Your not funny like Argo is
s1n1Ster said:
Insulting Ferrari and their prince?
No, thats not insulting ferrari and
MY prince.
s1n1Ster said:
I am important! And exactly how many females do you know that are absolutely obsessed with motorsport. Therefore I'm important.
s1n1Ster said:
At least he doesn't STALL a the pits.
Michael doesn't stall in the pits, what the hell are you on?
s1n1Ster said:
How the hell is 72Kg fat?
This usually comes from Anorexics........
Racing drivers are supposed to be atheletic and therefore thin, not a chubby cheeseburger!
s1n1Ster said:
You are a Schumacher fan, right?
Yup, and Argo is one as well

s1n1Ster said:
Sounds like someone needs a hug. Are you angry because of the grand season your red shitbox had?
I don't need a hug from you! My sexy red car had a fantastic season, considering how crap the car was.
s1n1Ster said:
Not when you horribly suck at it
Better than you.
s1n1Ster said:
Do you honestly believe good looking drivers, drive better?
Ferrari have always been the stubborn mule they are. Glad you admit it.
No, good looks don't make a driver, although it helps advertising
s1n1Ster said:
Hahah no driver shuts their trap. They have press Conferences every race.
Sorry if your mistaken, but the Schumacher trap is Gigantic.
Do you reckon Schumacher will start 'honouring' contracts once he gets the boot?
Schumacher actually speaks in the press conference from a political point of view, unlike monty vs jv.
Schumacher's ferrari contract states he can leave any time he wants to, even half way a season if necessary.
s1n1Ster said:
Understatement of the year. Thats not a nice way to be talking about your former world champions
hmm ... someones R26 is a slow bastard!