NeRdY said:
I know this is hard to answer without a diagram but the speech and hearing positions in the brain are in similar positions. Does anyone know which comes first whenm looking at the brain side on? is it speech first.
What i am trying to say is basically where the hell are speech and hearing located in the brain?!?!?!? :uhhuh:
And is light perception in the occipital lobe?
This is quite hard to explain without a diagram but i'll do my best.
Sound is processed in two areas of the temporal lobes: Broca's area and Wernicke's area
Broca's area is involved in speech production, specifically assessing syntax of words while listening and comprehending structural complexity.
The information is transmitted from here to Wernicke's area where the content of words are interpreted.
Sound is processed in the temporal lobers on either side of the brain.
If you have a picture handy, ill try to explain where hearing and speech is located. From a side on view, with the brain stem down the middle and Cerebellum on the lower right hand side:
* Hearing is above the brain stem and speech is just above that. (On a 10cm by 10cm diagram) the hearing is about 5cm above brain stem.
Sorry... this must be confusing for you... I hope i helped!