Preferably to the attention of jaihson and Lucie16: (however all of u can read it

I cannot begin to agree with Sparky more on this topic guys.
Sparky made the considerably important point of "impressive and broader knowledge of Stage 6 Drama..."
Sophistication when approaching an IP (theory) will reap rewards. The markers want to see something bold, a statement by a student that has set themselves a challenge...and in all honesty I cannot say that musical theatre would be deemed as 'sophisticated theatre viewing'. Musicals are generally considered (and if you dare try and rebut this point I will shoot you down) as 'consumer theatre'. Most are primarily shown at large venues employing extensive casts, having 2 to 3 shows a day and playing for months. They are simple stories usually displayed on lavish and grand scales. They follow linear plots and an array of approximately 3 leads and 10 b lists. And you get my point.
Technically, and so totally obviously they
ARE TOO SIMPLE TO REVIEW. A Year 10 English student with no knowledge of conventions, technical theatre or direction could write a good review on a musical with the aid of a program.
Markers are wanting to see you show off your knowledge or theatre and theatre making. To say a review simply comments on acting and a 'story' is ignorant and a simpleton's approach to a task that obviously has some depth to it. Try review experimental theatre, theatre by a small theatre company and then a major Sydney Theatre Co production.
That is a demonstration of 'varying theatrical experiences'
The HSC is not about society, demographics, audiences...its about playing by the rules. The Board hasn't set any musicals (with the exception of the Brechtian unit...which is exempt from this discussion as we are discussion musicals of the main stream kind...i.e. Broadway, Touring Productions) for a reason.
If you play by the rules, you will go well...if you stretch them, you're taking a risk...but if you down right break them...because you think you're right...then you've got no one to blame but yourself.
And please 05ers, consider our advice. We are not hear to annoy you about your decision, we are here to guide as we've been through the HSC already.