The Beijing Olympics (1 Viewer)


Sep 21, 2007
Sam04u I love how you know in detail the truth of everything by sitting at home reading blogs and youtube clips.
I am so ignorant to the amount of true facts you have on every political issue, do you ever question what you believe? it seems that you always have this stance that you are right and that you're never wrong. You preach about people people brainwashed, take a good look at yourself


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Azurie said:
Sam04u I love how you know in detail the truth of everything by sitting at home reading blogs and youtube clips.
I am so ignorant to the amount of true facts you have on every political issue, do you ever question what you believe? it seems that you always have this stance that you are right and that you're never wrong. You preach about people people brainwashed, take a good look at yourself
My problem is not that I'm brainwashed Azurie, and it's also not that I don't know enough. It's that I know too much.

AlleyCat for all her apparent sweetness and ignorance, sadly does not have the same problem. People like her see a problem, and if it's promoted to them in the right way, they'll sing alongside the choirs of ignorant, ignorant to the facts, the objective truth, and the history behind it.

If you knew as much as I do, you'd know this is by no means a new issue. This is as issue which stems back from British colonialism. You see, there once was a time when Britain was great. There was a time when Britain had the fiercest and most technologically advanced war machine, and the wherewithal to utilise it to achieve it's political goals. It damn near occupied the whole world, and ruled as the sole hegemon for many a decade, later transfering it's power over to the larger, more industrious, more populous, United States of America.

Britain went about the world occupying countries, diving them, seperating them, installing new governments in them, and exploiting them. At the time, you couldn't say no. They had the gatling gun, and you probably had bows and arrows. So when they came for your resources, you either lay slaughtered, submitted to the white mans will, or attempted to side with them and atleast keep a semblance of power over your people.

This happened in Asia, in Europe and also in the Middle-East (a term coined to seperate Africans and Asians of Arab ethnicity, in order to further divide and conquer)

They sought out too, and successfully reduced the 'Middle East' in the eyes of the industrialised nations, and they corrupted and destroyed all the progressive governments in the region, politically and militarily. All of this, but yet we've not seen an end to it. When the Argentinians realised that Britain had no right to what in reality is their country, and invaded and re-occupied it, that begun the Falklands War.

Same with Iraq in the 1990s. The arbitrary border between Iraq and Kuwait, caused for a war on an epic scale. Kuwait belongs to the Iraqis, but they conceded that it was fine for it to remain sovereign, until Kuwait started playing tricks. Ciphening oil from the Ramalah oil fields, cancelling billion dollar defence contracts, and being disrespectful with Iraq.

And now it's another one of Britain's divisive methods. This time it's either Taiwan, or Tibet, or whatever excuse they're looking for to divide Great China. But China isn't having it this time around. China knows that it's apart of their country. And in order for China to create it's own destiny, it has to remain steadfast in defending it's borders and it's country. It can't let the Brits or Yanks split it down the middle. They've split enough people down the middle in the past, they've left lines all over the world, creating hundreds of countries to exploit the people within them.

They've caused enough trouble, and if China has to eliminate the divisive elements in their country to protect their sovereignty, and their country, then so be it. That's the way it has to be.

I know you wont read this all AlleyCat, but that's fine. You should make a pretty sign that says "Free Tibet" and make yourself out to look like a fool. As if pretending the divided worlds are freer than the united ones. As if a small nation on the skirts of China is better than being apart of the world's new super power. Ignorant, yet so sweet and passionate.
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Captin gay

Apr 17, 2007
Organizations - Advocacy Organizations
Description: Modern Olympians from proper countries train EVERY SINGLE DAY for like FOUR YEARS to win a medal. If they win -- BIG DEAL

I prefer the olden days of human history, when the athletes were artisans and philosophers, and even in the last century when they used to do, uh, other stuff rather than train all day and appear in ads. THat's when the Olympics had some soul, sum character, and wasn't full of professional medal-hungry corporate-sponsored media-whores! (and remember the drug cheats!)


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Miles Edgeworth said:
Sam's usually on the right track but some of the stuff he spouts is downright retarded.
I'm getting there. But then again, not everything you say is perfect either.


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Captain Gh3y said:
Perhaps carve a hammer and sickle into it. Hahaha, that would be epic.



Jul 29, 2007
sam04u said:
My problem is not that I'm brainwashed Azurie, and it's also not that I don't know enough. It's that I know too much.

AlleyCat for all her apparent sweetness and ignorance, sadly does not have the same problem. People like her see a problem, and if it's promoted to them in the right way, they'll sing alongside the choirs of ignorant, ignorant to the facts, the objective truth, and the history behind it.

If you knew as much as I do, you'd know this is by no means a new issue. This is as issue which stems back from British colonialism. You see, there once was a time when Britain was great. There was a time when Britain had the fiercest and most technologically advanced war machine, and the wherewithal to utilise it to achieve it's political goals. It damn near occupied the whole world, and ruled as the sole hegemon for many a decade, later transfering it's power over to the larger, more industrious, more populous, United States of America.

Britain went about the world occupying countries, diving them, seperating them, installing new governments in them, and exploiting them. At the time, you couldn't say no. They had the gatling gun, and you probably had bows and arrows. So when they came for your resources, you either lay slaughtered, submitted to the white mans will, or attempted to side with them and atleast keep a semblance of power over your people.

This happened in Asia, in Europe and also in the Middle-East (a term coined to seperate Africans and Asians of Arab ethnicity, in order to further divide and conquer)

They sought out too, and successfully reduced the 'Middle East' in the eyes of the industrialised nations, and they corrupted and destroyed all the progressive governments in the region, politically and militarily. All of this, but yet we've not seen an end to it. When the Argentinians realised that Britain had no right to what in reality is their country, and invaded and re-occupied it, that begun the Falklands War.

Same with Iraq in the 1990s. The arbitrary border between Iraq and Kuwait, caused for a war on an epic scale. Kuwait belongs to the Iraqis, but they conceded that it was fine for it to remain sovereign, until Kuwait started playing tricks. Ciphening oil from the Ramalah oil fields, cancelling billion dollar defence contracts, and being disrespectful with Iraq.

And now it's another one of Britain's divisive methods. This time it's either Taiwan, or Tibet, or whatever excuse they're looking for to divide Great China. But China isn't having it this time around. China knows that it's apart of their country. And in order for China to create it's own destiny, it has to remain steadfast in defending it's borders and it's country. It can't let the Brits or Yanks split it down the middle. They've split enough people down the middle in the past, they've left lines all over the world, creating hundreds of countries to exploit the people within them.

They've caused enough trouble, and if China has to eliminate the divisive elements in their country to protect their sovereignty, and their country, then so be it. That's the way it has to be.

I know you wont read this all AlleyCat, but that's fine. You should make a pretty sign that says "Free Tibet" and make yourself out to look like a fool. As if pretending the divided worlds are freer than the united ones. As if a small nation on the skirts of China is better than being apart of the world's new super power. Ignorant, yet so sweet and passionate.
+1 beautiful. best post on bos ever.

there is no way i couldve said that any better without saying "fuck" 50 times. lol


Mar 10, 2008
Gold Coast
Grrr I'm still waiting to see the gymnastics. It said it was meant to be on yesterday so I stayed up til like 11pm waiting then just had to go to bed. Hopefully it'll be on today.


MOSSAD Deputy Director
May 30, 2005
sam04u said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but prior to that Australia had not recognised any wrong-doing, in their mistreatment of the Aboriginals.
Sam, you are very ignorant on the issue if that is your understanding of it.
As I said, go find the other threads.
No, you're right on that. But if you say "I beat up my wife, but I feel bad about it when I'm done, so that makes it okay", then you're a contradictory, imbecile.
But that isn't even almost what I am saying nor can I see it being analogous.
Also, the last time I checked the people of China are happy.
When did you check?
Have you been to China? Ever hosted Chinese nationals in your house?
I've known and befriended many Aboriginals, and seen the way many regard them. I remember even in primary school, a teacher was more concerned with occupying an Aboriginal student's attention, than educating him. Almost as if he had some sort of autism, or didn't have a need a proper education. Ofcourse I was too young to know how bad that was at the time, but now upon reflection I see how terrible it was.
So conjecture and anecdotal evidence. But as I said, who am I to question you! I actually have experience in both China and Aboriginal communities and you have experience watching a teacher in primary school!
It is an issue. Apologising for the actions of the United States, and our own country, whilst criticising the PRC is highly hypocritical. The people of China are happy, and they will do as they wish in their sovereign territory. Unlike our country and others, they aren't rolling into other countries and laying waste to their people and their land.
No, it is a non Issue. How does irrelevant criticisms applied to someone who wasn't arguing them exclude them from criticising problems in this world? Or are you just cut that someone attacked Communist China?

You attack others claiming they hear and see no evil when it is exactly what you do daily.
Apparently, there is a method of detection, and proper armoured vehicles to protect against the IED's, but they weren't deployed.
Okay I will take your word on it but where is your source that only black soldiers were not given this stuff?

I rejoiced? You're retarded Ari. When have I ever rejoiced for 9/11? It's people like you that are using 9/11 to justify killing thousands upon thousands of new innocents, instead of reconciling. It's people like you that are going to result in endless deaths of innocent people, because you just wont accept what is the truth, what is real. I dwarf you in every way Ari. (Intellectually, Physically, Sexually, Emotionally) as soon as you accept that Ari, we might just get along a little better.
Ah, poor grasp of the English language I see. No, I did not say you rejoiced at their death. But the Chinese people I know did.

People like me? Sam, when have I ever made a single comment about ever justifying killing people, especially using 9/11 as a reason? Oh, don't tell me it is just baseless bullshit! The same baseless bullshit you tried to stick to Alley!

Oh yeah Sam you dwarf me in every way? Maybe in terms of lying and extreme one sided bias I am truly dwarfed! I cannot help wanting to understand both sides of the story and accepting both sides have done wrong. But you live in some little imaginary world where China does no evil.
And you accuse me of conjecture. Don't make me laugh Ari-boy.
Lies, lies, and lies.
Umm what?
You really have absolutely no idea about China if you claim that they were lies. Oh, you probably do but turn a blind eye to it or in your deceptive manner simply accuse me of lying in a poor attempt of defamation.

To anyone who took the time to read Sam's bullshit response this is what he claims to be lies:
The Chinese people are limited in so many facets of their lives including the high regulation of personal freedoms such as religion and expression. Please, explain how disallowing personal freedoms, rewarding ignorance and belittling the value of individual human life makes China one of the greatest countries of the modern world?

Edit: Sam, you really are the king of red herrings.

Edit Edit: And I know it is obviously clear to everyone that I am not supporting any government here so try not to bring up and false allegations of that nature either. Nor am I limiting anyones right to do that as I recognise wrong from both sides of the spectrum unlike other nameless people. But my point stands- what you said has no weighting on limiting anyone from criticising human rights abuses in China. You set an irrational exclusion zone on China which makes absolutely no sense.
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MOSSAD Deputy Director
May 30, 2005
Azurie said:
Sam04u I love how you know in detail the truth of everything by sitting at home reading blogs and youtube clips.
I am so ignorant to the amount of true facts you have on every political issue, do you ever question what you believe? it seems that you always have this stance that you are right and that you're never wrong. You preach about people people brainwashed, take a good look at yourself
Sam is always right! Especially in opposition to facts opposing his own little creative 'truths'.

He knows more about the Aboriginal community than everyone because he had an Aboriginal kid in his class in primary school! Who could compete with that experience?


Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
I totally support chinese occupation of Xinxiang province and annihilation of muslims there. Muslims, as always are the scum of every country they live in, be it Israel, China, Australia, US, UK, India, Thailand, Phillipines just to name a few. Thank You China for realising the danger posed by these islamic maggots.


But pieces of what?
Jun 12, 2004
Western journalism in China is a plot to otherthrow the oppressive one-party state of China! We must restrict their rights for peace!


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
ari89 said:
When did you check?
Have you been to China? Ever hosted Chinese nationals in your house?
You can learn alot from this website. The Chinese are not unhappy due to these "restrictions" as you put them,

So conjecture and anecdotal evidence. But as I said, who am I to question you! I actually have experience in both China and Aboriginal communities and you have experience watching a teacher in primary school
No, that's not the evidence Ari. I grew up in what can be considered a ghetto. Fortunately, they demolished the area, and redistributed it's population throughout the Inner West. I grew up with many Aboriginal children, albeit not in a predominantly Aboriginal community (which is the case in many parts of the suburban Sydney). Overwhelmingly, the response was negative, both institutionally and socially.

No, it is a non Issue. How does irrelevant criticisms applied to someone who wasn't arguing them exclude them from criticising problems in this world? Or are you just cut that someone attacked Communist China?
Don't speak of things you do not know Ari. Click on the link, read the news, get a proper insight into the problems as you perceive them. Don't trust the enemies of China, but rather get your facts from the sources.

Oh yeah Sam you dwarf me in every way? Maybe in terms of lying and extreme one sided bias I am truly dwarfed! I cannot help wanting to understand both sides of the story and accepting both sides have done wrong. But you live in some little imaginary world where China does no evil.
Ends justify the means. Again, China's role is not an evil one.


Apr 11, 2006
I would rather trust my relatives I visited both in city and rural areas than a website. I think the correct term is that most people are "content" as long as there is food on the table and ok living. Although rural China lacks garbage collection. =( But I guess now that China is growing fast, that can be remedied as they begin to reach out to the countryside. It's a slow process and anyone who knows anything about economics shouldn't expect instant fixes to every problem in China.


MOSSAD Deputy Director
May 30, 2005
sam04u said:
You can learn alot from this website. The Chinese are not unhappy due to these "restrictions" as you put them,
From my first hand experience, yes they are. They are very unhappy at being unable to criticise the government and are very unhappy about religious persecution and having to go underground to escape the militant atheism of the Chinese government.
Don't speak of things you do not know Ari. Click on the link, read the news, get a proper insight into the problems as you perceive them. Don't trust the enemies of China, but rather get your facts from the sources.
I think this discourse has shown you to be the one speaking on what you know nothing about. Unless the Chinese people I visited in China and those that stayed with my family in Australia are China's enemies you don't have a leg to stand on. As I said, what is your personal experience with China and the Chinese people?

Edit: I don't know why I am taking your posts seriously. You are the same person who supports Hezbollah and attacked me for criticising Saudi Arabia's disgusting human rights record. That is testament to your skewed outlook on the world.
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Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
ari89 said:
From my first hand experience, yes they are. They are very unhappy at being unable to criticise the government and are very unhappy about religious persecution and having to go underground to escape the militant atheism of the Chinese government.
Seriously Ari, you generally just repeat the same shit, and then add an insult to myself with it. Explain in more detail this "religious persecution", because right now it just seems to be a lyric you're echo'ing. Secondly, what are these big issues the Chinese want to criticise the government about? You see if China was a government that catered to special interest groups, as in the United States, you'd have a leg to stand on. But I've concluded you're nothing more than a one-liner. Either elaborate, or just cease and desist.

As I said, what is your personal experience with China and the Chinese people?
I don't have a "personal" experience. I've read as you have though, the content of the Asian Human Rights Commission, and their reports. And also, I've seen the grass-roots campaigns against China (mainly it's linked to Tibet, they're stupid enough to say it's being occupied by foreigners, and you can sample my opinion on that a few pages back), and finally, the Aus/Chi website.


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
ari89 said:
Edit: I don't know why I am taking your posts seriously. You are the same person who supports Hezbollah
Hezbollah is a legitimate, resistance organisation.

and attacked me for criticising Saudi Arabia's disgusting human rights record.
I'm more opposed to Saudi Arabia's actions, than you will ever be. So don't accuse me of supporting Saudi Arabia. I attacked you for your argument, not your criticism of Saudi Arabia and you know that.

I wonder why we should take Comrade Ari seriously. Apparently he supports Tibetan independance, and religious freedoms. Except, when it's for muslims.

ari89 said:
Fuck the Albanians:)
Serbs should enforce trade blocks and reclaim with force if necessary. Then for good fun we should burn down a few Albanian religious sites...
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MOSSAD Deputy Director
May 30, 2005
Seriously Ari, you generally just repeat the same shit, and then add an insult to myself with it. Explain in more detail this "religious persecution", because right now it just seems to be a lyric you're echo'ing. Secondly, what are these big issues the Chinese want to criticise the government about? You see if China was a government that catered to special interest groups, as in the United States, you'd have a leg to stand on. But I've concluded you're nothing more than a one-liner. Either elaborate, or just cease and desist.
Yes, my response to you calling me a liar was repetition! It was showing you clearly avoiding statements in order to spread false allegations about myself. Glad you picked up on the intentional repetition there. In fact, I believe I claimed I was going to repeat that!

Do you care to elaborate on the rest of your nonsense or leave it devoid and incomprehensible? See, it is about me so I should be able to understand it. But it appears that it is just the result of your own little conspiracy theory about myself and others - unverifiable and lacking any context.
I wonder why we should take Comrade Ari seriously. Apparently he supports Tibetan independance, and religious freedoms. Except, when it's for muslims.
I have always supported religious freedoms. Still throwing shit at me I see. Haven't seen it stick yet ;)

I will take your constant avoidance of my questions to be you having no reasonable response. If you did you wouldn't have constantly tried to turn it into a slinging match of flying shit and personal attacks.

Oh, and for the record - people criticising China legitimately are not ENEMIES OF CHINA. Just wanted to clear up another of your irrational dichotomies.

Edit: And lol at the intentional deceptive misquote. Another sign that you have no truth or point to make.
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But pieces of what?
Jun 12, 2004
ari89 said:
Edit: I don't know why I am taking your posts seriously. You are the same person who supports Hezbollah and attacked me for criticising Saudi Arabia's disgusting human rights record. That is testament to your skewed outlook on the world.
lol, yep, Not even worth bothering with him dude.

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