xxxx8888 said:
Session Course Title Result
T1 MARK2051 Consumer Behaviour...............72 CR
T1 MARK2052 Marketing Research...............80 DN
T1 MGMT2718 Human Resource Management........68 CR
T1 MGMT2725 Career Planning & Management.....79 DN
my best semester. yay. i'm so surprised i did better in CB than HRM because i thought i completely failed the final exam for CB because i did no study, was unfamiliar with the content since i attended zero lectures and didn't touch my textbook. y'know if i was going to fail CB i was going to drop my marketing major. THANK GOD I DIDN'T! i'm so glad i did career planning. so easy. OMG i'm seriously on my way to not failing any more subjects. except i only failed the compulsory cores but that's because i didn't even turn up to the exams.
Congratulations on those excellent results! Not sure if i'm the first person to comment on it but:
I think you'll make an excellent manager / marketer in the future. And you are a true inspiration to me.
Why? Because i saw your results last year in this same (well different, but y'know same unsw s1 2007) thread and really empathised with you. I had scored about 5-10 marks lower than i had guestimated for my economics subjects and thought i wasn't cut out for university (my peers hd high expectations for me).
Fast forward to 2008, and i'm loving my course, doing well in it, and i've still retained the lessons of life (and lecture content) i gained from 2007. Even though my marks weren't as flash as others, i have been using my knowledge to help out old friends.
I hope you do too

Fortune has been kind on both of us.
To anyone who's interested, the following reflects the full transformative potential of this esteemed individual. From s1 2007. (I hope it's alright for me to repost this)
xxxx8888 said:
Session Course Title Result
S1 ACCT1501 Accounting & Financial Mgt 1A....03 FL
S1 ECON1101 Microeconomics 1.................35 FL
S1 ECON1202 Quantitative Methods A...........25 FL
S1 MGMT1001 Fundamentals of Management.......65 CR
Term WAM: 32.000 Overall WAM: 32.000 Undergraduate
Provisional Academic Standing : REFERRAL
oopsie. next semester i'm going to get distinctions. you'll see...