The Beijing Olympics (1 Viewer)


MOSSAD Deputy Director
May 30, 2005
Re: Boycott of Olympics

Aralia said:
Thank god somebody's on our side...*hugs NingNing*.

The media reports are really biased, plus the Tibetans write up all those lists of people being killed/prosecuted by the government...then turns out that those so-called victims don't even exist, amongst other holes.

Don't be too naive about it all, even if you're good hearted. There're no human rights issues in China.

The cat's out of the bag. It's the beginning of the end for all those lies. Argument over.

Boycott all you like. even if it's cancelled for this year, we have the whole century ahead.


Apr 10, 2008
Re: Boycott of Olympics

ZJ NingNing said:
I agree that it is more than just a bit silly to boycott Olympics for something that happened 50~60 years ago, but I think I need to point out the fact that before the Communist army 'invaded' Tibet, even more serious human rights issue was going on in Tibet.

If people actually study the event from a non-biased point of view, they will find that majority of Tibetans were slave laboured before the Communist army 'invaded' it. Now, the human rights issue is much, much less serious: the Tibetans are beating the Han people in their riots.
but more or less its still an issue. is it not?

as for the Tibetans beating the Han people in their riots, have ever thought about why they have been rioting in the first place? im not saying beating up people is right but maybe if they had no excuse to riot, the beatings wouldn't have happened

Some 'Tibetians' burnt a young Han girl to death in their riots.
evidence please. if you got that from the media, how do you know that they haven't twisted the truth like you have accused them before?

one day Tibet MIGHT be free, but without good relationship with China, it will not be a very developed country, and that was probably the understatement of the century.
so that is a reason why China should continue to exploit Tibetians?

ZJ NingNing said:
Besides all the stuffs I have already said, I want to ask you a question that I want everyone else here to consider as well, it is blind spot for many people:

Boycotting the Olympics 2008 = Boycotting China (well, almost...)
but Boycotting China doesnt equal boycotting the Chinese government.

if you will think about it, boycotting the Olympics will first insult the 1.3 billion people in China that had almost nothing to do with politics (the civilians) and when they feel they are insulted by the Western world, they turn their eyes on something else that will back them up... and it will not be hard to see the Chinese government that is also insulted by the boycott. The Chinese people who were against their government will turn to support it (or at least hate it less) and the people who are already supporting the government will support it more. For all we know, the Chinese government will probably benefit from the boycott as the support of Chinese people is the most important thing to the Communist party.
so in youre opinion they should do nothing and just let it slide just because it may create less support? yeah that will solve the issue for sure.

for one thing, it has definitely created greater awareness outside China

ZJ NingNing said:
'its attitude towards human rights.'? what do you know about China's attitude to human rights? and what is your source of evidence? did you research both sides of the story before you drew conclusion?

I think you totally missed the point here. It is not about China buying our Gas or not, it is more about us knowing way too little about the history of China to draw a conclusion yet.

I find your comments very thought-provoking and you yourself a very wise person, although politically I cannot agree with you.

But because I admire your logic, I would like spend my time asking you to hear the Chinese government's point of view before deciding that China is not doing the right things.

Just wondering, have you read _dhj_'s comment on how much China has done for the people in Tibet? I have quoted it about 5 comments above this one.
Please, inform me about the Chinese Governments point of view or point. No seriously, I really want to hear what they have to say cause all I can see right now is that the Tibetans are under the power of China when clearly they don't want to be. So how is that the right thing to do?

what most Western world is exposed to is a court hearing with only one party present to tell their version of story, and it wouldnt take an Einstein to work out which party is absent, will it?
When I first saw this in the news, I thought that the Tibetans side of the story was overlooked. The news was going about it like as if the Tibetans were the bad guys for trying to take out the flame of the tourch. They hardly talked about Tibetans reasons behind it.

I am guessing that you are one of the people who believe in 'freeing Tibet' then?

I agree very very much with your opinion on 'finding something worth devoting your attention to and fight for it', but I want to remind people who are thinking of making 'freeing Tibet' their cause that they should do FULL UNBIASED research into the issue, and that means actually get to know both sides of the story, IN DEPTH.
I am guessing that you are one of the people who don't believe in 'freeing Tibet'?

Ok tell me China's side to the story then I'll make up my mind. If the only argument you can give me is that China has done so much good for Tibet in the past, then I think I will continue to choose the Tibetans side thank you very much. Ok I get that they have done great things for Tibet, but that shouldn't mean that in exchange they have a right to exploit them.
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Feb 8, 2007
Re: Boycott of Olympics

I felt people think in very different logic, but just as Dongle points out, the tibet is China's CORE INTEREST.

Do you know what Dalai Lama is asking for? He is asking for 2/5 of China's land (which is much larger than Tibet itself), all non-Tibetan people out of this land and China cannot have armies on this land.

Obviously, these ridiculous conditions are not acceptable at all.
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But pieces of what?
Jun 12, 2004
Re: Boycott of Olympics

dieburndie said:
Someone's probably already pointed it out, but the chinese nationalism in this thread is equally as hilarious as the serbian nationalism in the Kosovo thread.

If your country of birth is so fantastic then why did you leave?
I know, it's priceless isn't it? This NingNong chick is so convinced motherland China can do no wrong she spent 2 straight hours in this thread replying against every person who has posted.

I love their appeal to emotion, too. "Please help us, China is being misrepresented, it makes me cry so! Western media bias something something!"

What fascinates me is that they can accuse the Western media of being so biased when all their own media companies are regulated by one entity - their state, and that state has a purpose built Propaganda Department to tell them what they can and can't report, and how to report it. China has one of the worst freedom of the press ratings in the world.
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But pieces of what?
Jun 12, 2004
Re: Boycott of Olympics

danlan said:
I felt people think in very different logic, but just as Dongle points out, the tibet is China's CORE INTEREST.

Do you know what Dalai Lama is asking for? He is asking for 2/5 of China's land (which is much larger than Tibet itself), all non-Tibetan people out of this land and China can no have armies in this land.

Obviously, these ridiculous conditions are not acceptable at all.
1) Actually, the Dalai Lama is asking for autonomy, not even independence
2) How about a reference for those wild claims of yours? :rolleyes:

ZJ NingNing

Apr 4, 2007
in Jay-city!
Re: Boycott of Olympics

melanieeeee. said:
but more or less its still an issue. is it not?

as for the Tibetans beating the Han people in their riots, have ever thought about why they have been rioting in the first place? im not saying beating up people is right but maybe if they had no excuse to riot, the beatings wouldn't have happened

evidence please. if you got that from the media, how do you know that they haven't twisted the truth like you have accused them before?

so that is a reason why China should continue to exploit Tibetians?

so in youre opinion they should do nothing and just let it slide just because it may create less support? yeah that will solve the issue for sure.

for one thing, it has definitely created greater awareness outside China

Please, inform me about the Chinese Governments point of view or point. No seriously, I really want to hear what they have to say cause all I can see right now is that the Tibetans are under the power of China when clearly they don't want to be. So how is that the right thing to do?

When I first saw this in the news, I thought that the Tibetans side of the story was overlooked. The news was going about it like as if the Tibetans were the bad guys for trying to take out the flame of the tourch. They hardly talked about Tibetans reasons behind it.

I am guessing that you are one of the people who don't believe in 'freeing Tibet'?

Ok tell me China's side to the story then I'll make up my mind. If the only argument you can give me is that China has done so much good for Tibet in the past, then I think I will continue to choose the Tibetans side thank you very much. Ok I get that they have done great things for Tibet, but that shouldn't mean that in exchange they have a right to exploit them.
Thank you for your questions, I will do full research on them and try to reply ASAP.

But I just want to point out for now that Dalan is right. The Tibetans are asking for 2/5 of the Chinese land when they are only 0.15% of the Chinese population.

As for your comment on whether I am one of the people who dont believe in 'freeing Tibet'. well... if they ask for less land, I might reconsider. So I guess I am one of those people who dont think they should have SO MUCH land when they are only 0.15% of the Chinese population. Do you agree?


Feb 8, 2007
Re: Boycott of Olympics

ZJ NingNing said:
Thank you for your questions, I will do full research on them and try to reply ASAP.

But I just want to point out for now that Dalan is right. The Tibetans are asking for 2/5 of the Chinese land when they are only 0.15% of the Chinese population.

As for your comment on whether I am one of the people who dont believe in 'freeing Tibet'. well... if they ask for less land, I might reconsider. So I guess I am one of those people who dont think they should have SO MUCH land when they are only 0.15% of the Chinese population. Do you agree?
It's not all about the size of the land, it also involves military considerations. Puting armies here can have a real deterrence to the Indian subcontinent.


Apr 10, 2008
Re: Boycott of Olympics

can you guys please reference your sources



Premium Member
Jul 14, 2004
Re: Boycott of Olympics

Yeah, cause I heard India's gearing up to invade through the Himalayas.


Feb 8, 2007
Re: Boycott of Olympics

Slidey said:
1) Actually, the Dalai Lama is asking for autonomy, not even independence
2) How about a reference for those wild claims of yours? :rolleyes:
1) This statement sounds as fair as any political propaganda.

This is Dalai Lama's "Five Point Peace Plan for Tibet". (not a Chinese source in case you say it is state-controled or edited)
Don't be distracted with the wording. Read it carefully and you can see what he is really asking for.

ZJ NingNing

Apr 4, 2007
in Jay-city!
Re: Boycott of Olympics

melanieeeee. said:
can you guys please reference your sources

it is exactly what I am doing at the moment. I have translations (into Chinese) of papers published by Western professors that specialise in that topic. Give me time. I promise I will find you something. I dont want to just translate their paper back into English now, I want to find their ORIGINAL paper. it will take time. please be patient.


Apr 10, 2008
Re: Boycott of Olympics

ZJ NingNing said:
it is exactly what I am doing at the moment. I have translations (into Chinese) of papers published by Western professors that specialise in that topic. Give me time. I promise I will find you something. I dont want to just translate their paper back into English now, I want to find their ORIGINAL paper. it will take time. please be patient.
yeah sure take your time

danlan said:
1) This statement sounds as fair as any political propaganda.

This is Dalai Lama's "Five Point Peace Plan for Tibet". (not a Chinese source in case you say it is state-controled or edited)
Don't be distracted with the wording. Read it carefully and you can see what he is really asking for.
i dont see the 2/5 china thing in there. care to quote the part where it is saying that?

EDIT: nor do i see the thing about military considerations and puting armies here so they can have a real deterrence to the Indian subcontinent.
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New Member
Nov 7, 2007
Re: Boycott of Olympics

Anybody who thinks we should boycott the olympics, think of the working families! If China ceased to buy our exports, we wouldn't be the only english speaking economy with a 3 in front of our GDP growth, so please, before you post, think of the working families.



Feb 8, 2007
Re: Boycott of Olympics

"1. Transformation of the whole of Tibet into a zone of peace;
2. Abandonment of China's population transfer policy which threatens the very existence of the Tibetan's as a people;
3. Respect for the Tibetan people's fundamental human rights and democratic freedoms;
4. Restoration and protection of Tibet's natural environment and the abandonment of China's use of Tibet for the production of nuclear weapons and dumping of nuclear waste;
5. Commencement of earnest negotiations on the future status of Tibet and of relations between the Tibetan and Chinese peoples."

"I propose that the whole of Tibet, including the eastern provinces of Kham and Amdo, be transformed into a zone of "Ahimsa", a Hindi term used to mean a state of peace and non-violence.
a)"whole of Tibet, including the eastern provinces of Kham and Amdo" accounts for 2/5 of China's land
b)"be transformed into a zone of "Ahimsa", a Hindi term used to mean a state of peace and non-violence" means Chinese army out of this land. This will severely threat China's national security.


"For the Tibetans to survive as a people, it is imperative that the population transfer is stopped and Chinese settlers return to China. Otherwise, Tibetans will soon be no more than a tourist attraction and relic of a noble past. "
means all non-Tibetan people out of this land (not only Han Chinese, but also other ethnic groups). They are so many. Dalai is asking more that 7 million people (by now) to give up everything they have -- homes, properties etc. China does not have extra land to settle and feed these people. Mercy is the main teaching of buddhism, and I don't see any mercy if 7 million people become homeless and cry out for food.

Despite his magnificent wording, it is obvious that Dalai's proposals severely damage Chinese people's core interests. As long as he is holding these conditions, no "substantial dialogues" can be achieved.
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ZJ NingNing

Apr 4, 2007
in Jay-city!
Re: Boycott of Olympics

13 Reasons Why You Should NOT Boycott The Olympics (I am still looking for the evidence)
1. The Western media are EXTREMELY BIASED. It ignores all the good things about China and magnifies all its problems, even if it needs to make up stories! (Both the German and French media DID make up stories, and when proven wrong, they apologised dismissively)

2. It is all a game of power play between the China that is gaining power over countries like the ones in Europe; superceding Britain, France etc in the rank of superpower just next to USA. Independence in Tibet is a powerful card these countries play against China trying to delay China coming to power. To them (the politicians), Tibet is only a tool to achieve their own intentions.

3.Some Tibetan people were pretty happy with their lives until they were encouraged by the Western media to be envious. They began feeling sorry for themselves and became bitterer and bitterer until they think their lives were wasted. It is just like showing an average kid how the children of Bill Gates live their lives. Of course they will end up becoming sour!

As a result, the Tibetans will start wasting other people’s lives to make it more ‘fair’. You think those Han people went to Tibet because they wanted to be beaten to death? You think those riot police were happy to leave their loving family and put their lives on the line? (By the way, some riot police ARE actually Tibetans)

4.This boycott is the sort of propaganda that will only intensify the problem and cause more violent riots in Tibet. A Han girl was already burnt to death by Tibetan extremists! And she was going to be married… and not to mention dozens of Han people beaten to death!

5.Dalai lama is a fairly reasonable man, right? At least you have to agree that he is the representative of Tibet. He himself objects boycotting the Olympics and threaten to resign if there is more violence. Without him there to restrain the Tibetan extremists, how many more people will be killed in Tibet in future?

5.Boycotting the Olympics = Boycotting China;
Boycotting China does not equal Boycotting the Chinese government.
If you boycott the Olympics, the first ones that will feel insulted are the Chinese civilians. They will begin to search and unite with other victims of the boycott. It will not be hard to spot the Chinese government that is also a victim. The Chinese people that did not support their government before will turn to support it, or at least hate the government less; the Chinese people that already support their government will support it more. Boycotting the Olympics will only result in Communism prevailing.

7. The people who want to boycott the Olympics call themselves Human Rights Activists, right? Did they realise by calling out for the rights of the Tibetans, they are actually abusing the rights of the Chinese civilians? The Chinese tourism will suffer and lots of Chinese people will in turn lose their jobs and die as a result. When those Human Rights Activists are trying to fill one hole, they are making another bigger hole in the world. (There is a FAR better way to promote human rights, please see quiz 1 underneath the 10 reasons)

8. If you hate a country’s policies, boycott its government and NOT its people. Let me give you an example of the people who are doing exactly the opposite, venting their hatred onto the innocent people: um… lets see, the TERRIORISTS? Wow, how did I ever think of that?

9. The people boycotting the Olympics only heard the Tibetan’s side of the story. It is like judging a court case with only one party present to speak their point of view, and it does not take an Einstein to figure out which party is missing, right?

How much do you really know about Tibet to be certain that your judgment is right? I have written a quiz on the very basic knowledge of Tibet (quiz 2) at the end of this bulletin that you can check you knowledge with.

10. ‘The Chinese government is wrong and the Tibetans should be freed’. This is how the people who want to boycott the Olympics think: in black and white terms and oversimplification. They ignore the grey area that is present in every issue and this proves them to be idealists. Yes, the idealists may get their opinions across, but it takes the practicalists to get things done.

11. IF Tibet EVER becomes independent of China because the pressure from the Western world, its relationship with China is probably not so good. Given the conditions of the Tibetan region, they will have to rely heavily on its neighbours to develop. China probably will not help so much; it is all up to the Western world and probably India to support it with money and food. But any proud man will not be happy with this sort of pity, and the Tibetans have certainly proven themselves to be proud.

12. Being a pro-Tibet is not some newest trend of the month. Some people did not really look deep into the situation and listen to both side of the story. They are only saying that they support Tibet’s independence to make themselves sound cool. It probably will make them sound cool, but it makes them disgusting hypocrites too.

13. I have studied the history of China (4706 years) pretty well and I believe that I know more of its history than most of the people supporting the boycott. From its history, Chinese people are proven different from ice – they do not crack under pressure. In fact, they are shown to be something more like the characteristics of a spring. If you press it the wrong way, they will bounce up from underneath your finger and jump higher than ever before. Anyone who knows me well should have seen an example of that Chinese Spirit.

If you want evidence of the Chinese spirit, you can find it in the Ming dynasty, Sui Dynasty and the Chun-Qiu period of the Chinese history.

Quiz 1 (are you REALLY fighting poverty)
1. Do you consume or planning to consume alcohol regularly when the same amount of food that made you alcohol could have saved the lives of the starving people living in poverty?
2. Do you have a pet and spend unnecessary money on it when it could have been living happily in the wild and that money used to promote Human Rights?
3. Do you drive to places when you could have caught a bus or even walk and let the gas used to save the people in poverty who were frozen to death? Or the ethanol in your petrol that used up masses of land that could have produced life-saving food?
4. Do you prefer talking about some hot celebrity’s personal life rather than promoting Human Rights?
5. Do you have a roof over your head, food in the fridge, money in the bank and work/study for less than 15 hours a day and still complain about how unfortunate you are?

Yes, people who know me will know that I would not pass this quiz, but they will also know that I don’t call myself a Human Rights Activist and feel like I am a hero fighting poverty either.

Did you know: if you keep any of those 5 things up you can be more efficient at saving lives than boycotting the Olympics or whatever. But I suppose it would be much cooler to tell your friends that you are boycotting the Olympics than doing those 5 things. But if you think reputation is more important than your actual deed itself, I have nothing further to say to you.

Quiz 2 (how much do you REALLY know about Tibet)
1. When did Tibet first become a part of China and which ethnic occupied it?
2. When Tibet first became a part of China, who was the ruler of China?
3. How long was Tibet controlling itself for before China started governing it again in around 1956?
4. What was the situation like in Tibet when it was controlling itself?
5. What are the main policies that the Chinese government made regarding Tibet besides the ‘One China’ policy?
6. What are the results of those policies? Or, how has living conditions in Tibet changed since 1956?
7. What is the percentage of the Tibetans (living in China) in the Chinese population?
8. How much of the Chinese land did they want to occupy when they talk about becoming independent?
9. What sort of land is Tibet? Tropical, desert or what?

Answer to Quiz 2
1. Tibet first became a part of China 800 years ago by the invasion of the Mongolians. The Mongolians are more closely related to the indigenous Tibetans than to Hans.
2. When Tibet first became apart of China, the rulers were Chen Ji Si Han and his offspring, he was a Mongolian and his name was Tie Mu Zhen.
3. Tibet was independent from China for less than 100 years.
4. Before 1956, Tibet was in a state of chaos. Most of the Tibetans were slave laboured by the monks. But even then Tibet was still considered by the world to be a part of China. That is why it is INCORRECT to say that China invaded Tibet.
5. Some of its policies include: Tibetans require a much lower HSC mark to get into Universities and the ‘One Child’ policy does not apply to Tibetans. In the Chinese culture, these two things are seen as most important and the Tibetans have privilege in both these things.
6. During the past fifty years, the Chinese government freed Tibetans from feudal theocracy and practices like slavery, introduced secular education and scientific institutions, modern government, transport infrastructure and modern society. During this time Tibet's GDP increased 30 fold and average life expectancy increased by more than 30 years. Today, Tibetan monks are still permitted to practice their religion, traditional cultural sites are preserved etc.
7. The percentage of Tibetans (living in China) in the Chinese population is 0.15% (there is 2 million Tibetans and 1.3 billion Chinese)
8. They want more than 1/4 of the Chinese land to be ruled by them after independence! They want more than Tibet, they also want parts of other provinces!
9. Tibet is a plateau, which explain why they will be relying heavily on the relief of other countries if they are to be independent.

You will also note that I did not say that the Chinese government is right with some of its orders, such as not allowing the reporters to come into Tibet. But we are not discussing what the Chinese government shouldn’t do today. We are simply discussing what we shouldn’t do.

Thank you for reading.
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Apr 10, 2008
Re: Boycott of Olympics

firstly this is not a very reliable source as it was written 21 years ago and their priorities/wants could have changed

secondly because China does have the upper hand in this situation, isn't it possible to stop exploiting Tibetans without having to sacrifice land?

danlan said:
"I propose that the whole of Tibet, including the eastern provinces of Kham and Amdo, be transformed into a zone of "Ahimsa", a Hindi term used to mean a state of peace and non-violence.
a)"whole of Tibet, including the eastern provinces of Kham and Amdo" accounts for 2/5 of China's land
not that i am in support/against Tibetans wanting their land back but I think it is understandable why they are asking for it

b)"be transformed into a zone of "Ahimsa", a Hindi term used to mean a state of peace and non-violence" means Chinese army out of this land. This will severely threat China's national security.
... and it is understandable to ask for that if it is their land (again i do am not in support/against this... im just saying its understandable)


"For the Tibetans to survive as a people, it is imperative that the population transfer is stopped and Chinese settlers return to China. Otherwise, Tibetans will soon be no more than a tourist attraction and relic of a noble past. "
means all non-Tibetan people out of this land (not only Han Chinese, but also other ethnic groups). They are so many. Dalai is asking more that 2 million people (by now) to give up everything they have -- homes, properties etc. China does not have extra land to settle and feed the 2 million people. Mercy is the main teaching of buddhism, and I don't see any mercy if 2 million people become homeless and cry out for food.
yeah just like how the mexicans cant get into the US without authority. kinda like that? hmmm i guess it doesn't seem like a good idea but then again like i said it is understandable if it is their land...

Despite his magnificent wording, it is obvious that Dalai's proposals severely damage Chinese people's core interests. As long as he is holding these conditions, no "substantial dialogues" can be achieved.
the world does not revolve around China. what about the Tibetans interest? Frankly I still can't see why they can't just stop exploiting Tibetans whist keep there land?!?

ZJ NingNing

Apr 4, 2007
in Jay-city!
Re: Boycott of Olympics

melanieeeee. said:
so in youre opinion they should do nothing and just let it slide just because it may create less support? yeah that will solve the issue for sure.
If I was a pro-Tibet, I would not 'let it slide'. but I will find a better way to boycott so that we can win over some of the Chinese civilians too.

Sounds almost like I am supporting the Tibetans. No, I am not. I am just doing what I think is right.

A very wise man once told me: "If you are trying to convince a stretch of land of people your point of view, you have to first make your mind broader than that stretch of land and your eyes looking further than that stretch of land."

Another admirable man told me: "As a lawyer I concern less about how many court cases I have won, or how successful I am in my cases, but more about how many innocent people were wronged because of my witty accusations and how many criminals were freed because of my words of help."

I am trying to apply these theories in my life, not very successfully, as you can tell, but I am trying. I guess what I am trying to say is that we should all be broad minded in this issue. that is the way to win over the people on the opposite side. and boycotting the Olympics, in my opinion, isnt a very wise move.


Apr 10, 2008
Re: Boycott of Olympics

ZJ NingNing said:
If I was a pro-Tibet, I would not 'let it slide'. but I will find a better way to boycott so that we can win over some of the Chinese civilians too.
for example...

(there arn't that many options to choose from)

Sounds almost like I am supporting the Tibetans. No, I am not. I am just doing what I think is right.
so am i... and i think supporting Tibet is the right thing to do.. the moral thing to do... if China is exploiting them

A very wise man once told me: "If you are trying to convince a stretch of land of people your point of view, you have to first make your mind broader than that stretch of land and your eyes looking further than that stretch of land."
good for you

Another admirable man told me: "As a lawyer I concern less about how many court cases I have won, or how successful I am in my cases, but more about how many innocent people were wronged because of my witty accusations and how many criminals were freed because of my words of help."
its ironic because law usually revolves around the idea of justice

I am trying to apply these theories in my life, not very successfully, as you can tell, but I am trying. I guess what I am trying to say is that we should all be broad minded in this issue. that is the way to win over the people on the opposite side. and boycotting the Olympics, in my opinion, isnt a very wise move.
you tell me to keep a broad mind about the issue but you yourself are slightly (probably an understatement) leaning toward China's side.


Premium Member
Jul 14, 2004
Re: Boycott of Olympics

1. Do you consume or planning to consume alcohol regularly when the same amount of food that made you alcohol could have saved the lives of the starving people living in poverty?

That's actually an invalid question. Poverty occurs because of heavy handed government intervention, not because I'm drinking beers on the other side of the world.
2. Do you have a pet and spend unnecessary money on it when it could have been living happily in the wild and that money used to promote Human Rights?
We have fish in my office, their food costs maybe $2 a week.
3. Do you drive to places when you could have caught a bus or even walk and let the gas used to save the people in poverty who were frozen to death? Or the ethanol in your petrol that used up masses of land that could have produced life-saving food?
I walk an hour each day to and from the bus stop, from which I catch a bus.
4. Do you prefer talking about some hot celebrity’s personal life rather than promoting Human Rights?
5. Do you have a roof over your head, food in the fridge, money in the bank and work/study for less than 15 hours a day and still complain about how unfortunate you are?
No. I'm fortunate to live in a country where my basic freedoms are respected, and where there is plenty of opportunity for any person who wants to chase it because the government isn't out crushing the entrepreneurial spirit.



Apr 10, 2008
Re: Boycott of Olympics

ZJ NingNing said:
13 Reasons Why You Should NOT Boycott The Olympics (I am still looking for the evidence)
1. The Western media are EXTREMELY BIASED. It ignores all the good things about China and magnifies all its problems, even if it needs to make up stories! (Both the German and French media DID make up stories, and when proven wrong, they apologised dismissively)

notice the word you... I, personally am not affected by what is written in Germany or in France. So I personally do not care. From the TV News that I have seen in Australia as I have already mentioned they hardly talk about the reasons why Tibetan's riot but rather just show them doing it (making it as if they are the bad guys).

ZJ NingNing said:
2. It is all a game of power play between the China that is gaining power over countries like the ones in Europe; superceding Britain, France etc in the rank of superpower just next to USA. Independence in Tibet is a powerful card these countries play against China trying to delay China coming to power. To them (the politicians), Tibet is only a tool to achieve their own intentions.
i understand that China needs Tibet to be all powerful but at the end of the day if we are talking about what right and what isn't (which you have expressed before that you do want to do what is right) fairness is what is right

ZJ NingNing said:
3.Some Tibetan people were pretty happy with their lives until they were encouraged by the Western media to be envious. They began feeling sorry for themselves and became bitterer and bitterer until they think their lives were wasted. It is just like showing an average kid how the children of Bill Gates live their lives. Of course they will end up becoming sour!
Haha blaming Tibetans sadness on Western Media is pretty pathetic. Where is the evidence that they began to feel sorry for themselves as a result of the media? How do you know that they were pretty happy? I'd say the media scales really low compared to China's impact on their happiness.

ZJ NingNing said:
As a result, the Tibetans will start wasting other people’s lives to make it more ‘fair’. You think those Han people went to Tibet because they wanted to be beaten to death? You think those riot police were happy to leave their loving family and put their lives on the line? (By the way, some riot police ARE actually Tibetans)
again evidence needed. and as i said before i am not saying that beating up people is right but have you even considered why they are rioting in the first place? maybe if they didn't have anything to riot about, the beatings wouldn't have happened. the fact that it has resulted to beatings is an indicator of how strongly they feel about this.
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