flyin' said:
don't most unis in new south wales do juri and torts in first year law, not just macq?
I know UNSW does it this way and I'm pretty sure Sydney does too...
bearpooh said:
How does it go with doing Jurisprudence in the first year ?
Most other law faculties offer Juris as a 3rd year subject.
Yes, I know that Mac's law faculty is strong on Juris, but I would have
thought that it was a bit too abstract and airy-fairy to be digested by first years
it is a bit abstract and dry at first, but then you move onto interesting debates regarding abortion, AI, surrogacy etc. and its fantastic!
the reason they do it in first year is for two reasons; 1. to weed out the poor students first semester (there is a high fail rate, and while you can continue onto torts with just a pass, it shows students just how heavy the study load is for law) and 2. they get it done first year so that we can then move onto the real law, rather than law theory. think about it; it doesn't make sense for a 3rd year law student to learn the philosophical roots of law, while they should be studying the constitution (an area of law one actually
practises) instead of information which is not directly relevant in the courtroom...and its got to be "digested" at some stage

it helps in the rest of the study of law, it casts a light over the rest of the subjects and how one should view the law.