heya we used australian senior ag(somehting like that) but i found the yr 9-10 dynamic ag good for filling in gaps
seriously u find a simpler(mabye to simple) text book than senior ag and unfortunately not anything else out there so got to rely on yours and teachers knowlegde alot. the good news is depending on what electives you do but bythe time u get 2 yr 12 u have basically learned everything u have 2 which is bonus. other than that hsc online has some god info but best way is to go through the syllabus and write ur own notes cause alot of the time qns asked are straight from the syllabus (like word for word) which is good. so yeah good luck and hope u like it oh and btw wat electives u doin???(would suggest suatinablitity cause thats easy cause just gota be a goodie goodie and u can convince the teacher to go on a field trip or 3 ust to help ur understanding. we went to a property that is starting to do alternatives and had someone come up to skool farm that was something to do with soil and both were really interesting to open up to new ideas. yeah and land care have absolutely no idea when it comes to reversing degradation cause i saw this bad salinity scald that was completely 160% better than wat ones that are being advised by landcare and the person did the opposite as to wat they did. pretty interesting stuff if you're into it. anywayz if u got any other qns il be happpy to help so toodles :wave: