it's not a fun place to be. There's mosquitos everywhere, and you gotta carry the water all the way back down the hill. I kind of took this job on myself along with Lill so that the others wouldn't have to. I think it went by a little underappreciated.

rink: It took your group forever to open that clue. What was the problem?
Ryan: I think it was mostly that Ryan O. just couldn't get the string off, and he probably started to panic and couldn't concentrate. It's a real heartbreaker whenever it's my neck that's on the line.

Limp Noodle: Ryan, sooooooo sad you are gone. I don't think they portrayed you fairly, and I think Andrew was rude to call you a Limp Noodle. What's your best memory from the experience?
Ryan: I would say the very beginning, right when I found out about the twist (getting tossed off the boat). I was so excited to be a part of that!

funky: Ryan, why didn't you tell Andrew off on the boat about the money?
Ryan: It's not in my nature to tell anybody off. It's in my nature to try and create friends even if they don't seem to want to be friends with me. Unfortunately, I don't think he ever opened up to me.

FLygaL: Ryan, are you at least glad you were not the first voted out?
Ryan: [laughs] Yeah, I guess there's always that, but I wasn't looking for anything other than first place.

melb: Hi Ryan, where are the microphones? On most reality shows you see each person wearing a mic somewhere, but I've never seen them on SURVIVOR.
Ryan: I think they have their own guys who operate boom mics. They're standing around us all the time. They're really, really hard workers.

CeLeRoN: Hey Ryan, sorry to see you go. Tell me, what was it like to see Sandra come over to your camp and take the tarp?
Ryan: [laughs] It was extremely disappointing. We had enough problems on our own without Sandra coming over being rude and then taking our tarp. Taking that item probably hurt us the most.

morning: Ryan, where was your water jug Sandra wanted to take?
Ryan: This mythical water jug never existed. We told her that everything was laying out, but she didn't take our word for it.

SurvivorBecca: Ryan, if you had won the Reward Challenge, what item would you have taken from the Drake tribe?
Ryan: I hadn't even thought about it. We were just trying to get a win.

survivorinnycjungle: Without the tarp, how did you sleep at night, and what did you guys eat? There wasn't too much eating going on, unlike the other tribe.
Ryan: Yeah, sleeping wasn't good, with or without the tarp. Actually, the guys did a really good job of rebuilding the roof. We ate some rice and some beans that we got from the village, and some unsuspecting crabs that were walking by, as well as the coconuts. Certainly not as good as the fish that Drake were eating!

morning: Ryan how did you get picked to swim first?
Ryan: We were kind of disorganized before that, and I think we had a bunch of different plans. Somehow I ended up going first, which would have been a good thing had I kept the mask on, but it ended up just backfiring completely.

rattler: Ryan, after seeing how well-supplied the Drake tribe was, do you feel they had an advantage in the village with the Spanish-speaking Sandra negotiating for supplies?
Ryan: Absolutely, no doubt about it. Communication is key in that kind of a situation. We just didn't know how much the money we had was worth, and we just didn't know what we could get with it.

Rat: Did you ever notice the shoes were missing?
Ryan: I think it was some female high heels that got stolen. I certainly didn't notice, and I don't think the girls did either.

Caro_: How long do you think your alliance with Lill would have lasted?
Ryan: Alliances are all dependent on the dynamics of the tribe. If others didn't want us to be a part of their alliance, then it was not going to last very long, and that's the nature of the game.

kasie: Hey Ryan, I think they made a mistake voting you out! You were enthusiastic and wanted to be there! Was Osten really as depressed as they made him look?
Ryan: Physically, he was a wreck and just miserable. He had no clothes, and it got cold at night. He couldn't sleep, and he wasn't getting the calorie intake that he was used to getting. This just wasn't his kind of game. He's a really nice guy but he's just not a Survivor.

Rupert_rocks: Which previous season of SURVIVOR was your favorite, and why?
Ryan: Probably the second one (THE AUSTRALIAN OUTBACK). That was the first season that I saw all the way through, so it's kind of the season that hooked me.

Survival_Instinct: Ryan, do you think going into the game with your personal physique (being rather skinny) was a detriment, since it is a known fact that all Survivors who last a while lose considerable weight?
Ryan: We've had winners on SURVIVOR that have been really thin to start out with. I don't think that's an issue. I think what did happen was my tribe underestimated my ability based purely on superficial motives.

funky: Ryan, did you try to gain weight and beef up before you went on the show?
Ryan: I have a very adaptive body, but one thing it doesn't do well is lose or gain weight. I have a very efficient metabolism. Trying to bulk up would have been futile.

SurvivorBecca: Ryan, two people who we have not seen on TV much are Darrah and Ryan O. What can you tell us about each of them?
Ryan: Ryan O. seems to be a very hard worker, but at times can be a little bit arrogant, as he never really wanted to talk to me, especially about voting. Darrah's a very nice person, but she's a complete follower. She offered basically no opinions of her own and just let the winds blow her wherever they wanted her to go.

weebee: Did Lill want to lead the tribe? I think she could have straightened them out!
Ryan: I think Lill's kind of unfamiliar with the game, so she was reluctant to take the leadership role. However, I think she would have done the finest job of anybody out there, and it was a disappointing loss that Andrew was our leader instead of Lill.

Burrito: Ryan, do you feel that you may have been set up by being the first sent out on the water Challenge?
Ryan: I don't think I was set up. Actually, that was the perfect opportunity for me to prove my worth. I just got viciously unlucky, and that's just life. Normally, I would have come out in that Challenge very well, but it just didn't happen that day.

Probstfan: Ryan, other than Osten, who would you have liked to see off instead of you?
Ryan: I thought since the first vote that Tijuana should have been the one to go. She was not an efficient swimmer, she didn't conduct herself very well in the town, and I felt she probably had the least to offer in the physical Challenges.

ReBeCcA: Are there any interesting stories that happened there that the producers didn't show on TV?
Ryan: There's a pretty funny story of Nicole choppin' off this chicken's head. I don't believe she'd ever done it before, and she looked kind of like a vicious psycho carrying this chicken in one hand and a machete in the other. But she appeared to know exactly what she was doing, and it was preeetty funny! [laughs]

vixx: Is Lill really a bit loony tunes, or does she just seem that way since she doesn't seem to "click" with the rest of the tribe either?
Ryan: Lill's got some craziness in her personality, but that's one of her best qualities, 'cuz she's just so fun. Lill is just Lill, and you gotta love her.

Siso: If you could describe each of your Morgan tribemates in one word, what would it be?
Ryan: Delusional.

vixx: What did Sandra say that was rude? They didn't really show it on TV.
Ryan: [laughs] We told her very specifically and very earnestly that we had laid out all of our items in front of camp for her to take. She spent from thirty minutes to an hour walking around our island trying to find "hidden" stuff, even after we assured her the limited resources we were able to aquire were already on display. We wanted to get on with our lives, not wait around for her.

SurvivorBecca: Ryan, what did you think of the producers making everyone run around in their underwear instead of letting them take bathing suits?
Ryan: The producers didn't make anybody run around in anything. We all had clothes on, and we could have bought clothes in the town. The decision to run around in underwear is truly up to the individual.

gogogadget: Ryan, Ryan, got hosed. Did you try to ally with anyone other than Lill out there?
Ryan: Everyone blindly followed Andrew with any and every decision. Even with all the failures, chaos and confusion in our tribe, they infallibly followed his every word. I did at one point ask Tijuana if she and Darrah would be interested in voting off Osten since he wanted to leave. It would have given the girls a majority in the tribe, but she thought she was doing what was "best" for the tribe.

morning: Ryan, why did you want to be on SURVIVOR?
Ryan: I am a fierce competitor, and this is the game of all games, pitting man versus man. I've always been into competition and strategy games. I'm extremely athletic and great with intrapersonal relationships. I always thought this game was speaking directly to me.

kasie: Hindsight is 20-20, but do you think it's better to go into the game and try to make alliances right away, or better to hold back and wait and see who is going to be stronger?
Ryan: At first I thought it was best to hold back and see how the dynamics of the tribe played out. Unfortunately, I get dealt a rotten deck of cards and I became the person that everyone wanted out and by that time, it was just too late. A lot of this game is circumstancial and luck, and I just didn't have it on my side this time around.

MimmiePearl: Whose behavior shocked you the most?
Ryan: I would have to say probably Osten wanting to quit on day six. I can understand his reasoning, but I wouldn't think he'd be that quick to throw in the towel.

ricmic: After a while, does Tijuana's voice get annoying?
Ryan: Tijuana can be very patronizing, and that itself can be very annoying. Her voice is just an unpleasant byproduct.

SkinnyTom: Do you think you could get along with your tribemates in another work situation?
Ryan: I think I can get along with anybody. It's really just up to the other person if they want to get along with me. I'm very forgiving, very easygoing and easy to get along with.

DanieuB: Was anyone other than Osten thinking about jumping Sandra when she was pillaging?
Ryan: We were all equally perturbed. I'm sure we were all wishing the worst on her...together. It was probably one of the few times our tribe was all on the same page.

crzy4650: What do you think you gained from this whole experience?
Ryan: The assurance that you can make your dreams come true. I didn't think I'd have a chance to get an interview, let alone be selected. It's been a real eye opener.

MOE_S7Stud: Ryan, what advice would you have for those of us who want to audition for SURVIVOR?
Ryan: Never give up, always be yourself and just hope for the best.

justwhatever: What would you like to say to your tribemates after last night's vote, and what did they lose by voting you off?
Ryan: I think my tribe had a very distorted view of what I had to offer, especially in the realm of physical strength. I'm not the strongest person in the tribe, but I'm extremely athletic. They never got to see that side of me, and I do believe that it's a big loss.

Skinny_Canadian: [pirate voice] Mate Ryan, they called ya skinny. Seems like they are tarishing yer image. What did you think of yer nickname?
Ryan: Actually, I don't like the nickname, 'cuz Andrew was the only one that called me that to my face, and you know what kind of relationship we had. I thought it was very interesting that others chose to use the nickname during Tribal Council, even though they'd never previously referred to me as that.

godzthor1: Ryan, was Morgan Tribe specifically told they couldn't hide any of their valuables when Sandra came to raid your camp?
Ryan: Absolutely. That's the rules.

tiza: Ryan, what do you think you could or should have done to stay longer?
Ryan: I would have tried to make my physical strengths more obvious to the tribe. I don't think anyone knew my athletic background, and I didn't realize they viewed me as such a liability. I would have been nothing but a strength, but I think I never got that point across. I've played sports my whole life, ever since I was five. I'm very good at basketball and soccer, I play competitive volleyball every summer and I run a mile in under six minutes, but I was discriminated against because I don't bench press 300 lbs. I should have made them aware of all this information earlier.

survivorinnycjungle: Will you go back to being a clerk, or are you looking for other opportunities?
Ryan: Working at a grocery store is a job that I have so I can explore opportunities. It's nothing I want to make a career of. I've gone back to the grocery store so that I can continue to explore other areas. My passion and love is music. I've wanted to do music for a living ever since high school, and I'll probably push full force ahead with that.

SURVIVOR Host: I am sorry to say that our hour with Ryan is up. Ryan, thanks so much for being here to chat with us today. Do you have any final comments for the SURVIVOR fans?
Ryan: You guys have been awesome, thank you so much! Keep it real! Word.

~*HSC 4 life*~

Active Member
Aug 15, 2003
thanks 4 that...a good read i enjoyed it v much! where did u get it?

oh and how come osten didnt vote himself out?...LIAR!


Aug 10, 2002
Originally posted by ~*HSC 4 life*~
thanks 4 that...a good read i enjoyed it v much! where did u get it?
oh and how come osten didnt vote himself out?...LIAR!
Maybe the last vote was Osten's (the one which was kept secret). I thought only Osten, Lil and Ryan S voted for Osten while the rest went for Ryan S.

routemarker: cool transcript! where did you get it?

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