Hey again sal
What I found that helped, in fact STILL helps speaking is listening to a lot of stuff. Movies (seeing that this IS the movie thread

are a good source, especially French-French movies (ie movies from France), of listening and learning to develop your own accent and a natural French sounding flow to how you speak. The net is a vast resource (as an understatement of a century!) and there's a tonne of things you can listen to to try and imitate etc. Also, in this listening you get to know lots of more vocab, which is osmething you need to constantly do anyway heeh.
Re: constructing. Is it constructing the sentences etc with grammar that you have a bit of trouble with? Cos that's the bane of any language student, and one place you can find a lot of stuff to help you is french.about.com. I've recommended this site for ages, but there's wealth of info there. Also, there's another set of forums (!) that are full of students and native speakers alike, asking questions and giving help.
With speaking it also needs to be given a bit of time. If you are feeling confident now then that's a good way to feel as that will be evident in the way you speak (the ultimate goal being the speaking exam at the end of next year), so yeah.
One good rule to remember perhaps, is subject-verb-object hehe, so if you can identify those parts and get that down pat, all the other stuff just comes naturally around it eventually.
Keep going how you say you're going now and you should go far

Back to the topic of this thread hehe.
Of course our dear Depardieu. There's not a French film that exists in which he hasn't acted...
Saw the weirdest thing on TV5 at uni. French cop shows. They have such a nice way of filming them it's almost, human.... ! Like the really awkward sarcastic humour of 'Water Rats' as well...