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Updated by Katsumi 06/08/2017
Hi All! Welcome to the Official UTS Subject Reviews Thread. The purpose of this thread is to share your experiences, thoughts and comments on the various courses offered at UTS in a standardised format.
It gives you an idea from other BOS members on what they thought about a particular subject. It will be especially useful for those picking elective subjects in other faculties, as you may not have prior knowledge of the quality of the subject.
Everyone is highly encouraged to contribute
Table of Contents:
Faculty of Business:
International Business (21228)
Managing People and Organisations (21129)
Managing People and Organisations (21129)
Employment Relations in the Global Context (21306)
International Management (21591)
Accounting for Business Decisions A (22107)
Accounting for Business Decisions A (22107)
Accounting for Business Decisions A (22107)
Accounting for Business Decisions A (22107)
Accounting for Business Decisions A (22107)
International Accounting (22240)
Cost Management Systems (22321)
Accounting Standards and Regulations (22420)
Economics for Business (23115)
Economics for Business (23115)
Economics for Business 2 (23566)
Marketing Foundations (24108)
Marketing Foundations (24108)
Marketing Foundations (24108)
Fundamentals of Business Finance (25300)
Asian-Australian Economics Relations (25304)
International Financial Management (25421)
Investment Analysis (25503)
Economics for Business (25115)
Macroeconomics: Theory and Applications (25555)
The Financial System (25556)
Corporate Finance: Theory and Practice (25557)
Quantitative Business Analysis (25622)
Integrating Business Perspectives (26100)
Integrating Business Perspective (26100)
Business Statistics (26134)
Business Statistics (26134)
Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building:
Faculty of Education:
Faculty of Engineering:
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences:
Power and Change in Australia (50109)
Media Arts and Production 1 (50116)
Cinematic Cultures (50136)
Faculty of Information Technology:
Database Principles (31061)
Communication for IT Professionals (31265)
Communication for IT Professionals (31265)
Introduction to Information Systems (31266)
Introduction to Information Systems (31266)
Web Systems (31268)
Web Systems (31268)
Business Requirements Modelling (31269)
Networking Essentials (31270)
Systems Development Project (31476)
Programming Fundamentals (48023)
Programming Fundamentals (48023)
Programming Fundamentals (48023)
Faculty of Law:
Foundations of Law (70102)
Commercial Law (70327)
Corporate Law (70417)
Equity and Trusts (70517)
Constitutional Law (70616)
Administrative Law (70617)
Evidence & Criminal Procedure (70717)
Business Law and Ethics (79203)
Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery and Health:
Faculty of Science:
Statistical Design and Analysis (33116)
Statistical Design and Analysis (33116)
Mathematical Modelling for Science (33190)
Mathematical Modelling for Science (33190)
Principle of Scientific Practice (60001)
Chemistry 1C (65101)
Chemistry 1C (65101)
Chemistry 1 (65111)
Cells, Genetics and Evolution (91101)
Cell Biology and Genetics (91161)
Medical Science 1 (91701)
Medical Science 1 (91701)
Faculty of International Studies:
Japanese Language and Culture 1 (97201)
Foundations in International Studies (976001)
Japanese Language and Culture 5 (97205)
Writing a new subject review:
Please see below for a standardised template that you can use to assist you in writing your subject review. The top template (referred to as "with help comments") includes the standard template + notes made by myself to assist you in filling in this template. The bottom template (referred to as "without help comments" can be copy & pasted into your review for your convenience
Subject Name: <Enter Full Subject Name Here>
Subject Number: <Enter Subject # here- Codes can be searched through your course via the handbook ->
Faculty: Faculty of <Enter Faculty the subject belongs to> (School of <Enter School Name if applicable>)
Semester: <Spring/Autumn>, <Year>
Ease: <Mark out of 10>
Lecturer: <Mark out of 10>
Tutor: <Mark out of 10>
Subject Coordinator: <Mark out of 10>
Interest: <Mark out of 10> <Comment on your interest of the subject>
Overall: <Mark out of 10 - perhaps an average of the marks you gave> <Other overall comments you would like to make>
Subject Name:
Subject Number:
Faculty: Faculty of (School of )
Ease: /10
Lecturer: /10
Tutor: /10
Subject Coordinator: /10
Interest: /10
Overall: /10
Please direct all administrative enquiries, requests or suggestions to Katsumi via the private messaging system. All suggestions are highly encouraged and appreciated
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