Steven88 said:
Seriouslly the HSC has become so easy that 90 is not enough need to get like 95 in everything to get high UAI...I think that in general we are too prepared for the exams, we know how to get full marks for certain types of questions and what too when the new HSC came out in 2000 or whenever they didnt know what to expect so getting early 80s got you a over 95 you need 90s in almost everything to get that!!...Serioully what the hell!!! this is so stupid!!!...My cousin did the HSC in 1997 averaged 65 in her alined HSC marks and got a 98.15 UAI .... getting those marks this year wont even get you 50 UAI!!!!
I agree. The Board of Studies has been criticised recently for its easy standards setting procedure. While it is supposedly easier to gain access to higher aligned marks, these marks DO NOT affect your UAI. ALIGNED MARKS are not used for scaling and thus have no effect on your UAI.
In fact, it is more difficult to gain high raw examination marks. RAW EXAMINATION MARKS are the basis of marks used for scaling. According to HSC 2001 when, now former HSC student, James King requested for his raw marks, he got raw HSC marks of something like 60-70 in English and Mathematics this was aligned to 90+ as reported marks. A shocking statistic along the fact that a fail was practically aligned to a pass.
Students are indeed getting more and more competitive every year. This is the main reason that it is more and more difficult to obtain high UAIs. This does not necessarily mean that the HSC exam itself is "easy" in terms of content assessed. People are becoming more and more familiar with the structure of the new HSC and the accompanying syllabus, so students are usually more prepared than the students of previous years.
Even schools have become more competitive with every successive year, probably to excel the results that they had obtained in previous years. Take James Ruse Agricultural High School for example. Their median UAI for 2003 was 99.3 and for 2004 the median UAI was 99.5, so the bar has been raised.
This thread could be of relevence to this topic: