DrownTheCrow said:
massive massive massive thankyou to callisto for getting me floor tickets, she is awesome.
haha anytime tom. you had fun yeah? it was soo fkn awesome. only wish my arm wasnt wrecked and i coulda gone up the front, instead of standing at the sides

but yeah it was a
rad show!
i think story of the year were the best, they had a really good stage presence, like the backflips and throwing guitars across the stage. except one of the guitarists cut himself or something cause he was bleeding down one side of his face.
funeral were heaps good too, it looked so cool when the singer asked everyone to hold up their mobiles... the whole superdome lit up by phones.
rise against were good but killswitch were pretty heavy ~ not a fan.
the used were ok but it was a prety average performance. the crowd loved it though.
bert dragged it out a bit "how you guys doing up the back? and you guys on the side? and on the dance floor!" and then he ran down and hugged all the screaming 13 yr olds at the front.
the whole night was like emo central.. i'm sure myspace.com would have been pretty dead last night hahaha