Ah guys, democracy is not about economic adjustment of wealth. Democracy is abotu transparency. I should be allowed to call the leader of my country an idiot. I should be allowed to vote him otu of power if I believe that someone else is better. I should have confidence that the law is applied in the same way to everyone, or at least be able to detect if it is not.
Communism does not allow that. Democracy, although imperfect, is always an improvement. Having someone on the street criticising the government, no matter who he is funded by, or whether he just beliefs in what he is doing, gives the government some incentive to improve. If they can throw him in jail, then the ability to speak up is useless.
You won't have a clue how many people has had been jail in America for been 'suspected' as a 'terrorist'. No charges has been laid for months, not allowed to find a laywer or anyone for 3 months.
In the end, some are released, and the reply was- suspected to be a terrorist.
Also, do you see news like these on CNN? I certainly don't.
What has happened in America are minor cases, what happens in Guantanamo Bay is even more alarming (people detained for no reason with no evidence with no charges for months, people would manage to come out claims the Americans tortures the detainees, etc), but because its outside out America, the Americans can do whatever they want, and laws apply to Americans does NOT apply to people in Guantanamo Bay.
Is this what we called 'transparency', aye?
For cases in Guantanamo Bay, you can see the tip of the iceburg, but 'wow', thats helping Jack......
It's not about economics. It's about governance. Remember that communism is the opposite of democracy - it is not the opposite of free markets. My visits in the PRC have convinced me that, economically, the PRC is more capitalist than the USA. The only difference is that the PRC has exploitation, bribery and corruption. Democracy can reduce these evils.
What is so socialist about a country that doesn't even have a social welfare safety net?.
Well I agree a democratic governming system is superior to other governing systems, but can you explain to me and everyone else- if China has such a bad governing policy, then what had kept the world's oldest surviving civilisation alive?
So what is it? 'Help' from the Europeans and Americans throughout the 1800's and 1900's?

(e.g Those tasty opiums?)
India is going along quite well for such a large democracy (re. the rural backlash)...
India is going well?! :S
Is it just me or something? Because I don't find India going all that well.
The question is would the ppl care if the govenment ended up corrupted. I think the chinese population have alot more to worry about than the govenment.
If the corporate sponsorship of government in Australia got out of hand, i'm sure ppl would protest. However, in china would this be effective? Would it achieve anything or will they just get run over by tanks?
I can tell you there is alot more to the Tinannmen Square incident than you have heard.
Those protesting students were far from 'peaceful' according to witnesses.
In fact, there were over 100 police casaulties before any tanks were called in. According to witnesses, an IFV was PUSHED OVER by students and enlightened and all the soldiers inside were killed, some soldier were even poured with chemicals on their face by students. This all had happened before tanks was called in, and ample warning were give to the students about the deadline and they didn't give a shxt, so the government when to its last resort.
Also, there had been rumors about the protests were started by unnamed foreign countries with propagandas.
So what did the western media say? Evil Chinese government rolled in tanks without warning to kill harmless peaceful protesting students because the PRC felt like it?
Say if Chinese launched some propaganda and all these Chinese students in Australia and when to Sydney and blocked the Harbour Bridge, M5 motor way, etc for months, and kills police who tries to pull them out of the road, guess what would the Australian government do?
I don't think the Australian government would roll tanks in, but only shoot rubber bullets. If there's any death, its not the government's fault, right?