I agree that it was too vague, I thought EES would be safe from English-ising that's going on with science papers.
I found my option section absolutely terrible, namely the 7 and 8 (kinda) mark questions, they just, to me, didn't give you any sort of direction in which to answer; and so I'm left wondering if I even wrote a proper answer at all.
And they asked a prac in the option that they've already asked before. Also, it was one my class never did.

And so I know I've got that wrong.
I didn't find that many of the questions addressed the syllabus well. I know they like us to 'apply our knowlegde' but really, they could be a bit more original.
And would anyone like to say what they thought the three structures were in the supercycle question? I get the types of faults confused. But I put that the middle one was a normal fault, and the other a reverse fault, I think.