Hey all, so you wanna do B Clin Science at Macq?
My guess is that you're aiming for medicine, dentistry or physiotherapy afterwards. I'm sure you were all lured into choosing this degree because its "fast tracked" and has "GAMSAT Training". LOL lemme spill some tea on this degree.

This course is 2 years, thats what makes it so attractive to high school leavers. But a lot of people end up finishing in 3 or more years because it is so unrealistically planned.
Here is the course layout: (this may have changes since MQU is changing this degree into trimesters (4 units every semester - 12 units a year?)
Semester 1: 5 Units
Winter session (The one month you get off between semesters): 2 Units
Semester 2: 5 Units
Summer session (2 Units)
- The same goes for year 2.
Now IDK bout y'all but that is super intense in my opinion. Not to mention that if you fail a unit you automatically have to extend your degree.
You don't even get your proper breaks as you should, because trust me your brain will need a rest after semester 1. Instead of 1 month off after S1, you only get two weeks off for winter and 1 month off for summer. That is nothing, honestly. A lot of people drop out
There is no major for this degree, so you pretty much do a bunch of science/health related subjects, a little bit of everything. I personally find that this is pretty shit since you can't major in anything, and this also makes it harder to get a job. In order to get a proper job as a physiotherapist you'll have to do post grad after, same goes for med or den. Job prospects are not that great. I don't see what job you can get after this degree other than research related jobs.
Now for the GAMSAT training part of this degree:
A more detailed overview of the course:
Semester 1: you'll do:
Medi103 - Professional Practice
CBMS104 - Chemistry
BIOL108 - Human Bio
Winter Session 1:
Medi201 - Cardiorespiratory 1
Medi202 - Renal Alimentary 2
Semester 2:
Medi206 - Professional Practice 2
Medi204 - Neuroscience 1
Medi203 - Musculoskeletal 1
One People/Planet unit
Stat170 - statistics
Summer Session:
MEDI207 - GAMSAT UNIT - mentioned above
MEDI209 - Genetics and genomics
And if you're still here after the first year, you'll know the other units by yourself.
So, should you do this degree?
Look, if you're super smart and determined to do med, dent, or physio or whatever else, and can maintain the same progress throughout the 2 years you'll be fine. A lot of people obviously have graduated. A few have gotten into med, idk what the others are doing. But if you can keep up with 2 whole years of studying then go for it. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A PLAN B
On the other hand, please do note that this is not the only way to get into med/den. You can do a medical science degree in 3 years and still do med. At least with that you'll be able to get a job afterwards, even if you don't want to do med. You'll get normal break times and do regular 4 units like everyone else. There is no need to rush it mate you're fresh outta high school. Theres plenty of time to decide. Just make sure you don't reach the point of burn out because that sucks. If you find out during the first sem or by the end of the first year that this isn't the degree for you, CHANGE IT, GET OUT A.S.A.P. Don't put yourself under more debt and keep wasting your time.
Personally, I would not recommend this degree to anyone. Do medical science or something else instead, seriously its much more enjoyable.
Just because I had a bad experience with this degree doesn't mean you will too. If you're interested, go for it but change as soon as you realise this isn't for you. Your future is in your hands, choose wisely.
My guess is that you're aiming for medicine, dentistry or physiotherapy afterwards. I'm sure you were all lured into choosing this degree because its "fast tracked" and has "GAMSAT Training". LOL lemme spill some tea on this degree.
This course is 2 years, thats what makes it so attractive to high school leavers. But a lot of people end up finishing in 3 or more years because it is so unrealistically planned.
Here is the course layout: (this may have changes since MQU is changing this degree into trimesters (4 units every semester - 12 units a year?)
Semester 1: 5 Units
Winter session (The one month you get off between semesters): 2 Units
Semester 2: 5 Units
Summer session (2 Units)
- The same goes for year 2.
Now IDK bout y'all but that is super intense in my opinion. Not to mention that if you fail a unit you automatically have to extend your degree.
You don't even get your proper breaks as you should, because trust me your brain will need a rest after semester 1. Instead of 1 month off after S1, you only get two weeks off for winter and 1 month off for summer. That is nothing, honestly. A lot of people drop out
There is no major for this degree, so you pretty much do a bunch of science/health related subjects, a little bit of everything. I personally find that this is pretty shit since you can't major in anything, and this also makes it harder to get a job. In order to get a proper job as a physiotherapist you'll have to do post grad after, same goes for med or den. Job prospects are not that great. I don't see what job you can get after this degree other than research related jobs.
Now for the GAMSAT training part of this degree:
- you do the unit over summer (5 weeks)
- you're already expected to have prior knowledge of the basics of all the 3 sciences (which is fair)
- Each week you have 2 tutorials, in each you focus on 1 part of the GAMSAT
- e.g. Tute 1: Section 1 - you'll do a quiz by yourself and then do it again with your team and then he goes over it and explains the answers and then do it again. Tute 2: section 2 - write practice essays
- he gives your tips and tricks on how to do well but honestly you can find these on the internet or youtube vids as well
- you have 2 exams - one formative (non-graded) and one final
- You don't really learn much, you're already supposed to know things
A more detailed overview of the course:
Semester 1: you'll do:
- You'll have 1 prac and 1 tutorial every week along with 2 lecture
- The prac and tute are hurdles (must get 40%)
Medi103 - Professional Practice
- This unit is pretty chilled out
- No final exam but you do a group presentation and reflections
CBMS104 - Chemistry
- Not too bad, pracs every week
- Definately do-able
BIOL108 - Human Bio
- This isnt bad - its like biology, a bit of everything, pretty interesting at times
Winter Session 1:
Medi201 - Cardiorespiratory 1
- This is pretty intense, you have pracs and tutorials which are online sometimes. By this time you're tired from S1 and its just hard to keep up, but oh well. You also do simulation labs which are okay ~.
Medi202 - Renal Alimentary 2
- This is the same. Intense. You have anatomy practicals and spot tests which aren't too bad, but you better keep up or you'll fail.
Semester 2:
Medi206 - Professional Practice 2
- Similar to the other one
- Assessments include portfolio (reflections + shit), online quizzes, group project, essay
- Not too bad.
Medi204 - Neuroscience 1
- Covers the basics of neuroscience - PAY ATTENTION IN THIS ONE, YOU'LL NEED IT LATER
- Assessments include: Practical spot test, final exam and online quizzes weekly.
- Its meh ~, really boring.
Medi203 - Musculoskeletal 1
- This one is okay
- 3 spot tests, 3 online quizzes, final exam
One People/Planet unit
Stat170 - statistics
- This is pretty good, nice and easy
Summer Session:
MEDI207 - GAMSAT UNIT - mentioned above
MEDI209 - Genetics and genomics
- This is okay, not great
- You have practicals and either a presentation or a debate
- Boring
And if you're still here after the first year, you'll know the other units by yourself.
So, should you do this degree?
Look, if you're super smart and determined to do med, dent, or physio or whatever else, and can maintain the same progress throughout the 2 years you'll be fine. A lot of people obviously have graduated. A few have gotten into med, idk what the others are doing. But if you can keep up with 2 whole years of studying then go for it. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A PLAN B
On the other hand, please do note that this is not the only way to get into med/den. You can do a medical science degree in 3 years and still do med. At least with that you'll be able to get a job afterwards, even if you don't want to do med. You'll get normal break times and do regular 4 units like everyone else. There is no need to rush it mate you're fresh outta high school. Theres plenty of time to decide. Just make sure you don't reach the point of burn out because that sucks. If you find out during the first sem or by the end of the first year that this isn't the degree for you, CHANGE IT, GET OUT A.S.A.P. Don't put yourself under more debt and keep wasting your time.
Personally, I would not recommend this degree to anyone. Do medical science or something else instead, seriously its much more enjoyable.
Just because I had a bad experience with this degree doesn't mean you will too. If you're interested, go for it but change as soon as you realise this isn't for you. Your future is in your hands, choose wisely.