Re: Things You Wish You Knew Before Starting Your HSC
1.) self-destructive DEMOTIVATION mantras will eventually suffocate anyyyyyyy sense of motivation you might have had... the 'i don't care, i don't need a numerical estimate to be judged' and 'in 20 years time... this won't mean anything'. WARNING: once contracted they spread through most aspects of your life too.

that's why i am now 20kg heavier and 5 x uglier... i let myself go a long time ago... i need a cunning little disguise like this one >>>>
2.) How aggrivating it is to see people who have always been below me now doing well, very well.. or killing it.
3.) that i'd discovered this sight sooner... instead of my guilty pleasures, which are now just my normal afternoon of eating, watching tv and sleeping... could be soooooomewhat related to HSC.
4.) i never wanted a GREAT mark anyway... "you only want what you can't have"... which is to piss everybody and all my teachers off with taking their jokes about how piteous the HSC is to a whole new level.
5.) people whose comments that 'i study for like x hrs' way too audibly aren't actually that impressive... 5 hours doesn't get much done. enough time to have a wank, scratch your a$$ and highlight some notes.
6.) how secretly competitive people get, and how much 'tension' is created because of marks, assessments, ranks etc.
7.) That Tyler Durden's directions in Fight Club for making napalm are actually easy to follow and could be tested on your school or UAC.
8.) That people like me who theoretically have everything should be booted in the head. people's dads, mums, brothers, sisters etc have actually died this yr or been really ill. I ain't got sh*t on that.
9.) that filling in an access form actually makes you feel pathetic, NOT yyyyyeeeha! i'm gone get me some extra points.
10.) having your monthly/weekly/daily self-pity rant and rave is NOT interesting at all to other people. nobody cares...
11.) that in 5 yrs time, people who did more work than me will probably be more succesfull... because they actually have motivation and qualities that translate into a career... whatevs i'm just gonna get me some video equipment and some lube, whose up for HSC (How to Suck Cock) class of 07 knows best, home-video porno?